Dave -- first all, Merry Christmas and shut the fuck up about drinking yourself to death!! Do not do that, we need you. Fuck those weak ass publishers who don't have the stones to publish you. That fantastic clip of Coulter singing your praises is brilliant. God bless her and you too.
By the way, speaking of gout ... (sorry couldn't work in a smooth segue) this week a clip went viral of a Sudanese-Australian teenage sprinter named -- wait for it -- Gout Gout! The jokes write themselves with this guy, and I'm sure a David Cole penned Week That Perished would manage to cram in puns I can't fathom. Here's a clip of the unfortunately named youngster doing his thing: https://twitter.com/AthsAust/status/1864879745344901478
Merry Christmas, my LA Jewish brother from a much different mother. FWIW, I feel as though I read your "book" every week, a page or two at a time. I get it, you're a writer by training and temperament, with a message worth spreading, and those in combination should be remunerated like any other craft. Then again, Cervantes never had anyone buy him a beer via the Internet, so you're one up on that guy.
Neither one of which is "woke" or buys into "cancel culture."
Unfortunately I have no idea if they do advances.
All this is to say - keep trying!
The John Coffee Hays Club of Oakland, California will invite you to speak about your next book when it is published. You can bring copies for people to purchase and you can sign them. We've had best-selling authors as guests from David Goodwin (https://battlefortheamericanmind.com/) to Victor Davis Hanson (https://victorhanson.com/).
I have read the novel VICTORIA, which is also published by Castalia House. Bill helped me with my Master's Thesis on Maneuver Warfare. His ideas on how to reform the military have been controversial for decades but Pete Hegseth is still going to take a crack at them regardless. I don't know if Castalia House does book advances but if they do then David Cole ought to contact them.
Merry Christmas (and Happy Hanukah!) Dave! I won't say anything about "self-publishing", or "just keep trying", but I will say that we who love and appreciate you- REALLY do! I have new respect and appreciation for Anne Coulter for her willingness to stand up for you. She's def. fearless, and there are too few folks around who are! I hope you find some joy in this holiday season and the 2025 is exponentially better for you (hell, for all of us!) Thanks for all you give us! Please enjoy some really good burgers (and tart cherry juice!) Hugs-Kate
Hi Dave! As I was reading your Christmas message, I was lamentingly thinking to myself, "if only I had possession of the proverbial magic wand my friend would have his book deal this instant!" Obviously, I do not have said wand, for if I did you would be taking in royalties on a book deal and I would be sitting here right now with the 1987 version of Tawny Kitaen drinking champagne! With all that being said, who knows what 2025 willl bring. Sometimes something better than one's wishes come true. A very Merry Christmas, friend!
Happy holidays David! I truly hope your holiday season is filled with love and good food and friends! I for one, love the shit out of you, always have, always will, and with that said, I’ll fucking defend you to my dying day! (Not that anyone gives a shit about lil ole me, but nonetheless, this lil crazy Canadian gal will ALWAYS support my dear dear friend! To the fucking HILT!! Love ya Dave! Merry Christmas my friend, and I thank you for your friendship!
I love ya, Ash. You're the hottest, most kick-ass Canadian chick I've ever known. And it's indeed an honor to know you, my good friend. Merry Christmas to you, my beautiful pal!
The author who attempts to self-publish is like the guy who thinks he can represent himself in court. That old saying about having "a fool for a client" applies in both cases. The headwinds are just too much to overcome.
You are a uniquely talented writer and storyteller, Dave. I greatly appreciate your work. Those risk-averse publishers do not know what they are missing out on.
Your readers love you, including this loyalist here in Indianapolis.
Pot makes me dizzy. I lived with a pot-head porn star for two years. I can't write while high, but I write BETTER while drunk. That's why traditionally writer's drink and rock stars smoke. Pot lends itself well to music...not so much to the written word.
Dave can we please get another epic Xmas video like last year. The intro song, the drinking during the recording, and the epic story of the guy who got fired for refusing to take a dump in any place except his house. I'll buy you 10 beers if you drop that type of content.
Hey Dave … this is Jaye from Chicago , I ve bought you beers . I saw an Amazon Prime series that s fight up your alley - it s about pretty young ( Ha Wite) forks that come to LA to become Hollywood actresses and /or models and wind up getting sexually compromised or even dead . Have you considered writing under a pen name as a Hollywood insider for something like this series .
That s good Ann Coulter still likes you - she practically took my head off when I met her at a NY Christmas party
I have several high-profile friends but Ann's one of the few who'll publicly proclaim it. She's fearless. I love her for that.
Regarding writing under a pen name, I just can't do that, Jaye. It would mean tossing out my history. And the older I get, the more meaningful my history is to me.
We could just buy us an airline ticket, thereby dispensing with all that banishment nonsense. One question comes to mind, are we going to Inner or Outer Mongolia?
LoL. Kind of a well-deserved shot at the idea that all cultures are created equal.
But while I'm not sure of the provenance of this quote -- typically ascribed to Twain, it seems of some relevance:
“Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. To live a fulfilled life, we need to keep creating the 'what is next', of our lives. Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that is not why we are here.”
Seems that the trick is in deciding which ones are more real, durable, and valuable than others. Somewhat apropos of which, the classic "The Iceman Cometh":
Wikipedia: "The Iceman Cometh is set in New York in 1912 in Harry Hope's down-market Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house. The patrons, twelve men and three prostitutes, are dead-end alcoholics who spend every possible moment seeking oblivion in one another's company and trying to con or wheedle free drinks from Harry and the bartenders. They drift purposelessly from day to day, coming fully alive only during the semi-annual visits of salesman Theodore 'Hickey' Hickman."
If I was rich I'd publish your book and sell it direct; I lost my copy of Rep. Party Reptile in my move after hurricane Ida, and it drives me nuts knowing it's still out there.
Well, I should be in de islands, mon. But my friend Mike is having bad reactions to his chemotherapy,and we had to cancel. So it can always be worse. But at least I can buy ol’ Dave a few beers with the money I’m saving not buying stupid tropical drinks. Merry Christmas my friend!
Hi, Dave! Thanks for the update and for being consistent and a man of integrity. I also enjoyed the clip. And yes, I do appreciate your work more than words can convey. That said, I hope you live long enough for me to thank you beyond heartfelt comments if I survive my dire circumstances due to the consequences of a past I didn't choose.
Regarding gout, I have a custom health tips pdf I created for the models I worked with based on my 40+ years of research and observation. But I don't think changing your diet is a top priority. So, perhaps I can suggest an inexpensive supplement to help with your gout symptoms. Check out the link if interested.
I also recommend doubling the dose, drinking plenty of water, and eating a whole-food diet with quality protein and healthy fats (whey, eggs, beef, chicken, sardines, uncured bacon, butter, extra virgin olive oil, etc.).
My brother thought he "broke his toe" while sleeping somehow. When he went to the clinic it turned out to be gout. They gave him some medicine and told him to not eat too much protein. He had been eating a carbohydrate free diet for the previous year, nothing but large beef roasts, turkey breasts, pork shoulders. I think they will tell the author to not overdo the meat.
I've seen countless articles and podcasts about the benefits of a high protein, low carb diet ( based on double-blind placebo studies, meta-analysis, human participants, etc..). However, none suggested a connection to gout. The carnivore diet is all the rage today, and I haven't seen any comments about gout being an issue.
A healthy diet shouldn't be this confusing!
Based on my research, I prefer a balanced whole-food diet with lower carbs and interval fasting. It works for me!
I get the "broken toe" thing. Gout comes on as you sleep. You go to bed fine, you wake up thinking you pulled something or strained something or broke something. That's exactly how it happens. But regarding diet, and I've put in a LOT of work on this, it's not meat in general but fatty meats, lamb, etc., that supposedly contribute to gout. But not "dry" meats like lean steak, chicken, etc. That said, that couldn't have been a contributing factor in my case because I hadn't eaten fatty meats in years (I LOVE fatty meats, but I don't trust getting them delivered). I cut out fructose, which I traced to the start of my gout (I'd been in a sober period and drinking lots of fruit drinks). In my case, that seems to have helped. Beer is also not recommended, but I don't drink that anyway.
Hey Dave, stop the drinking yourself to death shit. We will have none of that. Every New Year's Eve my son and I reflect on the past year to see if it was any better. No, it wasn't. Then we get trashed and watch music videos until 4:30 am. But we do this reflecting because I like to believe in little glimmers of hope. Which means I'm either an optimist or a friggin moron. (Leaning towards moron) Acceptance is well and fine but we do need those little glimmers here and there. I'm keeping one for you because you deserve it. You entertain, inform, you make me laugh and I love you for all of that. Have a few beers on me and I wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah and a Raucous Saturnalia and just a glimmer of hope for a better next year.
Merry Christmas, Dave (and everyone else here)
And to you my friend.
Merry Christmas, Tom!
Dave -- first all, Merry Christmas and shut the fuck up about drinking yourself to death!! Do not do that, we need you. Fuck those weak ass publishers who don't have the stones to publish you. That fantastic clip of Coulter singing your praises is brilliant. God bless her and you too.
By the way, speaking of gout ... (sorry couldn't work in a smooth segue) this week a clip went viral of a Sudanese-Australian teenage sprinter named -- wait for it -- Gout Gout! The jokes write themselves with this guy, and I'm sure a David Cole penned Week That Perished would manage to cram in puns I can't fathom. Here's a clip of the unfortunately named youngster doing his thing: https://twitter.com/AthsAust/status/1864879745344901478
Oh that is TOO damn good! Thanks, Bill - that'll be in The Week for sure. Merry Christmas, buddy.
And thank you for the beers, Bill. You're a good friend.
Merry Christmas, my LA Jewish brother from a much different mother. FWIW, I feel as though I read your "book" every week, a page or two at a time. I get it, you're a writer by training and temperament, with a message worth spreading, and those in combination should be remunerated like any other craft. Then again, Cervantes never had anyone buy him a beer via the Internet, so you're one up on that guy.
Yeah, take THAT Cervantes! You dick!
I'm a military man and lately I've been reading a couple of books by William S. Lind (https://www.traditionalright.com/traditionalright-blog/president-trump-makes-a-brilliant-choice-for-secdef).
The Fourth Generation Handbook was published by Castalia House (http://www.castaliahouse.com/submission-formats/).
Reforging Excalibur was published by Arktos (https://arktos.com/about/contact/).
Neither one of which is "woke" or buys into "cancel culture."
Unfortunately I have no idea if they do advances.
All this is to say - keep trying!
The John Coffee Hays Club of Oakland, California will invite you to speak about your next book when it is published. You can bring copies for people to purchase and you can sign them. We've had best-selling authors as guests from David Goodwin (https://battlefortheamericanmind.com/) to Victor Davis Hanson (https://victorhanson.com/).
Don't give up!
I know Bill personally and have done a podcast with him. He's one of the most interesting people I know. Check out Victoria: A novel of 4GW.
I have read the novel VICTORIA, which is also published by Castalia House. Bill helped me with my Master's Thesis on Maneuver Warfare. His ideas on how to reform the military have been controversial for decades but Pete Hegseth is still going to take a crack at them regardless. I don't know if Castalia House does book advances but if they do then David Cole ought to contact them.
Merry Christmas (and Happy Hanukah!) Dave! I won't say anything about "self-publishing", or "just keep trying", but I will say that we who love and appreciate you- REALLY do! I have new respect and appreciation for Anne Coulter for her willingness to stand up for you. She's def. fearless, and there are too few folks around who are! I hope you find some joy in this holiday season and the 2025 is exponentially better for you (hell, for all of us!) Thanks for all you give us! Please enjoy some really good burgers (and tart cherry juice!) Hugs-Kate
Thank you so much, Kate. Your comment made me smile. Have a wonderful Christmas and a blessed 2025!
Aside from her talent and a good taste in talented friends, Ann is sooo good looking !!!
Hi Dave! As I was reading your Christmas message, I was lamentingly thinking to myself, "if only I had possession of the proverbial magic wand my friend would have his book deal this instant!" Obviously, I do not have said wand, for if I did you would be taking in royalties on a book deal and I would be sitting here right now with the 1987 version of Tawny Kitaen drinking champagne! With all that being said, who knows what 2025 willl bring. Sometimes something better than one's wishes come true. A very Merry Christmas, friend!
I truly appreciate that, Terry. As I appreciate all of your great comments here on my Substack. Merry Christmas, buddy. And a wonderful 2025 to you!
Happy holidays David! I truly hope your holiday season is filled with love and good food and friends! I for one, love the shit out of you, always have, always will, and with that said, I’ll fucking defend you to my dying day! (Not that anyone gives a shit about lil ole me, but nonetheless, this lil crazy Canadian gal will ALWAYS support my dear dear friend! To the fucking HILT!! Love ya Dave! Merry Christmas my friend, and I thank you for your friendship!
I love ya, Ash. You're the hottest, most kick-ass Canadian chick I've ever known. And it's indeed an honor to know you, my good friend. Merry Christmas to you, my beautiful pal!
The author who attempts to self-publish is like the guy who thinks he can represent himself in court. That old saying about having "a fool for a client" applies in both cases. The headwinds are just too much to overcome.
You are a uniquely talented writer and storyteller, Dave. I greatly appreciate your work. Those risk-averse publishers do not know what they are missing out on.
Your readers love you, including this loyalist here in Indianapolis.
Merry Christmas! And CHEERS!!
Well-said, Mark, and greatly appreciated. Thank you my friend. Merry Christmas from L.A. to Indianapolis!
Pot makes me dizzy. I lived with a pot-head porn star for two years. I can't write while high, but I write BETTER while drunk. That's why traditionally writer's drink and rock stars smoke. Pot lends itself well to music...not so much to the written word.
Dave can we please get another epic Xmas video like last year. The intro song, the drinking during the recording, and the epic story of the guy who got fired for refusing to take a dump in any place except his house. I'll buy you 10 beers if you drop that type of content.
Daniel Benzali, Elisa Lam, Gwen Welles (and her machete-carrying boyfriend)--- all members of Dave's videos hall of fame!
Let's see how I'm feeling next week!
Hey Dave … this is Jaye from Chicago , I ve bought you beers . I saw an Amazon Prime series that s fight up your alley - it s about pretty young ( Ha Wite) forks that come to LA to become Hollywood actresses and /or models and wind up getting sexually compromised or even dead . Have you considered writing under a pen name as a Hollywood insider for something like this series .
That s good Ann Coulter still likes you - she practically took my head off when I met her at a NY Christmas party
I have several high-profile friends but Ann's one of the few who'll publicly proclaim it. She's fearless. I love her for that.
Regarding writing under a pen name, I just can't do that, Jaye. It would mean tossing out my history. And the older I get, the more meaningful my history is to me.
Ok that makes sense . When was the last time you /we tried to remove the Amazon Dave Cole book ban ?
Maybe Trump s ejection and Elon Musk s free speech efforts have changed things
I love the typo "Trump ejection", but maybe better would be Trump erection???
Merry Christmas, Dave !!!
Tis better to have been an author and to have been banned than never to have been published at all.
Well-said, friend!
Be of good cheer
For I shall buy you beer
Before the turn of the new year
I repeat myself, have yourself a merry Christmas, Dave !!!
Any ideas on how to get myself banished to Mongolia, Tuva, Buriyatia or Yakutia would be much appreciated.
We could just buy us an airline ticket, thereby dispensing with all that banishment nonsense. One question comes to mind, are we going to Inner or Outer Mongolia?
You of course know that the ultimate objective is to be found in InHer Mongolia 🇲🇳
> "and a cretinous Kwanzaa."
LoL. Kind of a well-deserved shot at the idea that all cultures are created equal.
But while I'm not sure of the provenance of this quote -- typically ascribed to Twain, it seems of some relevance:
“Don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live. To live a fulfilled life, we need to keep creating the 'what is next', of our lives. Without dreams and goals there is no living, only merely existing, and that is not why we are here.”
Seems that the trick is in deciding which ones are more real, durable, and valuable than others. Somewhat apropos of which, the classic "The Iceman Cometh":
Wikipedia: "The Iceman Cometh is set in New York in 1912 in Harry Hope's down-market Greenwich Village saloon and rooming house. The patrons, twelve men and three prostitutes, are dead-end alcoholics who spend every possible moment seeking oblivion in one another's company and trying to con or wheedle free drinks from Harry and the bartenders. They drift purposelessly from day to day, coming fully alive only during the semi-annual visits of salesman Theodore 'Hickey' Hickman."
Remember watching the movie of it -- with Lee Marvin -- some 50 years ago, though I never really understood much of it until recently.
Thanks Steersman! I always love a movie to add to my watchlist! This one sounds cheery!
🙂 Not really all that "cheery" -- according to Wikipedia, something of "a great modern tragedy".
Still, sheds some light on the darker recesses of the human "soul", such as it is ...
Merry Christmas, Dave! And never forget: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_fbeCVWkjQ
LOL! Merry Christmas, friend.
If I was rich I'd publish your book and sell it direct; I lost my copy of Rep. Party Reptile in my move after hurricane Ida, and it drives me nuts knowing it's still out there.
Well, I should be in de islands, mon. But my friend Mike is having bad reactions to his chemotherapy,and we had to cancel. So it can always be worse. But at least I can buy ol’ Dave a few beers with the money I’m saving not buying stupid tropical drinks. Merry Christmas my friend!
God bless you, my friend.
Hi, Dave! Thanks for the update and for being consistent and a man of integrity. I also enjoyed the clip. And yes, I do appreciate your work more than words can convey. That said, I hope you live long enough for me to thank you beyond heartfelt comments if I survive my dire circumstances due to the consequences of a past I didn't choose.
Regarding gout, I have a custom health tips pdf I created for the models I worked with based on my 40+ years of research and observation. But I don't think changing your diet is a top priority. So, perhaps I can suggest an inexpensive supplement to help with your gout symptoms. Check out the link if interested.
I also recommend doubling the dose, drinking plenty of water, and eating a whole-food diet with quality protein and healthy fats (whey, eggs, beef, chicken, sardines, uncured bacon, butter, extra virgin olive oil, etc.).
Anyway, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Much appreciated, Dino. You're a good friend. Have a great Christmas and a healthy, happy 2025.
My brother thought he "broke his toe" while sleeping somehow. When he went to the clinic it turned out to be gout. They gave him some medicine and told him to not eat too much protein. He had been eating a carbohydrate free diet for the previous year, nothing but large beef roasts, turkey breasts, pork shoulders. I think they will tell the author to not overdo the meat.
I've seen countless articles and podcasts about the benefits of a high protein, low carb diet ( based on double-blind placebo studies, meta-analysis, human participants, etc..). However, none suggested a connection to gout. The carnivore diet is all the rage today, and I haven't seen any comments about gout being an issue.
A healthy diet shouldn't be this confusing!
Based on my research, I prefer a balanced whole-food diet with lower carbs and interval fasting. It works for me!
I get the "broken toe" thing. Gout comes on as you sleep. You go to bed fine, you wake up thinking you pulled something or strained something or broke something. That's exactly how it happens. But regarding diet, and I've put in a LOT of work on this, it's not meat in general but fatty meats, lamb, etc., that supposedly contribute to gout. But not "dry" meats like lean steak, chicken, etc. That said, that couldn't have been a contributing factor in my case because I hadn't eaten fatty meats in years (I LOVE fatty meats, but I don't trust getting them delivered). I cut out fructose, which I traced to the start of my gout (I'd been in a sober period and drinking lots of fruit drinks). In my case, that seems to have helped. Beer is also not recommended, but I don't drink that anyway.
Hey Dave, stop the drinking yourself to death shit. We will have none of that. Every New Year's Eve my son and I reflect on the past year to see if it was any better. No, it wasn't. Then we get trashed and watch music videos until 4:30 am. But we do this reflecting because I like to believe in little glimmers of hope. Which means I'm either an optimist or a friggin moron. (Leaning towards moron) Acceptance is well and fine but we do need those little glimmers here and there. I'm keeping one for you because you deserve it. You entertain, inform, you make me laugh and I love you for all of that. Have a few beers on me and I wish you a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah and a Raucous Saturnalia and just a glimmer of hope for a better next year.
Best wishes to you too, Sandy. I always appreciate your readership, and your insights.