Hi Dave! While I am absolutely delighted that you have kept tradition by posting Edison's Frankenstein, I can't deny a powerful hankering for a Dave video. I guess my appetite will be all the more whetted when Christmas time comes around!

May I also congratulate you on your latest Tuesday column, "The Rothenberg Principle." With each passing day, it seems to me, people become more insular, self-centered, and indifferent to the effect their ego driven behavior has upon the lives of others. In fact, they seem to have little time for prioritizing anything other than their subjective notions of personal victimhood, justice, and what they call "my truth." Obviously, Rothenberg is an extreme example of the disease. Nevertheless, it does manifest, in various degrees, with a sizable portion of the population. For such people, the idea of belonging to a larger community, as a fully responsible contributing participant, is not only foreign but hateful. After all, to the narcissistic mind, everyone else is merely an extra in their play.

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Thank you for the great comment, Terry. And you can COUNT on that Christmastime video!

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"For such people, the idea of belonging to a larger community, as a fully responsible contributing participant, is not only foreign but hateful."

I feel like we're reaping some whirlwind from people who were let down by everyone in their lives, from their selfish parents to institutions like churches and schools. I had to support myself & my siblings as a kid because our parents just wouldn't work at times. If you don't start to treat yourself as a "main character" you get run into the ground by users.

I think a lot of people my age had similar experiences (deindustrialization meets boomer idiocy, bad CPS employees & easily available prescription drugs = JFC WTF). If that's your experience, and being moderately selfish is what saved you, that might be what you're passing on to your kids. Or in my case, you're not having kids. I feel like I've raised a family and Never Again. It was thankless, and my siblings ended up being dolts in spite of my best efforts. I didn't get any benefits from doing that, and they turned out badly. Everyone lost.

My Mom is older now, my parents were older when we were born, and I won't help her anymore. I'm just not doing it anymore, one of my siblings can do something for once. I've told them that. But they won't. They'll call and weepily tell me that she has no food in the house. And I'm like, "Well go to the store or call the state then, I'm not fixing everything for you anymore." They think I'm just being mean but they won't even try to problem-solve on their own.

This is the thing, the whole victim industrial complex is telling you that you need professional help and you can't or shouldn't just problem-solve. You need An Expert whether that's a psychiatrist, reiki practitioner, or "courses" that are just repackaged 12 step material you can get for free in a church basement.

And as parents, my siblings are crazy. My younger sibling's kid has I think 4 therapists for different things. The kid looks & seems normal but they're telling everyone the kid's disabled and needs all kinds of services. Obamacare was so generous that a lot of unscrupulous providers are overdiagnosing patients whenever they can, especially for nebulous psych type issues. I think this is also why 95% of children are suddenly "atypical" and "autistic," it's a great way for therapists and aides to stay employed. And if you're not covered for this? Well don't worry Medicaid will never leave even one child behind!

Providing healthcare for poor kids is a wise investment in theory. It's probably cheaper than putting them all in prison someday, or treating them for scurvy in an actual hospital. But there's no one minding the store. These doctors are telling parents that every single toddler needs an occupational therapist and one of those stupid helmets for some reason and no one is pushing back on it at all. Also, historically? A lot of very successful people didn't hit their "milestones" as babies or toddlers. This is kind of a weird example, but Petain didn't talk until he was 3 or so. And if he'd died at 80 he'd still be remembered as the Lion of Verdun. He doesn't even become a villain until most of his contemporaries were already dead and he was basically senile.

More therapists for everyone, but whatever you do don't actually parent your kid or help an old person yourself. You're a victim, everyone's a victim, but we can help. That's the actual pitch. That's why the victim thing is so popular IMO, because someone can bill you for it. Someone is profiting and until people will push back they'll just keep billing for all these condishuns.

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"I feel like we're reaping some whirlwind from people who were let down by everyone in their lives, from their selfish parents to institutions like churches and schools."

Reaping the whirlwind indeed! I appreciated your comment very much.

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I think insularity is a response to DEI's wedge against unity. It doesn't matter who is best for the job—only that you are a member of the aggrieved class. Those who get cheated out of a position they want may become bitter and only concerned with themselves, not the whole group. If other groups exist to get perks based upon their skin color, having the wrong skin color, white in this case, doesn't promote rooting for or helping the undeserving beneficiaries.

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I'm no expert on the causality of the cancer I see. I merely know that it is dangerous and very likely terminal. With that being said, I agree with your reasoning on this point. Insularity is a desired response by the Marxists (for lack of a better term) who have so diligently sowed the seeds of disunity for at least the last one hundred years in this country.

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Hitler discussing the scourge of Kenny G.


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"Not some Muzak lab experiment to help nerds pick up girls." In memory of Willhelm. LOL!

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ok thanks.. uniqe. I won't lie i was expecting good ole Dave to be on the screen with his famous green screen in the back in all his glory and and opening song or something :-)

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A timeless side-splitter!

I see monstrosities like Kenny G. and get motivated that “Hey, maybe even I have a chance at fortune and glory.”

Happy Halloween, David

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And to you, my friend!

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It's Halloween! Why even Dracula will be they-uh! https://youtu.be/iH-Q59geylw?si=DNr6sJCZ111iacNo

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He hears The Shaggs and impales himself with a stake.

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The copy of their album I bought in the 80s had a "GRAMMY WINNER" sticker put on it by a smartass. The Virgin Megastore here (remember them?) used to play them before closing time to clear the place out.

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Only one worse was Shooby Taylor. At least The Shaggs played real instruments.

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Shooby went over at the Apollo about as well as Krusty's Komedy Klassics: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MutYIgL4Gbk

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I always have a tab open to "google" while visiting Dave's site. I learned of the Shaggs and my life is so much richer now.

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Fuck, Sonny, this is why we strap on a cup before going in the ring. LOL!

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Let a year pass by and you forget just how much fun that video is. Brilliant. Happy Halloween Dave.

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Thank you, Sandy! It'll always be a seasonal tradition.

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Happy Halloween Dave !!! You are my all time favourite Hollywood Jewish goblin, I'm not just sayin' that.

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Thank you sir!

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I probably should not ask this, how is it possible that YT ain't banned your epic silent film? Your masterpiece is second on my list of silent films, right behind D. W. Griffith's "Intolerence".

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Dave is the only Hollywood guy you have ever interacted with. Spelling favorite with a "u" is quite pretentious of us.

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I thought you were from the Canadian part of Texas

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Wait, I meant that for SCT. Are you two the same person?

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We are one, dual subscribers.

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Post a link to "Intolerence", if you will.

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Griffith made that film as a response to his critics RE Birth of a Nation. He then donned blackface and white gloves and exited the room going "yowza yowza MAMMY!" Worst film premiere ever.

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LOL !!!

Seriously, that was a hell of a project to make, with the huge numbers of people required, the massive sets that had to be built.

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Twas epic, sir. Absolutely epic! LOL!

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I shall do so, Your Majesty.


BTW you misspelled "Intolerance".

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Neither of us can spell!

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Happy Halloween

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You too, my friend!

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Push was the impetus for this monstrosity?! Excise the memory of that horror with repeated Push-Up’s!!

Quickly mix:

2 oz. Malibu rum (or Dave’s CVS bargain rum and a squirt of Hawaiian Tropic)

1/2 oz. orange juice

1/2 oz. lemon juice

1/4 oz. simple syrup

1 egg white

Dry shake then ice shake. Strain into your favorite tiki glass and garnish with four shakes orange bitters, a pinch of rind, a swirl of Velvet Felernum, then two ice cubed gummy eyeballs.

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I just hope you weren't raped by a demon this past week the way Tucker claims he was.

Yes, I can't believe I just typed that sentence.

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When someone told me about that yesterday, how he claims he was attacked and clawed in the night, I replied, "maybe it was an owl; his laugh is like a mating call."

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I think it was actually aliens.

Also watching the riots in LA after the WS reminded me of a great Rush Limbaugh idea: hold sports championships in enemy countries so that they can be destroyed in the ensuing celebratory riots.

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I talk about the riots in this Sunday's Week!

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In Rothenberg’s defense, he deliberately burned the child in a horrifically painful way that led to decades of debilitation, suffering, and his son’s eventual death

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In Texas, we would have fried Rothenberg.

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You think Texas is based? California actually HAD fried Rothenberg

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That was marvelous fun! Thank you!

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My pleasure!

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Happy Halloween, Dave!

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And to you too, Ricardo!

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