Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Mr Cole,

If you lose your Takimag gig please don't put a bullet in your head. I'd be happy to sponsor enough vodka to drink yourself to death. The good stuff, not some shit like Monarch brand.

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You're on!

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Oct 31, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

Hey Dave, It's hard to explain to anyone who hasn't lived it, but you might appreciate this movie theater experience when I lived in LA years ago. I saw an ad that the theater in Venice had a 50 cent Saturday matinee. I told all my friends about it and six of us went. I don't remember the movie but it didn't matter. We were the only white people there. It was an hour and a half of howling, yelling the N word, candy boxes and popcorn thrown everywhere, total mayhem.

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Culver City used to be that way. The old Culver Movie Theater (now the Kirk Douglas Theater) was where you'd go in 1986 if you wanted to not hear a fucking word on the screen. The gentrification of Culver City is one of L.A.'s great blessings.

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

Yeah, I lived in Inglewood then when the blacks made good on their promise to take it over. I used to tell people they could not image how bad it was until they had 'dwelt amongst the savages'. My best friend in High School his parents lived right by Centinela park (renamed Edward Vincent JR Park). Their house got broken into so many times his dad bought a console TV too big to carry off. The stealing wasn't enough. They would also take a shit on the coffee table now and then.

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California should thank the Mexicans for running off the black people. (Even though they are appalling racists for having done it)

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Dave's takes on the changing demographics are one reason I look forward to his articles. It's no surprise Mexicans displaced blacks, they have big extended families and several will go in a property. Two black relatives doing it, one will find a reason to stop making their part of the payments.

The last house I sold there had two RV spots with hook-ups. Mexican RE agent "Magdalena" and the first Mexican who looked at it bought it. I don't know how many families moved in but the buyer, a restaurant waiter, had his mother-in-law and uncle on the mortgage.

As Dave says, much better than the alternative. I lived in Mexico for 6 years and had a business and still have a house there. They are mostly pleasant and easy to get along with, albeit they still have half Aztec blood. I have some great stories.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Well, Dave, not to one-up you, but ... when I was graduating high school I was voted Most Likely Not to Shit His Pants and, dammit, I'm in my 40s now and I'm happy to report I've held true to this honor and distinction even through some troubling late night drinking sessions and gastric viruses. Not once have I gone number two in my undies. Small victories in life, sure, but I'll take it.

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To me, you're a hero!

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Your Taki´s article was brilliant. In it you prove that the whole Middle East problem is that the Arabs are sore losers.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Fran Drescher brings her stuffed animals to the negotiations and makes the suits and their people talk to them?! Oh my fucking god, that's hilarious. She still thinks she's Bobbi Flekman in This is Spinal Tap. "Money talks, and bullshit walks. And speaking of talking, here's Mr Hippo and he wants an across the board 24% pay increase for all residuals. What do you say to that, Reed Hastings, and please speak slowly because bullshit isn't Mr Hippo's native language."

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Love the backdrop Dave. Keep coming up with new ones. Put up the auction again.

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Thank you, my friend! Will do!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

C’mon Dave! Stroke that would be publisher’s ego (or whatever else he might need stroking) and get your foot back in the door!

They’re not going to let you back into the club without seeing and hearing you grovel a little.

Maybe pretend like you are an unknown and treat it like an “audition” (oh look! That’s actually a 1999 horror film)

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What would Dawn Welles/Erin Doherty do? I mean besides get cancer

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

I just thought that every item would get to such a high price that my low ball would be insulting. Had I known that all the subs were as cheapass as me I would have offered. Do it again Dave. Whats up with self publishing anyway?

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Self-publishing isn't feasible if you're banned on Amazon. Yeah, I could self-publish...then sell from my garage, with no infrastructure for manufacturing & distribution. I ain't David Irving! I have too much self-respect to do that.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

I definitely picked up on that black dynamite "sell drugs to the community" in some of your articles, at least subconsciously, that's my favorite type of humor & translates well to text. I've seen black dynamite so many times I can basically quote the whole movie. About it being a satire, everyone I've shown it to has loved the movie & most of them have never really been exposed to blaxploitation films.

The sincerity of the way the lines are delivered are really what sells the movie, like that response I just mentioned, he seemed genuinely taken back lol. I don’t know it's just has this seriousness about it & the timing of everything that makes it so funny. I think those things alone make it amazing let alone that it's a satire spoofing other blaxploitation movies. It really reminds me of madtv which I loved because it was so ridiculous. Shame they never made a sequel, I didn't care for the animated show on adult swim at all.

As for dark city I often forget that it's sci fi until the end, I always think of more as a noir / horror / thriller movie, that's really what I like about it anyway.

Oh and my name on here is a reference to the fictional arab who wrote the necronimicon in HP lovecraft's cthulhu mythos. I'm obsessed with that shit.

Anyway thanks for the video, it's great seeing you do regular videos again, I'll buy you a beer again soon I promise, just got my car fixed so I'm broke as shit at the moment. The geniuses who designed my car decided it'd be a good idea to not have a key lock on the trunk & my options were pay out the nose to get the electrical redone all the way through the car to make it functional again or have a permanently unlocked trunk that gives total access to the cabin of the car. I wasn't comfortable with anyone being able to pop my trunk & access the entire car, so that cost me a pretty penny.

I'm shamelessly bitching about this to anyone who will listen as a coping mechanism. For anyone who read this far I apologize for wasting your time & also thank you for reading my rant, misery loves company as they say.

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We definitely have a shared love of Black Dynamite. Ever since I first saw it, any time I get the opportunity to say "sarcastically I'm in charge," I do it. When I did a few events with Coulter in 2018, and someone would enter the venue and say "who's the guy in charge here," that's always how I'd respond. Nobody got the reference, which was fine with me.

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"Nobody got the reference, which was fine with me."

That is so funny man, my best friend & I are so obsessed with the movie we do the same thing with quotes from the movie & it always wooshes over people's heads which makes it funnier to us. We're always figuring out ways to incorporate quotes into our conversations, he's in the navy so every time he comes back from leave every few years & we HAVE to watch it together.

He was just back which why it was fresh on my mind, not at all halloween related but I just had to ask. That's awesome that you're a big fan of the movie too, what are the odds? Glad I asked you about it, nobody I know knew about the movie until I showed them, small world I say.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Regarding food deliveries, living in LA as you do, I've learned the hard way to only order from restaurants that are within a 1.5 mile radius of my place. Ideally within a mile. And actually, the first time I used GrubHub I do remember opening the door and seeing a truly beautiful girl (white, blue eyes, blonde) delivering the food. I was shocked -- what are YOU doing here?? But since then, every human has been getting progressing more unattractive and ethnically mysterious, and almost always male.

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That DoorDash babe was the one n' only hot delivery girl I ever got. Most drivers I get are indeed male, but I once got a Laquesha (who was quite friendly, actually), and a couple of Persian-looking chicks. Oh, and a tiny Asian chick who added an unnecessary step to the grocery delivery by taking the bags out of her trunk, placing them on the poo-filled median strip grass, then bending down to bring each one in, one at a time. Putting aside the idiocy of putting food in poo-grass, the moron added the step of taking OUT of trunk, bending down to put them ON ground (five times), then bending down again (five times) to lift OFF ground, then walking to my door. She could have just gone trunk-to-door, no bending, no poo.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

The one Asian girl whose UCLA application was NOT rejected by affirmative action policies.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Happy Halloween!

It's always great to see you. I enjoyed the video but, Dave you missed my movie questions >:(

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Damn!!! Yeah, I'm sorry - I was so swamped, I just didn't have the time to go back and look at older posts. Can you post them again here? Or in a Twitter DM? I will NOT miss them again!

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S'all good, sir. No need for apologies. Thanks in advance.

1. Romero wrote an original screenplay about the Resident Evil game which was never made into a movie. Have you ever taken a peak at it? If so what are your thoughts on it? https://www.dailyscript.com/scripts/resident_evil_romero.html

2. Why wasn't Martin as successful as the rest of the Romero films even though it had interesting and realistic notions on vampirism?

3. Your script gets greenlit to be made but you have to choose one of these great directors to direct your script. Who would you choose?

Paul W. S. Anderson

Uwe Boll

Rob Zombie

Tommy Wiseau

Vincent Gallo

The Wachowskis

4. Did you get to see the film, The Menu (2022) with Ralph Fiennes? Why do I feel like this revenge idea has been done before?

5. Have you seen Yuri Bezmenov's interview talking about "ideological subversion or active measures"? What are your thoughts on his views? And is America today suffering from this?

6. Have you seen an edited video which shows a montage of all the anchormen of big news corps almost uttering the same words and phrases? Is it real? If so what's the deal with that?

7. Will you ever do another Vodcast with Beaky? I had the idea of you doing a tier list of all the camps, ranking them from best to worst. Since you're the expert on the subject and I don't think anyone else has ever done this before so I think it'll be both entertaining for you, your hosts and the audience.

8. Do you have any favorite animated films?

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Dave, you mention Downfall at the end of the video... just recently I stumbled upon an earlier version of the final days of Hitler story called The Bunker in which Anthony Hopkins played Hitler. Have you ever seen that? I believe it was a two or three part TV movie made in the early 1980s, and I must say I thought it was pretty well made. Hopkins does a good Hitler too, perhaps not as good as Bruno Ganz did but his must be the best English-language portrayal of Hitler.

YT link: https://youtu.be/DpH9lXP0DW0

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Hopkins' Hitler Bunker film sits right in the middle, between Downfall (high end) and the 1973 Alec Guinness bunker film "The Last Ten Days of Hitler" (low end). Guinness' version of the "Steiner counterattack meltdown" scene was so calm and mannered (plus he didn't even attempt a German accent), it really makes you appreciate Ganz's full commitment to the bit.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

I look forward to every one of Dave's Taki's articles. Substack Dave I haven't quite figured out yet. It's a bit of an uncanny valley to see someone who sort of thinks like me and even sort of looks like me, and someone who I could see myself as if I had all day to drink. Even uncanny is the Scotch, except my Elixir of the Gods is Glenfiddich when I splurge, which isn't often now that it's $70 a bottle.

One thing to dislike about the new normal is how hard it is now to find anything on Google. Not just the sponsored results, but also all the regime narrative results for anything related, telling you what you're supposed to think about what you're trying to find before you get to it.

It isn't surprising that "Taki's" returns several results for Taki's the Mexican snack company. But 25 results for every Taki's snack iteration and even Taki's restaurants have a higher search ranking than Taki's Magazine? Comon, seriously: Ann coulter, David Cole, John Stossel, Stephen Moore, Steve Sailer, Taki, and Theodore Dalrymple?

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

Even non political searches on google are completely filtered, I've lost count of how many times I've searched for something innocuous & gotten unrelated results that always go to their cherry picked websites.

They've messed with the algorithm so much that they've broken it's basic functionality & since google services across the board have been steadily declining I suspect it's not purely because of censorship but also because of the diversity embrace that they're going to shit.

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My phone makes me fully spell “Chauvin” every time I write it, and I write it a lot

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

I know how that goes my phone has ton of words it refuses to learn & yet it will remember misspelled words for some reason, it's a mild form of torture lol.

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Keyword: Takimag

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

Obviously. Taki's magazine as well. Google tailor's search results on browsing history. I frequently look up the site so would expect to see it at least, the point being it's a conservative site. More and more of these require specific wording.

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Good point. There are malevolent forces at work. I’m serious

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Install Brave browser and use its search. Happy new year!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

I’ll buy you a beer on Thursday! (I went a little nuts this month) but!! BUT!!! I want that date! (You + me + alcohol + video chat = good times)

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You're on, my beautiful friend!

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by David Cole

Oh god! Dave! I’m so so sorry! I wanted to bid! I forgot all about the video! Are you gonna do it again?! I’ll buy something! Fuck bidding, I’ll just buy something! (Look, I just lost out on this fantastic necklace… I don’t wanna lose any more items to bidding! I’ll buy it! Tell me what you want for it, and I’ll just buy it!) what the hell is wrong with me! Shittiest fan ever! I’m so sorry!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

Dave, you were joking about West Hollywood. I had a friend who managed a motel just off Hollywood Blvd near Vine. One night we got the bright idea to go skinny dipping in the motel pool. It's midnight no one around, right, except we weren't thinking about the clientele. It didn't take long. Out they came on the second floor balcony, "Hey boys, can we come in and join?" We skedaddled out of there fast.

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LOL! I always knew about WeHo, but (because I usually avoid the Valley) I didn't know that the Sepulveda Basin tunnel is a gay makeout spot. I was killing time there 20 years ago, hiking the trail, and I literally walked into a scene from Dante. Took off like the Flash (as a bunch of men flashed me like the Flash).

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Nov 1, 2023·edited Nov 1, 2023

I was a little naïve. My (relative) lives in Hollywood and works for a studio, name redacted. At a family gathering a while back he introduced me to his "partner" who is a producer. I'm thinking business partner until they started adjusting each other's collars while gazing lovingly at each other. (Should have seen it coming, he would throw a tantrum if he didn't get a Little Pony on Christmas like the girls)

You'd know the producer if I said the TV show. This love story took a bizarre turn when it came to parenting, an egg donor in south America and a surrogate momma in Italy. That plan was scrapped over logistics and a new one was hatched ("conceived", Heehaw!). I don't ever see anyone in my family reading this, but out of deference I can't say how they accomplished it. Let's just say they got it done in-house, a "Biblical" twist I'd never heard of anyone ever actually doing in real life.

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