Growing up in LA County you are one of the only commentators who seems to understand that place. So many people have no idea what the fuck they are talking about.

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"I’m not gonna break my ass proofing these."

My brother in Moses, Abraham, and Isaac: you've only to ask and I'll happily edit anything you need, perhaps even at friend prices—which usually means free, as long as you've kept your bloviating to a tolerable length that day.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

Long time reader of yours at Takimag and was wondering what happened to your column about the Unibomber and how he once sought to transition?

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

I kept checking Substack to see if you had written anything. Nice to have you back. More, please.

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The Tooth Collector:

Dave Cole is a retired Hollycaust Reenactor living quietly in his Beverly Hills manse, concerned with nothing greater than satisfying his niggardly nature by defrauding merchants, when his heretofore unknown of mixed-ethnicity daughter (half Polish, half Cole-ish) arrives. Soon, AT&T henchmen appear, ostensibly to install fiber optic cable, but actually, tipped off by Dave’s perfidious tree Bean, to uncover Dave’s vast subterranean Toothopolis, where he hides all the teeth from every cremation in LA County. Dave must use all the knowledge and skills acquired in his past life to build a death camp as a final solution to exterminate his enemies, only this time the DOORS OPEN OUT

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

Pleasure to read as usual. I think the optics of Fran Drescher as the public face of the SAG is like if there was a comic strike and the public face was Dane Cook (I would've said Carrot Top but that dude is jacked and he'd snap me in half with his pinky finger).

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

Please keep these up!

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by David Cole

I think Ron Perlman’s face was generated by AI. I can totally imagine Perlman eating pizza with his chin in the Pepperoni Hug Spot commercial. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qSewd6Iaj6I

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Explaining the whole Pro-Putin, anti Israel thing - I know a number of these people personally, and they fall into a couple of camps. Well 3, which is more than a couple, but I ain't proofreading either.

1. "Iz da Juice! Da Juice are making the frogs gay, and only Putin can stomp 'em! Zelenskee is a Juice!" In other words, the usual low-brow anti-semitism that blames Jews for everything from hangnails to bad Yelp reviews.

2. Eastern Orthodox Rad-Trads. Putin is manly and anti-gay. He is the moral bulwark against the US / Israeli / EU Axis of Antichrist. And there are some Eastern Orthodox who have this old notion that somehow Mother Russia is bound up with saving the world, if you read Revelation in just the right candle-light. Putin also backed Assad, and Assad protected the Syrian Christians (who are also Eastern Orthodox) from the Isis nutjobs, and from other other Arabs, whereas every US intervention in the Middle East harmed Christians there.

3. The West is irredeemably corrupt, and only Many Putin can oppose it (this has some overlap with #2, but different distinctives). Israel is seen as part of the West. Obviously Biden orchestrated this war to protect Hunter, etc. Casual anti-semitism coupled with blaming the US for causing every war.

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Jul 21, 2023Liked by David Cole

Right after this week's Taki article about the Covid origin theories you published (science vs savages, as I like to say) a whole batch of BOMBSHELLS were released by Taibbi, Shellenberger, et al, which to be fair do show how fucking two-faced the CDC people and Fauci were during the pandemic, but again, there still lacks the actual hard evidence which is so frustrating. I'd dearly love to know -- REALLY know -- but until we get genuine evidence of the lab leak, what can we do but assume the virus appeared the same way they always do, which you correctly point out, is from their disgusting practice of shitting where they eat and then eating the shit?? I've been to China and believe me, I walked through these wet markets and saw with my owns eyes some revolting thing. Dave, I swear, I saw a fully grown peacock being sold for food. A fucking peacock. In Shanghai.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

My favorite part of the 'Hollywood refusal to work' is the story I read about Universal Studios trimming back the trees along the picket route thereby denying the whingers, excuse me I meant work-shy, of shade on hot days. Classic.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

“ Steve Sailer’s been trying for six months now to measure her skull with his calipers, but he can’t get past security “ Now that’s funny!

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

Random musings are always best coming from a cranky old fuck like yourself. Please keep them coming.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

I'm looking forward to seeing you in your gimp mask ranting about jews & pete davidson in your next video upload, that's gonna be real fun.

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Hilarious stuff. I watched those two trailers. Jeezus.....they look like parodies of movies lol.

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Jul 20, 2023Liked by David Cole

Hi, Dave! Regarding your Covid article, Chris Martenson from Peak Prosperity has a compelling opinion on Covid's origin. He posted a video shortly after your article on Covid. Like you, I believe he's honest, unbiased, and a reliable source of information. If you're bored, check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixInD8k4D_w

It would be nice to know the truth, but we're still fucked whether it came from a lab or an animal, and nobody will ever be held accountable.

I'm still curious about the name of that porn star who stayed with you and how she and her brother are doing now. Hopefully, well, and no longer in the porn business.

And who's your favorite actor, actress, director, cinematographer, and non-zombie movie? And why? Perhaps include a few runner-ups.

I finally found something that I strongly disagree with you. I was beginning to worry. I'm no expert on foreign policy or anything for that matter. But I do have people I trust who are and make a compelling argument for Putin's actions in Ukraine and rightfully blame the United States for many of the existential threats we face as a nation and globally.

Thanks again for consistently brilliant, unbiased, and thought-provoking articles and commentary.

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