Nov 1, 2023Liked by David Cole

Really good flick and great narrative. Not what I was expecting but thought it was very well crafted and amusing.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by David Cole

Ah yes, my famous cousin David Benitez Cole from Guadalajara, MX, worked on this project. A truly gifted mf. But unfortunately 2012 seemed to be the peak of his career. The following year saw him get chainsawed to death in Sinaloa by a tall, anorexic Basque-derived woman who had a propensity for chihuahua bestiality.

Si guey, Rip my carnal, my primo

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LOL! Or perhaps I should say reír en voz alta.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

What a gem of a gift! Thanks Dave!! Happy Halloween my wonderful friend! Love you!

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Happy Halloween, beautiful!

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by David Cole

I needed a good laugh today. Thanks.

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My pleasure!

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Some of Angelina Jolie's best work

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You know, all that over dramatic acting is the way most people think nowadays.

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... including me, sometimes.

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Dave, I tried to send you a bottle of Glenlivet. There are liquor delivery outfits in LA but Taki's never got back to me if they had an office there. So I bought you five beers, more than reasonable for all the free content. No doubt influential people secretly read your Taki's column and don't tell their high-tone friends. You have insights on the disfunction of the Republican party and other issues found nowhere else.

One thing I want to ask since no comments at Taki's, is about this right wing/Palestinian love affair. I scan all the right wing news aggregators almost every day and subscribe to a lot of conservative sites, but I somehow missed that connection.

It's not that complicated: The good guys don't rape and dismember dead bodies. Am I a right wing outlier?

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The true origin of Kenny Golem. Can nothing stop this fiend?

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Never gets old. Haha!

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Hi Dave. I don't get why you stand for Israel (don't say "COME ON PLEASE", let me explain, plz).


[EDIT : too long boring stuff. You can read just the two last paragraphs]


I mean,

*you don't believe in judaism faith (that stuff created by Pharisians after the 2nd temple destruction. Not very related to faith of Moses IMO. Christianity here seems the legit heir)

*you are not married to a Jewish girl

*you don't live in Israel

*you fought bravely against ADL, Betar, and I guess other organisations.

TL DR : I don't see what's jewish in your life.

Maybe Antisemitic people always remaining you about your roots? Or rabbis remaining you the same thing? Or an aunt, like in this imagined dinner in this Woddy Allen movie with Martin Landau?

[Please, forgive me if you already wrote something on that matter🙏]

If I can speak about mines (of roots), my dad was named with the diminutive of Samuel, and his dad was named Haim, from Constantinople (I guess he escaped the Kemal revolution). I have a picture of him in a stalag (numeroted XI) (I don't understand how he escaped the camps. My mom, divorced since 45 ans with my dad) guessed he had false ID, but I don't but it. He had a caricatural jew face.).

Whatever, he married a non jewish french girl.

I regreqt to not have new him a lot. He died in 1980, I was 8. I remember him with short details : the flat bread (called "azyme" in french), the object with the candles (don't know the english name), and his way of seem so sad, with a sorrow voice, something which gave me high angst. My dad herited that sadness (and a strong far-leftism, Trotsky and so on..), which gave me even more angst.

Whatever, he was atheist, and my mom a usual catholic (that mean not very catholic. Still, I received religious teaching, but because it was made after Vatican II, it was just annoying goodfeeling platitudes).

Why I wrote that? Because even if mines are only 25%, I have, like you, some jew roots, but that didn't influenced my thoughts.

My opinion about Israel-Palestine conflict was for long for Israel, because of a principle I consider sacred : principle of nationalities (19th century, Napoleon III, etc, you probably know the main theory).

But I have turned more and more religious since some years. That, plus the attitude of french jewish community (and, by far more important : the disgusting and such cringy attitude of non-Jewish jewish-worshippers) made me change my mind. (but that don't mean I deny pro-Israeli arguments. I understand both side arguments very well. Something I never see (veeery rarely, at least) when I speak about that with other people on that topic)).

But my recent propalestinian view is quite lukewarm. I would be more enthusiastic for a Crusaders takeover. Even if I consider judaism (as faith) as disgusting and awful, that don't mean I consider islam as something good. (tbh, that faith seems extremely simplistic and "exhibitive" if I may neologize (2nd in a row!).

Are my views on this conflict biased with antisemitism? I'm afraid so (but that word is annoying. "antijudaism" fit so much better).

Is this antijudaism make me believe about the Super-plot of Super-Villainous jews? No.

Is it make me believe than global Jews's behavior is so unbearable than I can go full "FYA. The hell with Israel"? Yes.

As I said, my views on religion changed entirely my views of the world. I can of course be wrong, but my intuition is as follow : The further we move away from Christianity, the more immorality thrives. And the more immorality prospers, the more the Jewish community prospers, and the more non-Jews kiss said community's ass.

TL DR : what's happening in the western world right now is NOT because of evil jews/muslums/freemasons/banksters/stanists/aliens/leftists/women/LGBT/Blacks/Chinese.

It depend entirely of the right-wing white christian males. And consequently, because of sins like laziness, greed, cowardice, It’s all these people's fault.

Doesn't my conclusion very similar to many of your writings? 😆

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Belly laughs hilarious. I had forgotten what a "beard" was and had to look it up.

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Come on! Victor Frankenstein never went to Julliard....right?

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Thanks Dave!

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🤦‍♂️.. made it through 7mins of that torturous hell.. Thank God for volume control.. Wouldn't of been half bad if someone didn't have a major fixation with dicks and assholes..

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I made it through 14 words of your comment until I saw you write "wouldn't of" instead of "wouldn't have" and I realized you're mentally retarded and a great candidate for euthanasia. Fuck off and die, Dick Asshole.

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🤣🤣🤣🤣.. my apologies for not being grammatically inclined. I spend my time learning how things work and making a notable contribution to society.. You've at one point or another had my work in your hands, as well as millions of others. Same cant be said for your words.. But by all means please carry on with your jerking off to gay porn.. BTW, the torturous was me being sarcastic. I did find it humorous but the gay shit got old, obviously.

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Nov 1, 2023Liked by David Cole

"Gay shit" is not a sign of someone erudite, nor is claiming to be a great author while faux-humbly remaining anonymous. It's such poor taste to take a dump on someone unprovoked on their turf that you no doubt are just some poser.

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Doug, this "Scott" cretin is an anonymous nobody who trolls me. I get this shit ALL the time. These are basement-dwellers who'll live and die with nobody knowing they ever even existed. They pester their betters because the alternative is looking in the mirror and killing themselves in response to what they see. I love the line "You've at one point or another had my work in your hands, as well as millions of others. Same cant be said for your words." I'm pretty sure that I, with nearly two-dozen op-eds in the L.A. Times, a bestselling book, articles in every conservative publication, a weekly column for nine years, and (lamentably) videos from the 1990s that idiots share to this day, have had "my work" in the hands of way more people than this retard. And that's the key point right there: "retard." Everyone in the literary world considers "would of" and "should of" to be the best gauge of an inferior intellect. These are errors made by low-IQs who have no actual knowledge of language (they think phonetically, like dogs). So the real humor in this Rain Man's comment is that he makes THE single worst I Am Samism imaginable, then claims to be a bestselling author (masquerading as a no-follower Substack account...you know, so that we don't pester him for autographs).

This is why I hate doing this free shit. I hate being reminded that such smug stupidity exists. I don't mind stupidity; I date blonde bimbos. It's SMUG stupidity that kills me.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by David Cole

"(they think phonetically, like dogs)", LOL. No one with "credentials" would be stupid enough to try to validate themselves in a comments section, or need to. Love the clever prose in the cameo where he lets on he's a truck mechanic. Which is OK if he knew how to write a one-page letter.

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You're still my favorite jew on the entire planet.. Not sarcasm, sincerely.

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I thought Blacula was the spookiest film, ever made?

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