So then you believe the nazis made up food ration issues as to why they needed to liquidate 60%? To my knowledge German citizens were also starving? Also why attempt to hide it with topsoil? Why can’t we excavate at Treblinka due to Jewish traditions? What’s more important the truth or going against made up religious rules. “No geophysical methods will reveal conclusively what is below the soil - they do not detect human remains”. Yet this is also said in the same article “At Treblinka it is clear that the ash contains many bones. Bone fragments can still be seen on the surface of the ground, especially after rain.

Considerable evidence also exists to suggest that not all of the bodies were exhumed and cremated. Photographs show bodies littering the landscape as late as the early 1960s”.

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Your comment is jumbled. I'm happy to answer, but calm down, collect your thoughts, and state your questions clearly and rationally. I don't deal with fevered minds. I get that I'm defying your faith, but just stay calm and cool and be clear of thought.

Number your questions, and be sure that each question will make sense to someone who is not dwelling in your head. You need to learn to speak to those outside the cult.

Also, if you're going to quote an article, provide the link. Don't assume I automatically know it. As I said, I'm not inside your head.

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1) Do you believe the nazis made up food ration issues as to why they needed to liquidate 60% of the Jews as quoted by goebbels.

2) You refer to the nazis as being a superpower to explain how they could have burned and disposed of 700,000 Jews but they were losing the war. So they were killing/burning/disposing 600-1000 Jews per day? Ow how do you suppose they did it?

3) Why make such great attempts to hide it?

For quotes referenced earlier article listed below


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1) As is clearly stated in dozens of Nazi documents, there was a tug of war regarding the Jewish ghettos in Poland. The Wehrmacht was happy allowing them to continue as-is, as the ghetto workshops produced supplies for the army. The Nazi political officials in Poland, however, saw the ghettos as a costly eyesore and spreader of black marketeering and typhus. And the SS, which desired to eventually "Germanize" all of conquered Poland, saw the liquidation of the ghettos as a first step in that cleansing. So the Wehrmacht lost out, and the decision was made to transfer all laboring Jews to work camps, while non-laboring Jews would be sent to the Reinhard camps for "special treatment."

2) They did it the same way the UK government incinerated 1,884,999 livestock animals (cows mainly, then pigs and sheep) in only 55 days during the 2001 foot and mouth disease mass culling (https://www.takimag.com/article/flame-retardeds/). Open-air pits at specially-chosen burn sites, railway sleepers, accelerant. Done. And the burning began before the Nazis started "losing" in dramatic fashion. The Nazis were panicking, to be sure. But they were not yet in freefall.

3) A very silly question that can only come from someone who's never read a Holocaust book all the way through, or the collection of Goebbels diary entries. First, the mass-murder of Jews was always done away from the public eye. That's why the Reinhard camps were in rural eastern Poland. Second, when the Nazis found the Katyn graves and used them as propaganda on the world stage, Goebbels became panicked that as the Russians were retaking ground in the war, THEY might find Nazi mass graves. Goebbels did not want the Soviets to score the propaganda points that the Nazis had scored with Katyn. Also, several key Nazi allies -- Horthy and Mussolini especially -- wouldn't have been cool with knowing about Reinhard. And as Himmler stated at Posen, the SS knew that the German population wouldn't be behind the exterminations. Indeed, one argument the Wehrmacht used against the Einsatzgruppen was that the brutality against Jews was harming the morale of the non-SS army guys and civilians who witnessed it. So after 1941, any exterminations were kept discreet.

Please read a book, Rodgy. Memes can only take you just so far. I list three FREE books at the end of the essay. Please read them if this topic interests you.

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Though your agitated conviction of me is a bit embarrassing since the only reason I’m here asking you the questions because I find value in your knowledge and research. Why invest the time in the study of something to act like a prick when someone asks for you to rectify something on the subject. Yes those questions were provoked through online discourse and they were just rectified there too. No matter if you’re a single drunken depressed Jew I still value your opinion. Appreciate the response jerkoff.

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Hey, I didn't cuss once in my reply to you! I didn't call you "retard" or "Kallikak," nor would I. Grading on my curve, that qualifies my response to you as "respectful." When I'm disrespectful, I call names. But I didn't do that in your case, because I saw your questions as sincere and you'd done nothing to provoke any insults. Sure, one of your questions was indeed silly, because it did clearly come from a lack of knowledge of the topic. But I still answered it. And I hope you came away with a better understanding of the historiography.

Remember, I'm pilloried every day with attacks from deniers. Every day. It wears on my nerves. It would wear on anyone's nerves. So again, grading on a curve, I gave you a respectful reply, and I'm happy for the back-and-forth.

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Thank you for that! I actually published a story about one of the "getaways" on my site https://wimdevriend.substack.com/ "Liesje and Jacob's War" is the title.

Unfortunately, for lack of responses, and although I have a lot more material to post, I'm giving up the effort. Maybe Substack has just too many writers.

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I was fortunate enough to be able to "import" much of my Twitter following to Substack when I initially launched it. But I'll certainly say, growth can be slow here (sadly, way too many dim bulbs see the "do you want to subscribe" intro screen and think the content's paywalled, so they click off). But stick with it! There may be a lot of writers here, but what we NEED is more GOOD writers!

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I should heed that advice, considering the source. BTW, some of your weekly summaries in TakiMag have made me laugh so hard, I shed tears.

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Nothing makes me happier to hear! Thank you, made my day.

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Greetings Dave ,

I send you warm greetings from late December here in Chicago .

IMO you should out all this “ holocaust “ stuff in the rear view mirror . There s nothing to be gained and lots f bad things on all sides happening by getting up each day obsessing about “ The Holocausts “

One no fun ha wite group I recommend we stay away from is the Willis Carto Spotlight , Liberty Lobby - named after the J Israel attack on the USS Liberty on 1967 .

Yes on that 1967 day Js in Israel and ( Pat Buchanan) their “ Amen Lobby in the USA did some murderous things to mostly ha wite Americans on that naval ship .

On another day Je& terrorist Menachim Begin and others in the J Irgun terrorist group ( Rahm Emanuel’s father ) bombed the King David Hotel in Jerusalem in then ha Wite British mandate Palestine ( ~ 1947) slaughtering scores of British and driving the British out of Palestine /Israel.

Algerian Arabs in the FLN did the same to Pied Noir French Algerians , all Europeans and d also slaughtered all the Arabs they thought were fighting for the French .

So IMO it s not worth your time or anyone else s time here waking up obsessing about the Holocaust .

It leads to sh&” like that Manhattan Jewess Assistant DA , cult Marxist ha Wite hating Israel born and mis raised Lesbian leading a Purim style persecution on Daniel Penny in NYC subway.

I know 100% sure that Daniel Penny is not in any way responsible for any Jewish atrocities in Eastern Europe during World War II!

Hey Dave , you and I ( me NyC, Chicago ) have spent a lot of time on and around rough , crazy , dangerous Black Males . Be honest , if you or I was on that New York Subway and that crazy Black guy got on the train and lousy announced he was going to kill people on the trail, wouldn’t t we like to have sone Ha Wite guy like Daniel Penny tackle the murderous Black maniac and restrain him ?

I think you should consider contacting mire responsible Je&ish organizations and J people in New York City and work to remove thus ha Wite hating , UGLEE Je&ess lesbian raised in Israel and remove her from office and prevent her from persecuting any more White Heroes like Daniel Penny .

Why not switch your subjects for something less negative like Hollywood scandals - wholesome ( not always ) Midwestern White Girls that come to LA /Hollywood to try to make it as models , actresses and end up drug addicted or dead .

That s my opinion


In Chicago

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David can quote all the German officials who said there was an extermination protocol in the camps until the cows come home.....Bottom line....If the Reinhardt camps were "extermination" camps how were the people in them exterminated? There were NO homicidal gas chambers anywhere in Europe, so please explain how you exterminate several million people with no device to do it with. David never as far as I have seen, talks about the HOW the people were exterminated. He wants us to believe the POOF theory. Sorry David we need more proof than that.

Jim Rizoli

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Donahue tried to embarrass you and I don't blame you for walking off his joke of a show. The audience was all hand picked and it probably wasn't hard to get people who were emotional about the supposed history of the jews in Europe. For me you did very good investigative work and asked pointed questions and your opponents squirmed as they tried to defeat your arguments. There is no way anybody could understand what you have been through because of what you have investigated and shown to the world. I don't think you could let people know exactly what has gone on in your personal life and I appreciate what you have given people with the truths you uncovered. I have to say that I am a little taken aback by what seems like something of a 180 from you now, but again, I haven't walked in your shoes. Your work on the gas chambers is plenty and I am not a person who would ever wish violence on innocent people. Bad things happen in wars, but that doesn't mean that the truth should be hidden. I guess you were kind of a hero in a way because you spoke truth to power and you revealed so many who were complicit in the lies.

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"I am a little taken aback by what seems like something of a 180 from you now."

Can you be specific? People say this to me all the time and they can never cite a single specific instance of it. I'm not asking out of anger; I'm asking because I'm genuinely curious to see if you'll at least try to cite one specific "180" on my part.

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Sure, and keep in mind that I am looking at it from the perspective of your time with the revisionists back from the days of your documentaries at the concentration camps and the days when you were on the talk shows and then skipping all the way to now, so I am sure that there is a lot I have missed. On the shows you really had a strong sense of truth vs main stream talking points and they really laid it on thick with the talking points and they appealed to emotion over your facts. In this conversation above with the correspondant in the article I guess it feels like you are on the other side of the fence a little bit, not in regards to emotion vs facts but rather that maybe now you think that the jews were systemattically killed rather then died mostly due to illness. I read it once through but I admit I skimmed some of it but I read about the letters where officers directly spoke about killing large numbers of people in the camps. The numbers were still very high, so it starts to look like they were being exterminated after all in your view and also that you believe the papers to be authentic and that others believed them to be authentic. I guess for me seeing you back when, and then now, it seems like you may be leaning back towards the idea that the jews specifically were indeed systematically killed in numbers getting close to the original 6 million mark which you said on Donahue was too high.

Personally, when I see people speaking truth to power, I know that they are doing a great service to mankind. In no way would I ever condone people being exterminated or genocided. It is very interesting to read about the papers you mentioned and if jews were killed off in such large numbers it is very terrible. My understanding of your stance now is that they weren't gassed, but that they were killed in other ways.

Thank you for replying and I am certain that I am overlooking plenty in regards to your opinions.

I also want to reiterate that watching you destroy liars to their faces, especially when many of them knew they were lying, was great. People like me rely on people like you for truth and the world benefits from it. I like to think that I don't know everything and I am always open to learning the truth. For me, it seems like the letters could be authentic but possibly not, so I am sure I will look into it.

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I must admit I was shocked to learn that you had "recanted" your revisionist theories on the actual Jewish plight of WW2. I watched your video years ago. (FYI, the polish camp tour guides were obviously suspicious) So, I've been following along. But I can't quite find the correlation between someone who "officially recanted", and how you respond when questioned. To be frank, you kinda just seem like someone who has been either brainwashed or terrified into changing their mind. Or paid. It doesn't matter, in any case.

You ask this man to provide you proof of 2 million jews relocated east? What about the Havaara agreement with palenstine? The creation of Israel 2.0? No one's denied jews were killed in war, many others too though. War is hell. They deny the 6 million number. That 6 million jews were gassed by evil Germans for no reason other than being poor, innocent people of Jewish faith. And after the war? When German families were kicked off their own farms, and their homes given to jews? Is that not proof of relocation? Over 5 million Germans, who had nothing to do with the war, were forced out of their homes, which were given to jews, and on a death March to soviet Russia. Mostly women and kids. Where are their reparations? Germans who did nothing wrong are still persecuted TODAY. But no one gives a shit about them.

You seem stuck on the matter of how many jews died between 1940-1943. A revisionist looks at the entirety of history, not just a few specific years. Which I'm sure you have done. And you would know about the ethnic cleansing of Germans in the years leading up to WW2. The "Killing field" of German scholars found, etc. I digress. Have you ever considered why no other country would take the jews, when Germany asked? Or why they've got no homeland of their own? Why have they been expelled from every country on the planet at one point?

Here's some history; In 1215 the Roman Catholic Hierarchy held the Fourth Lateran Council. The main topic under consideration was Jewish aggression in all the countries of Europe. They also drew up, and

passed Decrees, designed to put an end to usury and the Jewish practice of using

unethical methods in traffic and trade to obtain unfair advantage over Gentile competitors, and

to curb corrupt and immoral practices. They refused to abide by the decrees. In 1253 they were expelled from France for this reason. In 1275, England passed The Statutes of Jewry. They

cannot be classified as Anti-Semitic because they protected the interests of honest and

law-abiding Jews. But again, the law wasn't followed. So in 1290, they were expelled. In 1306 France again expelled the Jews. In 1348 Saxony followed suit. In 1360 Hungary; in 1370

Belgium; in 1380 Slovakia; in 1420 Austria; in 1444 The Netherlands; in 1492 Spain, in 1495 Lithuania expelled the Jews. In 1498 Portugal; in 1540 Italy; in 1551 Bavaria. What's interesting is 1492 is when America was "discovered". What luck, after they'd been expelled from every country, to find a brand new one! Also interestingly, after these expulsions, Europe exited the dark ages and began the enlightenment period. The Renaissance period only began after Europe had reclaimed control of their economies.

Now, Germany after WW1. The Versailles Treaty, which was signed by Jewish politicians in Germany, kinda fucked the germans over. So, they wanted to regain economic control, which they did for a while, but no country would take them. Wonder why. I'm sure you know all this though. So, when a revisionist, as you called yourself, is only stuck on a number, there's an issue there. Anyone with a brain can see a lie that big. What the issue is, however, the reality of WHY jews were persecuted throughout human history. And this is why. And I say this as someone whom, like you, probably suffers from the same cognitive dissonance of what I'm told, who i am, and truth. I'm half ashkenazi, my grandparents fled Hungary due to Jewish persecution. So it's been fun to be called an anti-semite, or a traitor, when I know I'm not. But, I'd rather stick to the truth than own outright a home in Beverly hills. And I believe in a fair playing field. Not much pride in a win when only one side knows the game plan, is it?

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"I'm half ashkenazi, my grandparents fled Hungary due to Jewish persecution."

Do you know that 300,000+ Hungarian Jews were taken in cattle cars to Birkenau, with a simple pail as a toilet for a car full of 70+ people, and that they if they were then deemed "unfit for work," they were then forced to strip naked in front of hundreds of strangers of all sexes and ages, and forced into a gas chamber, and murdered with Zyklon-B? And do you know that their bodies were then dragged out of the gas chamber and cremated, and their ashes scattered where no one can even know where those ashes are?

Or do you think that's a fable?

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CONTINUE HERE people (link below), especially in the comments section, the refutation section so to speak. The problem is that Cole's ego is always in the way out here, it is a funny and entertaining thing at times, at another time it sticks in your eyes though (traumatized by idiots?), being in need of attention and providing entertainment it is also most distracting when it comes down to facts and proper research, when we are in the mood for that.


Cole can handle a debate with a person like Beau, it makes him triumph, and it is indeed entertaining.

Consider the subject 'beyond Bestserved Cole'.

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"CONTINUE HERE people (link below), especially in the comments section, the refutation section so to speak."

It's not possible to perform "refutation" of historical facts.

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I realise it’s hard to make money from book sales when you’re banned from Amazon, but you and Mark Weber should write a book together, even if it’s just a compendium of what you’ve already written about the topic.

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Hallo David, one further comment on this thread, if I may: I've just finished listening to your fascinating 2016 dialogue with Lana Lokteff of Red Ice (archived on her 3:14 radio website) and it seems to me that in admirably striving to be rigorously objective you left that venerable lady (for all their occasional errors of fact and judgement, the Red Ice duo do seem to be very decent human beings) with the impression that since Auschwitz was not a death camp nor were any of the others. Yes, I know you mentioned Treblinka and Sobibor to her in passing, but your reference was fleeting and vulnerable to ambiguity. My fear is that like so many on what I would consider to be 'my side' of the political argument (i.e., two points to the right of Genghis Khan) Lana then went away thinking the Holocaust itself was a lie.

Where the Jewish people are concerned, I've laboured in vain to convince ethno-nationalists that attacking various Jews for malicious anti-European influence is in reality not just a stinking red herring but also a total waste of time. OK, Soros isn't our biggest buddy ever, but the sad fact is that it's whites who believe in multiculturalism, whites who vote for it, whites who are terrified of the reality of race and its stark implications for national sovereignty.

In this context, we seem to be the first race on the face of the earth who successfully 'saw through' themselves and doubted themselves out of existence! How and why this happened is, of course, the stuff of innumerable essays over the past decade. However, the real issue today surely is: not to keep analysing it but to stop it - since, in their current impotent mood, whites are quite capable, it seems to me, of discussing the moral virtues, pros and cons, etc, of the firing squad they are facing... ('well, looked at in one light, it could fairly be argued that if anyone should be shot it should be me... etc, etc").

Anyway, thanks again for your sober, illuminating and intellectually compelling analysis of the Holocaust. This tragic subject really does seem to be a litmus test of people's sanity, let alone their capacity to reason!

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Don't nitpick old shows; it's petty. At the time I was promoting my book which had my full thesis in it. Those podcasts were spontaneous and off-the-cuff, and unless you've done as much of that shit as I have for 33 fucking years - TV, radio, podcasts - you have neither the ability nor the right to say "ooooh, you said something too fleetingly." These things are not important enough for me to spend four hours of prep work pre-show and rigorously structure my statements in advance like an athlete timing himself in practice races. I call in, the host asks me questions, I hang up, and I forget I even did it. It's not fucking canon. Canon is/was my book. Yes, I'm more careful now that my book is off the market, as I can no longer direct listeners to a single source for my full views. But you're listening to a seven-year-old podcast appearance and nitpicking it? Studying it under a microscope, saying "this was too fleeting" and "this might've left an air of ambiguity in the mind of the host?" I love my readers but Jesus Christ use your time on this earth more wisely.

No offense.

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Fair points all. I'll get back to my poetry and another 100 years of solitude 😎. In truth, it wasn't my intention to nitpick, rather to solicit your opinion with regard to Red Ice (probably you don't have one). Anyway, as a codicil, it seems to me that the Holocaust, like Climate Alarmism, is one of those subjects that defines the state of one's critical faculties: one clings to an argument not because it's true but because one's weltanschauung depends on it. Indeed, on such subjects most people exhibit a tangible pride in their lack of objectivity! Could it be, then, that real objectivity is only for the brave? - precisely because it constantly threatens one's sense of self.... Add to this the painful punishments doled out to those who conspicuously dare to be objective, and you have the sort of psychological warfare you and others like you have endured (for the most part alone) over these past decades. Great good wishes to you from a beleaguered, benighted Blighty.

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I hope I didn't come off as too harsh. I honestly meant no offense, James. I do very much appreciate you as a reader! And your input is always welcomed.

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No problem at all, David and thanks for your kind message. Whilst in nowise as war-worn as you, I'm an old dog in the on line arena. All continuing power to your venerable arm. Right side of history and all that! (and thank heavens for Takimag).

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Man, this turned into the weirdest fucking comment thread on Substack, not to say your page. Why with some people is the Holocaust either a total hoax or it's gotta be 6 million dammit!

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Exactly. It's become a war between two equally intolerant extremes. I'm the only guy in the middle still churning out work that doesn't conform to either "side." Pointless endeavor, to be sure, but I guess we all gotta fill time 'til death.

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"Exactly. It's become a war between two equally intolerant extremes. I'm the only guy in the middle still churning out work that doesn't conform to either "side." Pointless endeavor, to be sure, but I guess we all gotta fill time 'til death."

While waiting around 'til death, I suggest you review the evidence, and see and admit your errors regarding the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau...that they existed, and were unquestionably used to kill more than 500,000 people.

To someone truly interested in the truth, the murder of 500,000+ people is worth devoting a fair amount of time to.

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No response(s) from you so far, David. So here are my questions for you:

Rudolf Hoess, the Commandant at Auschwitz, signed an affidavit on May 15, 1946, a month after he testified in Nuremberg, that he was involved in the gassing of over 1 million people at Auschwitz-Birkenau.


Further, in his memoirs, he describes very clearly Crematorium 1 in Auschwitz 1 (i.e. the crematorium in the original main camp, not Bunker 1 or Bunker 2, or Crematoriums II, III, IV, and V which were all used to execute people with Zyklon B over in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Specifically, on pages 146 and 147 of the book Commandant of Auschwitz, he wrote:

"I have a clearer recollection of the gassing of nine hundred Russians which took place shortly afterwords in the old crematorium, since the use of Block 11 for this purpose caused too much trouble. While the transport was detraining, holes were placed in the earth and concrete ceiling of the mortuary. The Russians were ordered to undress in an anteroom; they then quietly entered the mortuary, for they had been told they were to be deloused. The whole transport exactly filled the mortuary to capacity. The doors were then sealed and the gas shaken down through the holes in the roof. I do not know how long the killing took. For a long while a humming sound could be heard. When the powder was thrown in, there were cries of "Gas!", then a great bellowing, and the trapped prisoners hurled themselves against both doors. But the doors held. They were opened several hours later, so that the place might be aired. It was then that I saw, for the first time, gassed bodies in the mass."

How do you think your research adds to those words and writing of Rudolf Hoess, since he was Kommandant of Auschwitz in 1942 and 1943--and in fact returned to lead the massive operation of gassing approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews from May to August 1944...and you didn't get there until 1992? (And apparently you hadn't even read the book, "Commandant of Auschwitz" before you went there.)

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Hi David,

I want to do questions "off the record," but you didn't send me any email I know about over the weekend.

I think what happened at Auschwitz in WW2 is incredibly important. And what I think happened at Auschwitz-Birkenau from 1942 to January 1945 is hundreds of thousands of people were murdered in gas chambers by Zyklon B.

I'm at a loss about what to do. I think I *owe*--and every single person on the planet *owes*--those hundreds of thousands of people murdered at Auschwitz, at the very least, an acknowledgement that they were murdered.

Any suggestions? Should I just ask my questions to you about Auschwitz here, "on the record"?

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hey dave.

was wondering if you have run across any of the correspondence of those who thought it was a great idea to put people in jail for questioning history?

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Hi David,

I hate to bother you, but I have a few questions that I'd like to ask you "off the record." Would you please contact me at my gmail address, which is my last name then my first name without any periods or spaces or underlines)?

Thank you,

Mark Bahner (Durham, NC)

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Please allow me to indulge...

"1942: Goebbels writes in his diary, “The 60% of non-laboring Polish Jews are being liquidated. It’s being handled by the head of Aktion Reinhard in a manner so ghastly I won’t describe it further. It’s barbaric but justified. Not many Jews will be left.”

I quote:

"March 27, 1942 (pp. 147-148)

Beginning with Lublin, the Jews in the General Government are now being evacuated eastward. The procedure is a pretty barbaric one and not to be described here more definitely. Not much will remain of the Jews. On the whole it can be said that about 60 per cent of them will have to be liquidated whereas only about 40 per cent can be used for forced labor. "



No mention of Aktion Reinhard here, is this the same diary entry, different translation? Goebbels also seems to repeat himself regularly, or the Reinhard mention could be an entry which is left out in my source, the 60 percent number being a coincidence?

All quotes under the header of 'Contemporaneous documentary evidence', and 'Contemporaneous Nazi documents that mainstream historians and revisionists agree are genuine', exact source please, so we can serve you better...

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David - what is your explanation for why Jews and Gentiles never seem to get along? I suppose another way to phrase the question is, what is the source of antisemitism?

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