"Robert Shaw, of course. Main focus: teaching black kids how to speak like a grizzled shark hunter (“yarrrr, I value my neck a lot more than three thousand EBT cards, chief”)" Shaw also started as 16th Century rapper "Henry 2-Door" in A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS DEY FRIES.

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Now THAT'S brilliant!

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Sonny, you've given me an inflamed case of amazing wit envy. Bravo!

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"Wilson: “Today we’ll be discussing Heidegger.”

DeTrytus: “Maaaan, fug dat hi-degga, I’m a high negga!”"

Wilson: "Today we will discuss the French Enlightenment, beginning with Denis Diderot."

DeTrytus: "Man, I don' care about what ho Dennis did!"

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LOL! I love it!

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"Sonny, you've given me an inflamed case of amazing wit envy" It's all about asking yourself "how do I work fries into this?"

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This guy got a BS from Johnson Bible College in 1973, and the school was accredited in 1979. I’m surprised he didn’t major in banjo.

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He got a B+ in Intro To Speakin’ In Tongues and a C+ in Remedial Snake Handlin’

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And you can see in his face that it still pains him.

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LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! That was indeed laugh-out-loud!

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Congrats on getting that correction! If only this asshole author who defamed you would have the courage to reply directly to you and apologize. Alas, I don't think that's going to happen.

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It was massively cowardly for him not to reply. It's funny that the book's supposedly about "ethics," written by a man who defames people then hides from them.

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Was the book any good?

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LOL! Nope.

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Hi Dave! I'm going to make the safe assumption that the author took the lazy route by electing to cosign the popular slander against you rather than actually researching your public positions. Maybe he should consider backing off the rainbow accented furry porn and at the very least do a Google search or two. Wilson appears to be little more than a peewee league virtue signaling hack.

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That's exactly what I thought. He just went with the headlines, instead of diving into the news. One way or the other, fuck him!

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I was reading the portion of your article where it describes where Wilson teaches and his student body when “Jungle Boogie” by Kool and the Gang came on an online radio station playing in the background. It set me off in a fit of hysterics. I don’t know why. I guess I’m goofy. Thanks for the laughs and congratulations on your victory.

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Thank YOU, Joey! The Jungle Boogie story made ME laugh, too.

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The Jungle Boogie story also got me. Probably the best laugh I've had today. (Sorry Dave.)

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…and thanks for the F Paul Wilson reference. Michael Mann’s version of The Keep was the last I heard of that guy.

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The Mann film was panned badly, but I kinda liked it. Wilson HATED it, though!

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I'll have to give the book and the movie another look. Back then, if I missed the movie in the theaters, I'd catch it cropped on HBO on an ancient console television. I thought "meh." Maybe a fresh view on a better TV will help it out.

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Mann made some damn silly choices (making Ian McKellen speak with an American accent...dude sounds like Nixon), but he also added something that improved the story (the friendship between the local priest and McKellen's atheist Jew). Tangerine Dream's music was an interesting choice (modern synth music for a WWII film), but I kinda liked it. Give the film another try!

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Will do! I forgot McKellen was in it. I remember Robert Prosky being in it. He did his own, rather subdued accent rather than attempting an Eastern European one. I remember being disappointed with him in Keep because he was the best thing in "Christine." I'll chase it down all the same.

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Mann made the bizarre decision that all the Romanian characters had to use an American accent, so that "we" would identify with the occupied townsfolk. Silly, indeed!

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Not to be confused with Rick G. Wilson, droopy-eared RINO and Lincoln Log licker

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David Cole winning, wow, that's refreshing !!! And, I don't mean winning in the Charlie Sheen sense of the word either: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pipTwjwrQYQ

Maybe one day soon Dave will be magically rehabilitated, like Steve Sailer has recently been. Sailer wrote "Noticing" hopefully David will get his chance to write his magnum opus "Revising", I'm pulling for ya' !!!

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Congrats Dave.

Go get him mate!

Insert meme of Breaking Bad

“I won”

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You earned that beer, Dave.

Congrats on that win.

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Yeah, congrats. Rare time that I envy British speech law.

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You got to use the toolset provided. If you don't, you handicap yourself, making yourself your own worst enemy.

BY god, it just dawned on me (slow on the uptake) that this is why Trump has a following and is, to a degree, successful.

Now, he makes a lot of trouble for himself, but fights it using a full toolset.

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Congratulations! Justice Thomas has expressed support for re-examining SULLIVAN. If ROE V WADE can be repealed, why not SULLIVAN. Hope is a virtue!

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>doesn't respond like a bitch

>publisher overrides him

I'm glad there was some justice here for once.

Also, if dude puts a picture of himself crying as his profile pic then he's definitely blubbering about this, he probably had an emotional breakdown when you emailed him.

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I think you're likely 100% correct about that!

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As you know, I never liked Alex Jones & the fact he has ingratiated himself to “Louder With Crowder”, behind the mask of “Protecting Free Speech” & somehow Steven Crowder praises Alex Jones as “The canary-in-the-coal-mine of free speech”, absolutely astonishes me. As noticed via the fawning responses in comment sections & live feed messages, Alex Jones’ cult of followers never fail to astonish me. I consider Alex Jones to be certifiably insane. He is the crazy man on the street, dressed as Jesus carrying a sign reading “The End Is Nigh”. I think Alex Jones is with “Louder With Crowder” because his big mouth got him in trouble & if it didn’t involve the staggering loss of so much money & everything that goes with it, Alex Jones wouldn’t bother with Steven Crowder. The other day, Steven Crowder, who now sells t-shirts praising Alex Jones, ( Oh BARF! ), was praising Alex Jones on one of his “Louder With Crowder” shows, for “being a good dad”. Yeah! Oh! Please! Every good dad accuses parents & children, who are stuck re-living the horror of that day & loss of their children, of being “crisis actors” & it’s my understanding, some of his followers, with the collective I.Q. of Kamala Harris, wanted to disinter one of the deceased children to “prove” Alex was telling the truth, via the empty grave. Yeah, Real good dad there, buddy.

‘Til next time, when the control voice takes you to, The Outer Limits.

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Thank you! Love the comment.

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You're Welcome!

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From what little I've seen of Jones, he's simply a secular televangelist.

It seems completely obvious.

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Good that Macmillan saw the light. Shame there was no monetary benefit. Though I would hate to be regularly defamed part of me would like to be famous enough for this to happen.

I agree with you, it is a ridiculous situation when well-funded entities can liable anyone they like and then bankrupt them through legal costs if taken to court. Anyone whose principles say, 'Even so, people must be free to say what they like' are clearly idiots who haven't thought things through - or been regularly defamed to the detriment of their lives and careers.

How come you've got to stay off the booze till the end of the month? Does your body's alcohol level return to zero at the start of each month, like the number of times you can access the Spectator without actually subscribing?

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LOL! No, unfortunately it's that for an alcoholic (though one, like me, capable of stopping when necessary), it's a matter of constantly monitoring your liver panels and giving the organ rest periods if the numbers get too high. The numbers come down, you can drink again. The liver is blessedly regenerative, but not if you douse it nonstop. The older I get, the longer the rest periods must be.

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When I was attending the lowly Ventura College of Law back in the early oughts, I remember covering Sullivan. Even this stupid truck driver thought it was a bad decision. Creating two classes of citizens. I thought that was so un-American. Why should it be OK to (intentionally) defame one person strictly because they had some modicum of fame while a lowly truck driver could cry defamation (for barely nothing) and win? Gaaaah!

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Defame someone hard enough, he becomes legally impossible to defame. Just ask George Zimmerman

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That's Trump's current reality and a source of unique resiliency: it is near-impossible to defame him any more that has already been done multiple times. He is inoculated for life.

I can't recall another public figure outside of Luche Libre where this has been of career benefit.

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"Creating two classes of citizens."

Like a really bad contagion, the concept spread. We now have multiple protected classes, and the list may grow at any time that it seems politically expedient.

It's why there's a "+" in LGBTQIA2S+.

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Well damn. I never thought I'd see the words Zappa its prostate together in a sentence. Big or small a victory is a victory; I know I take mine when I can get them. So, congrats on the win. I believe I've made it clear how I feel about free speech. Actions and words have consequences. If you don't want the risk, STFU. And thank you so much for reminding me how much I hate Alex Jones. And you better not be toasting that victory with crappy coffee. I'll go down a shot of rum for you.

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In a few weeks, I can join you!

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Should I make flight reservations?

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Most vices are fine if managed intelligently. It's how I do mine. If it comes down to where the management is too costly, I drop the vice as unsupportable to my present situation.

But, oh, well...

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Ha ha! Cheers Dave! Good for you.

“Some prominent hardcore Holocaust deniers include the following: David Irving, Paul Rassiner, Mark Weeber, Robert Faurisson, Bradley Smith, and David Cole.”

Will probably be replaced with-

"Some prominent Holocaust deniers, like David Irving, Paul Rassinier, Mark Weber, Robert Faurisson, Bradley Smith; But also, Famed Holocaust Revisionist David Cole, who single handedly inspired thousands, perhaps millions of current hardcore Holocaust deniers today!"

Just to be fuckheads, but I hope they don't, and you get a solid win. Do you really think he will remove ALL mention of you?

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It's Macmillan's call not his, and they've already shown me the erratum. It's done!

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Great news on publisher backing off on libel Dave.

I was feeling down last few days but nothing like a Zappa/Prostate joke to turn things around.

Dumb Q (I play the naive straight-guy amazingly well) couldn't you just pay to print your book? Is the problem the sales-channel? I got the idea because Professor Libel F. Dumbfucks book was printed on demand.

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This is a question I get a lot, so I'll give you the short version:

1) Being banned from Amazon makes profiting from a self-published book almost impossible. Amazon is where the overwhelming majority of self-published books are sold through.

2) I'm too old to self-publish and then try to sell via a website while manually mailing out my books from my garage. Sorry, that's beneath me. I'm not David Irving.

3) An author is only as valued as he values himself. And I value myself enough to demand a publisher and an advance, like any other author with a history as long as mine.

4) I don't write on spec, period. I get paid to write. Legit publishers pay advances so that their authors aren't writing on the *hope* of profits to come. Beginners write on spec; I don't. It's a matter of self-respect.

5) The dumbfuck professor's books were printed on demand BY HIS PUBLISHER. On-demand doesn't mean "self-published." It just means books are printed to order. Many publishers do that now to prevent overstock. He didn't do it himself; his publisher handles everything.

So that's the long and the short of it.

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I recently became aware of Substack. I conceive of it as a sort of virtual newstand optimized for individual publishing of periodicals. Those with stacks work out how best they can monetize it (or if they can).

I've read a lot of your stuff on Taki mag. I think you see accurately how things work, and would like to hear your take on how Substack works as a sort of self-publishing opportunity (again, periodicals).

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Thanks - wow banned by Amazon holy key rap. AND kicked off of Twitter (they even let me on).

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Dude, the Amazon ban's old news! I was banned in January 2021, and I wrote about it a LOT. Here: read this. It's long, but it has a lot of info.


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Really galling - I did search on "books banned on amazon". Most of the hits were Amazon bragging about sells books *banned in schools*, many for porn content . . . and all these books were never banned on Amazon, only in schools. So we can all feel we sticking to the man (figuratively and literally) by reading porn banned in schools, but no mention of Dave.

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