Good question. I still write at Takimag, where I have just the right workload – two columns a week – to balance writing with my busy personal life of drinking and ruing.
But last week Takimag was hacked and the site was “frozen” for six days, because that’s how long it took God to create the world and apparently in 2023 that’s how long it takes to thwart a hack. So I says to myself I says, Sailer has VDARE and Retardo Misshapenstein (aka Ron Unz), Buchanan’s syndicated, Coulter’s got syndication plus Substack, and I’m the only one who, when Taki’s goes dark, gots nothin’ else.
I actually do try to put a little thought into each week’s column. So when two things I wrote last week vanished, it basically meant I wrote them for nothing.
Yeah, I get paid to write. Takimag pays well. But I’m not Gateway Pundit; I can’t just churn out shit for the money. And it really did bother me that an entire week’s worth of work went unseen.
There’s a reason I’ve never kept a diary or “journal;” I don’t write if nobody’s gonna see it. Only teen girls and serial killers do that.
And I’m definitely not a teen girl.
So with Substack, I’ll have an outlet should I ever again spend time and effort writing something that ends up flushed down the crapper. Also, I plan to use this for content that doesn’t fit into my Taki’s columns. Interesting odds-n-ends, full correspondences that I only excerpt at Taki’s, long-form pieces, short sharp pieces, bonus extras about each week’s column, reposts of stuff from my old defunct website, and hell, I may even take requests.
I’m not doing the paid subscription blarney. This content will always be free. BUT, every piece will have a link at the bottom – this link: – where you can kick in a few bucks by buying me figurative “beers” at $5 a piece (and you can enter as many beers as you desire. No pressure, but you can buy more than one).
So thank you for visiting, please consider subscribing, leave comments (which you can’t do at Takimag, so that’ll be kinda fun, won’t it? Won’t it?), and please inform me of any typos because I sure as shit won’t be putting as much effort into proofing these pieces as I do with the ones I get paid for.
Ol’ Dave
Glad youre here. You have a fearless writing style which is totally missing nowadays. And youre funny, which is also in low supply. Coulter can get in some zingers but it's always that passive-aggressive, look how smart I am, type of humor. Your is more pointed and vicious, i.e, better.
Dear Mr. Cole,
Here is an idea to get more beer money:
- Per month, collect a poll list of "readers' wanted topics" (by beer donations only)
- Run the poll by beer donation counts
- Write about the winning topic while drinking
I personally would like a follow up on Lt. Dan Band...