Kathy Shaidle would point out the flaw in The Producers: "you go to see a musical called Springtime for Hitler and you're shocked that there's Nazis in it?" I remember noticing that as a kid, too.
Thanks for mentioning Ed Anger, he'd totally dropped off my radar! I want now to get his 1996 book Let's Pave the Stupid Rainforests & Give School Teachers Stun Guns: And Other Ways to Save America.
I just found a copy in the free book bin at the library. There's a book about the tabloid press written by a guy who worked in the industry, called I WATCHED A WILD HOG EAT MY BABY; he has a chapter on the WWN and Ed Anger.
About the only thing I (sometimes) admire about politicians is their ability to shrug off the fact that roughly half the population hates their guts. Reagan was the best, he’d just laugh at the haters. You can’t be too thin skinned Dave.
Well, but he's doing this mostly for free apart from donations, and he doesn't have a staff to keep the haters at bay the way high-profile actor politicians like Reagan did for most of their careers. I get it.
Only people with nothing else to turn to would voluntarily take on the hatred of millions or even billions. Politics is truly the last refuge of the scoundrel. Here's Kipling's epitaph for a dead statesman:
He drives me crazy!! Hell for me would be watching him and Marsha Mason and that horrible precocious child actress in an endless loop of "The Goodbye Girl"! i'd kick the bucket out from under myself for sure!!!
Quinn Cummings played the little girl. How about Mr. Holland's Old Puss (I think that's what MAD magazine called it), another sentiment-stuffed drama. RD can also play it completely sentiment-free, as in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz.
Marsha Mason for me sets off the bathos alert: Cinderella Liberty, The Goodbye Girl, Chapter Two, Only When I Laugh.....
ah- yes- little Quinn Cummings! I'll have to look up what else she was in so I can avoid the torture!! (Was she the little girl they tacked on in "Family" to try to revitalize it??)
I never saw Mr. Holland's Old Puss (love MAD mag, BTW-- and have you seen that the Norman Rockwell museum is running an exhibit of MAD artwork??) but I actually loved RD in Duddy! (I haven't seen that in years! I really love him in Jaws, also. Looking forward to it tonight! Happy 4th!!
Yes, she was in the ABC drama series Family (1976-80, five seasons!), which I think was trying to convey the vibe of the Louds in An American Family. In the cast was James Broderick (who was also in Alice's Restaurant & Dog Day Afternoon), Sada Thompson (embodying suburban housewife anomie), Gary Frank (the troubled teen son) et al. Pianist Arthur Rubinstein's son John Rubinstein (who's still alive, 78 this year!) was also in the cast and wrote the theme music, which I know from memory. The show was on at 10 PM if I remember right, and I used to watch it regularly, which shows how empty my life was in those days---and which I suppose was the message Family was trying to convey: "Yes, suburban life is empty and hollow, and that you're watching this show proves our point!"
Oh God I saw that, dragged as a kid by my parents. SCTV's Neil Simon parody had a Goodbye Girl scene with Rick Moranis as Dreyfuss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dizaxnc8lc
One of the best things about your columns is your readers. I enjoy their comments. I find most of them to be intelligent and/or funny as hell. Collectively, they seem like a decent bunch and I'm sure they are. But there's always that one douchebag trying to screw it up for everyone else. It comes across as incredibly needy and I don't know why you even give them any attention. They're never worth the effort. Enough about bags.
Jaws. Sometimes continuity problems in a movie can annoy me. In this case I can excuse it because it's just such a great ride. Besides, showing the retrieval of superboat would have been a boring waste of time. Another theory about why the three men needed to go out to sea to shark hunt. It is horror/creature feature universal law. Set up in the perfect place to kill the monster and it always attacks somewhere else. They simply had no other option; the universe would not allow choice. You should know this.
Ah, "mostly." In fact, Superboat was jointly owned between Hoop and Woods Hole. WHOI paid for about half of it, they provide the slip, the insurance, and routine maintenance. That means WHOI can use the boat without Hoop's permission while Hoop is at sea on the insane asylum the Aurora.
Hoop summoned Superboat to Amity as soon as he determined he was dealing with a genuine great white that was exhibiting outlier feeding behavior. It was delivered by a WHOI employee who was sleeping at a nearby hotel when Hoop and Brody took the boat out.
Superboat could not be used for the actual hunt because 1. it lacked deep sea fishing gear and anyone with the knowledge to use it, and 2. the insurance prohibited commercial use.
Good point about making more sense to lure the shark to shallow water rather than chasing it in deep water. However, like they said in the Geico commercial (paraphrasing): When you're a character in a horror movie, you make bad decisions. It's what you do.
With all due respect to David, ragequiting because a stranger on the internet said something mean is kind of a feminine trait. And punishing the majority for the sins of the minority is even more feminine. However, if I was in his Friends of Abe-defuncted, Amazon-canceled, lost-at-the-bottom-of-the-bottle, gout-scented shoes, I'd probably be just as sensitive. Maybe even more sensitive.
Don't look at me I usually only like something if it was first liked by you, it shows as "Liked by Dave" on this side, in case it was from on of those NS pests that trolled you in the past.
Just in case David gets mad at that comment, heads up, the person who "liked" it is Grand Moff Porkins. If I'm going down, he's going down with me, God damn it.
This is the kind of infighting that brought down Friends of Abe.
"....Friends of Abe-defuncted, Amazon-canceled, lost-at-the-bottom-of-the-bottle, gout-scented shoes..." --- somewhere Greg Giraldo is wiping away tears of envy: "It should have been ME saying that!"
Technically speaking, the US census could categorize you as Hispanic. Of the Valley, but you rarely go the Valley. You're Hispanic, but you'd rather rarely be around Hispanics. What a world!
All I wanted was one week off....one week of drinking and eating hot dogs and candy and watching fireworks, and instead I get JERKS being JERKY to me with insulting comments.
That's mean! Ol' Dave never hurt nobody. Can't ol' Dave get a week off?
Dave--- I thought about that skeevy comment quite a bit today! What an ass-hat! I mean he went so far as to imply you and your mother had some kind of "unhealthy" relationship! (my hubby was in the navy for 6 years and he said insults flew, but everyone knew-- you don't trash talk ANYONE'S MOTHER!! And his whole bit about him have a legacy" and you not??? It doesn't take much to create "progeny" (I always thought "legacy" meant $$$, not off-spring!) for a man- it's just getting some viable sperm into some available fertile ova. Not sure he really has anything to be proud of. If my father talked like him- i'd wish he weren't my father!! I love everyone chatting in your virtual "living room" here, and you are a supremely gracious host. Consider that the folks who hit "like" might have done it inadvertently. They might be like bad Jeopardy players!!
I was only ever in Los Angeles once and not long enough to sample the fast food but have heard about it. Do they still have Roscoes Chicken and Waffles? I always wanted to try that although I could just go to KFC and get chicken and than make waffles with it. That could become a new 4th of July tradition.
I myself got wildly irritated by some migrants panhandling at an intersection today and wrote a screed about it. This city is putting them in apartments and they have medicaid, why are they also panhandling? They're not even trying to undercut the Mexicans in the handyman/housecleaning market. I don't like the downward pressure on wages but I'd grudgingly respect that. Instead, these people - some of them able bodied men - are panhandling. They have a home base, charities are doing rent drives for them - yet they're still panhandling.
I'm so irritated right now. They're basically just gypsies. I can't believe we imported 40k problem people into this city this way.
It's usually insignificant, minor things that bug me. In Fargo, after his unsuccessful attempt to get money from his father-in-law, William Macy goes to his snow and ice covered car in the parking lot. Ice rarely forms on car windows during the day regardless of temperature. Then he begins scraping the windows and doesn't start the car. You always start the car, put heat on maximum, put on defrost, then start scraping.
Did anyone mention Spielberg's "Duel" yet? Jaws is awesome, and it has more character elements, but I just really love Duel - pure contest between protagonist and predator.
I'm no movie buff - but it is always enjoyable to read those who are, and both graciously and intelligently so, and speak with the authority of knowing and actually loving the craft from having actually been a part of it. There's an old film editor / distributor you may know from your Friends of Abe days who likewise, when he spins up a yarn about his work, or goes into movie criticism, does so with deep knowledge, yet without snark or polemic. It's fun to read that sort of work as a layman, if nothing else for sharing in the joy of the teller.
In my house- it's always Jaws on 4th of July, Die Hard on Christmas Eve and either/or/sometimes both The Poseidon Adventure or Escape From NY on New Year's Eve! When Covid first hit we went on a pandemic binge w/ Contagion, Panic in the Streets and anything else we could find to scare the bejeezus out of ourselves!!
Geeze noochness, you are a treasure trove of thrills! I want to print out the MAD mag (which I remember from my youth) so I can savor it! They were so talented! And of course the song....so maudlin! It's almost as good as the theme from... The Valley of the Dolls", but Dionne Warwick doesn't sing it, so it can't be!
LOL-- I have to confess- I haven't seen it! I'm going to schedule it for a double-feature (w/ the original!) A good friend and I are going on our first cruise next Jan. (I swore I'd never go on one, but we're getting treated : ) !) She's anxious about being on the open seas and I'm anxious about being surrounded by horrible people, so we decided to do some advance "immersion therapy"LOL!!
Man, I love boats. But I've never been on a boat trip longer than 6 hours. Part of me always wanted to go on a cruise, but it's never gelled. But holy lord, being at sea for weeks is a dream of mine. Nothing but sea.....heaven!
Don't forget to re-read "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" by David Foster Wallace!
The food on the boat should be good, and you should be able to find some quiet spots where you can read Evelyn Waugh. Bring ear plugs (I never leave home without them; Anbow is a good brand) and a white-noise producer (whether a machine, phone app, whatever; gotta have white noise to block the black noise).
Our host is a seasoned cruise traveller and an avid reader. He has the ship mapped out w/ suggestions of where to hide out and read! i'm looking forward to it!!
Hey David, I remember seeing Jaws and Jaws 2 at a matinee showing back in 78 with some of my friends. Did they re-release Jaws with Jaws 2 or am I dreaming? Do you know if they had a double bill like that for the Jaws 2 release? They did something similar in 1980 when they re-released Star Wars along with its sequel. I also remember them doing that with Return of the Jedi. You could see all 3 films at the matinee at participating theaters.
I never saw the films billed together in my area, but I'm sure they were likely double-billed elsewhere. It seems like a natural choice. Show Jaws so that audiences can see a perfectly-crafted film with characters you care about, then show Jaws II so we can see a shitty film with disposable teens.
"Hey, here's our first course - fillet mignon. Now for the second course: uncooked spaghetti in a jar of mayo.
I prefer to think of Jaws 2 as junk food. Not good but fun. I also remember seeing Jaws 3 in a movie theater and thinking that the 3-D stuff was pretty scary. At least the 3-D was better than that 7-Eleven promoted TV rip-off Gorilla At Large. They started that 3-D shit because of the movie Commin At Ya back in 81. That was one of the most boring pieces of celluloid ever!
Ah yes, Gorilla at Large, 3D broadcast promoted by Elvira. That's the movie where Ann Bancroft visits a Gypsy fortune teller who says "I have good news and bad news about your future. You'll marry the ugliest Jew in Hollywood, and you'll die prematurely of cancer." And Bancroft was like "wait, what's the good news?" And the Gypsy's like "it's right there in what I said."
Elvira's big break but 7-Eleven stores was where one had to buy the 3-D Glasses with the purchase of a large Slurpee. I fell for it hard. I remember myself and the good doctor C. Levitz were ready with our glasses for the experiment to begin and NOTHING! No 3-D just the Gorilla and Raymond Burr and I for one couldn't be sure which was which. Q: Did the 3-D work where you lived? Some people have said that it depended on the location but I'm not sure how that's possible due to the fact that in order to broadcast it, it would have to be transferred to normal 35mm then put on video and sent out or beamed to the local stations. Or am I missing something here? I know that when Paramount sent out Friday the 13th part 3 prints about 1/6 had to be normal because not all theaters had the 3-D lenses to project it. I'm not too sure but I think ALL drive-ins had to show it flat. How would it have been with the living room idol, the cathode ray tube?
When Barry Lyndon got released, a local movie theater (one of the ill-fated Jerry Lewis franchises) held a "Stanley Kubrick Festival", showing 2001 and A Clockwork Orange (with separate admission required for each).
Kathy Shaidle would point out the flaw in The Producers: "you go to see a musical called Springtime for Hitler and you're shocked that there's Nazis in it?" I remember noticing that as a kid, too.
Some of Shaidle's film writing is archived at Mark Steyn's site:
I miss her wit and wisdom so much, her last column was one of the most beautiful and poignant things I have ever read.
Yeah, I remember her writing that on the bright side, she'd never have to shave her legs again!
...or hear "Creep" by Radiohead.
That song builds up as does "Fantastic Place" by Marillion, but the Marillion song isn't a celebration of loserdom:
Ah-- I just went to Mark Steyn site and see she was Ed Anger!! OMG!!! She was truly a goddess!!!
Thanks for mentioning Ed Anger, he'd totally dropped off my radar! I want now to get his 1996 book Let's Pave the Stupid Rainforests & Give School Teachers Stun Guns: And Other Ways to Save America.
I must have missed that one- in spite of the fact I actually subscribed to the Weekly World News and read Ed's column religiously!!
I just found a copy in the free book bin at the library. There's a book about the tabloid press written by a guy who worked in the industry, called I WATCHED A WILD HOG EAT MY BABY; he has a chapter on the WWN and Ed Anger.
I was not familiar w/ her (somehow???) I see she wrote about many movies I love. I'll have to familiarize myself w/ her. So sad she's no longer w/ us!
Shaidle's fave movie was Heavenly Creatures (1994).
is that the one where the lovely teen girls are really dastardly murderesses??
Yes! Kate Winslet's first film role, and what a start it was! And Melanie Lynskey keeps up with her throughout.
About the only thing I (sometimes) admire about politicians is their ability to shrug off the fact that roughly half the population hates their guts. Reagan was the best, he’d just laugh at the haters. You can’t be too thin skinned Dave.
Well, but he's doing this mostly for free apart from donations, and he doesn't have a staff to keep the haters at bay the way high-profile actor politicians like Reagan did for most of their careers. I get it.
Plus he just started drinking again, so his body is feeling a bit discombobulated: "Oh no, not again, I thought we were done with that stuff!"
Only people with nothing else to turn to would voluntarily take on the hatred of millions or even billions. Politics is truly the last refuge of the scoundrel. Here's Kipling's epitaph for a dead statesman:
I could not dig: I dared not rob:
Therefore I lied to please the mob.
Now all my lies are proved untrue
And I must face the men I slew.
What tale shall serve me here among
Mine angry and defrauded young?
Kipling was an excellent poet, and anyone who doesn't like him is a faggot.
Ever hear John Derbyshire read "The Gods of the Copybook Headings"? Really great.
Punishing all of us for the despicable actions of a few individuals is like punishing all Jews for the death of Elvis. I’m not saying it’s unwarranted
First, Charles I of England. Then, Elvis. These Jewish fellas seem to really hate kings!
Though they did like King Vidor when his movies made money.
We next see Hooper boarding a UFO at Devils Tower, Wyoming. And I doubt there were any Great White sharks on that spacecraft.
Freakin' Dreyfuss, what a career! I'm due for a rewatch of Down and Out in Beverly Hills.
He drives me crazy!! Hell for me would be watching him and Marsha Mason and that horrible precocious child actress in an endless loop of "The Goodbye Girl"! i'd kick the bucket out from under myself for sure!!!
Quinn Cummings played the little girl. How about Mr. Holland's Old Puss (I think that's what MAD magazine called it), another sentiment-stuffed drama. RD can also play it completely sentiment-free, as in The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz.
Marsha Mason for me sets off the bathos alert: Cinderella Liberty, The Goodbye Girl, Chapter Two, Only When I Laugh.....
ah- yes- little Quinn Cummings! I'll have to look up what else she was in so I can avoid the torture!! (Was she the little girl they tacked on in "Family" to try to revitalize it??)
I never saw Mr. Holland's Old Puss (love MAD mag, BTW-- and have you seen that the Norman Rockwell museum is running an exhibit of MAD artwork??) but I actually loved RD in Duddy! (I haven't seen that in years! I really love him in Jaws, also. Looking forward to it tonight! Happy 4th!!
Yes, she was in the ABC drama series Family (1976-80, five seasons!), which I think was trying to convey the vibe of the Louds in An American Family. In the cast was James Broderick (who was also in Alice's Restaurant & Dog Day Afternoon), Sada Thompson (embodying suburban housewife anomie), Gary Frank (the troubled teen son) et al. Pianist Arthur Rubinstein's son John Rubinstein (who's still alive, 78 this year!) was also in the cast and wrote the theme music, which I know from memory. The show was on at 10 PM if I remember right, and I used to watch it regularly, which shows how empty my life was in those days---and which I suppose was the message Family was trying to convey: "Yes, suburban life is empty and hollow, and that you're watching this show proves our point!"
LOL- It was a guilty torture for me! We used to call Sada Thompson "Sadist Thompson"!
James Broderick was so chillingly creepy in Dog Day Afternoon, and so milquetoast as the Family father!
There's a outdoors classroom scene from Family up at YT, Quinn Cummings does a pretty good job of it methinks:
I can't handle it this early in the morning!!! I'll try later- but it might give me nightmares!!
Oh God I saw that, dragged as a kid by my parents. SCTV's Neil Simon parody had a Goodbye Girl scene with Rick Moranis as Dreyfuss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Dizaxnc8lc
One of the best things about your columns is your readers. I enjoy their comments. I find most of them to be intelligent and/or funny as hell. Collectively, they seem like a decent bunch and I'm sure they are. But there's always that one douchebag trying to screw it up for everyone else. It comes across as incredibly needy and I don't know why you even give them any attention. They're never worth the effort. Enough about bags.
Jaws. Sometimes continuity problems in a movie can annoy me. In this case I can excuse it because it's just such a great ride. Besides, showing the retrieval of superboat would have been a boring waste of time. Another theory about why the three men needed to go out to sea to shark hunt. It is horror/creature feature universal law. Set up in the perfect place to kill the monster and it always attacks somewhere else. They simply had no other option; the universe would not allow choice. You should know this.
I'll miss you in the comments, Dave, you're a pretty good egg. Enjoy your drinking spree.
Hoop is not the full owner of Superboat.
"Who pays for all this?"
"I do myself, mostly."
Ah, "mostly." In fact, Superboat was jointly owned between Hoop and Woods Hole. WHOI paid for about half of it, they provide the slip, the insurance, and routine maintenance. That means WHOI can use the boat without Hoop's permission while Hoop is at sea on the insane asylum the Aurora.
Hoop summoned Superboat to Amity as soon as he determined he was dealing with a genuine great white that was exhibiting outlier feeding behavior. It was delivered by a WHOI employee who was sleeping at a nearby hotel when Hoop and Brody took the boat out.
Superboat could not be used for the actual hunt because 1. it lacked deep sea fishing gear and anyone with the knowledge to use it, and 2. the insurance prohibited commercial use.
A fine theory, Glenn!
Good point about making more sense to lure the shark to shallow water rather than chasing it in deep water. However, like they said in the Geico commercial (paraphrasing): When you're a character in a horror movie, you make bad decisions. It's what you do.
Even when you're a human on this earth, you make bad decisions. It's what you do.
Damn, I need to check out the other comments to see who ruined a good thing here. All I gotta say is . . .
Farewell and adieu to you fair, Sephardic Davey
Farewell and adieu, you Jew of Spain
For you've received orders for to sail back to Yarkon
And so nevermore shall you reply again
I'm not gonna "LIKE" your comment b/c it might annoy Dave!
With all due respect to David, ragequiting because a stranger on the internet said something mean is kind of a feminine trait. And punishing the majority for the sins of the minority is even more feminine. However, if I was in his Friends of Abe-defuncted, Amazon-canceled, lost-at-the-bottom-of-the-bottle, gout-scented shoes, I'd probably be just as sensitive. Maybe even more sensitive.
I'm DELICATE, asshole!
Don't look at me I usually only like something if it was first liked by you, it shows as "Liked by Dave" on this side, in case it was from on of those NS pests that trolled you in the past.
I also like my own posts. I'm weird like that.
See I did it just now.
Just in case David gets mad at that comment, heads up, the person who "liked" it is Grand Moff Porkins. If I'm going down, he's going down with me, God damn it.
Don’t listen to him, Dave. Ol’ 85 liked his own post, an extremely feminine, coquettish thing to do
This is the kind of infighting that brought down Friends of Abe.
"....Friends of Abe-defuncted, Amazon-canceled, lost-at-the-bottom-of-the-bottle, gout-scented shoes..." --- somewhere Greg Giraldo is wiping away tears of envy: "It should have been ME saying that!"
You tearing me apart
Nice try, pal, but I have phythical evidenthe!
Do you have blue walls, or something?
Update: Mike, Tyrone, and Ned also liked that comment. Grande Puff Dorkins and I ain't going down alone!
Oy, more finger-pointing than in a Parisian bordello after German troops barge in (not that I'd behave any differently).
Even Dave has to like that one!
Fingers crossed!
YOU JERKS!!!! Yeah, it made me laugh.
Mission accomplished, my dude.
I think Ol' Dave is Ashkenazi...
And he has some Sephardic blood, I think. His Spanish side is Delvia, or Delvey, or Del Taco, I can't remember.
I'm 1/4 Sephardic - Del Valle, so you were close.
Funny that this means "of the Valley," but I've lived 55 years in L.A. are I rarely go to the Valley.
Technically speaking, the US census could categorize you as Hispanic. Of the Valley, but you rarely go the Valley. You're Hispanic, but you'd rather rarely be around Hispanics. What a world!
25% Sephardi, 75% Ashke, and 100% Nazi
I dare you people to ❤️ ^
Now I have to go back and look at those insulting comments. I may even "like" them. I buy you beers.
All I wanted was one week off....one week of drinking and eating hot dogs and candy and watching fireworks, and instead I get JERKS being JERKY to me with insulting comments.
That's mean! Ol' Dave never hurt nobody. Can't ol' Dave get a week off?
Thank you for the beers, Kelly!
Dave--- I thought about that skeevy comment quite a bit today! What an ass-hat! I mean he went so far as to imply you and your mother had some kind of "unhealthy" relationship! (my hubby was in the navy for 6 years and he said insults flew, but everyone knew-- you don't trash talk ANYONE'S MOTHER!! And his whole bit about him have a legacy" and you not??? It doesn't take much to create "progeny" (I always thought "legacy" meant $$$, not off-spring!) for a man- it's just getting some viable sperm into some available fertile ova. Not sure he really has anything to be proud of. If my father talked like him- i'd wish he weren't my father!! I love everyone chatting in your virtual "living room" here, and you are a supremely gracious host. Consider that the folks who hit "like" might have done it inadvertently. They might be like bad Jeopardy players!!
You know how dumb that guy in the other thread is? I looked at his bucket list and you know what the first thing on it was?
Committing suicide!
You know what, good for him, I say.
Suicide is painless, it brings on many changes
Moar like “kick the bucket out from under you with your head in a noose” list! Iamrite
Maybe he's incontinent. I'd wanna kill myself if I was incontinent.
I was only ever in Los Angeles once and not long enough to sample the fast food but have heard about it. Do they still have Roscoes Chicken and Waffles? I always wanted to try that although I could just go to KFC and get chicken and than make waffles with it. That could become a new 4th of July tradition.
They look to be still going strong!
Yes, still going. It's an institution. Tarantino alone would ensure it never goes under.
Yes, Dave never writes ill of anyone, and he deserves the same treatment.
I myself got wildly irritated by some migrants panhandling at an intersection today and wrote a screed about it. This city is putting them in apartments and they have medicaid, why are they also panhandling? They're not even trying to undercut the Mexicans in the handyman/housecleaning market. I don't like the downward pressure on wages but I'd grudgingly respect that. Instead, these people - some of them able bodied men - are panhandling. They have a home base, charities are doing rent drives for them - yet they're still panhandling.
I'm so irritated right now. They're basically just gypsies. I can't believe we imported 40k problem people into this city this way.
They don't make gypsies like Stevie Nicks anymore!
Now they make them like Tyson Fury
Was that the guy you called a faggot?
Nah, I didn't reply to him. Because I saw a column in it. Which is good. But it's also work, and I did not want to work this week.
We love you, Dave!
Right back atcha, friend!
Dave mentioned a while back the Brando interview with Connie Chung, this is a pretty funny moment-- Chung pretends to nod off during his remarks:
It's usually insignificant, minor things that bug me. In Fargo, after his unsuccessful attempt to get money from his father-in-law, William Macy goes to his snow and ice covered car in the parking lot. Ice rarely forms on car windows during the day regardless of temperature. Then he begins scraping the windows and doesn't start the car. You always start the car, put heat on maximum, put on defrost, then start scraping.
I'm a Masshole with 8 months of winter a year, and I approve this message.
Did anyone mention Spielberg's "Duel" yet? Jaws is awesome, and it has more character elements, but I just really love Duel - pure contest between protagonist and predator.
I'm no movie buff - but it is always enjoyable to read those who are, and both graciously and intelligently so, and speak with the authority of knowing and actually loving the craft from having actually been a part of it. There's an old film editor / distributor you may know from your Friends of Abe days who likewise, when he spins up a yarn about his work, or goes into movie criticism, does so with deep knowledge, yet without snark or polemic. It's fun to read that sort of work as a layman, if nothing else for sharing in the joy of the teller.
Thank you, Skip!
In my house- it's always Jaws on 4th of July, Die Hard on Christmas Eve and either/or/sometimes both The Poseidon Adventure or Escape From NY on New Year's Eve! When Covid first hit we went on a pandemic binge w/ Contagion, Panic in the Streets and anything else we could find to scare the bejeezus out of ourselves!!
Love The Poseidon Adventure! I careth not that The Noo Yawka wrote of it, "The script is the only cataclysm in this waterlogged Grand Hotel."
Quite the insulting review, eh?? It is a terrific movie. I mean how can you go wrong w/ that cast??
The acid test of your loyalty is how you feel about the equally super-starred Beyond the Poseidon Adventure (1979):
Telly Savalas as STEFAN SVEVO!!!!
Now that's a great villain name.
And Slim Pickens as a fake Texas millionaire. It's like the BEST MOVIE EVER!
The trailer for the sequel:
Trailers from Hell on the original:
MAD mag's parody was titled The Poopsidedown Adventure
And this song from the movie was a big hit:
Geeze noochness, you are a treasure trove of thrills! I want to print out the MAD mag (which I remember from my youth) so I can savor it! They were so talented! And of course the song....so maudlin! It's almost as good as the theme from... The Valley of the Dolls", but Dionne Warwick doesn't sing it, so it can't be!
I can't wait!!! Dave you're great and attract (mostly) the most fun people!! I feel like I've found my tribe!!!
Me too!
LOL-- I have to confess- I haven't seen it! I'm going to schedule it for a double-feature (w/ the original!) A good friend and I are going on our first cruise next Jan. (I swore I'd never go on one, but we're getting treated : ) !) She's anxious about being on the open seas and I'm anxious about being surrounded by horrible people, so we decided to do some advance "immersion therapy"LOL!!
Man, I love boats. But I've never been on a boat trip longer than 6 hours. Part of me always wanted to go on a cruise, but it's never gelled. But holy lord, being at sea for weeks is a dream of mine. Nothing but sea.....heaven!
Don't forget to re-read "A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again" by David Foster Wallace!
The food on the boat should be good, and you should be able to find some quiet spots where you can read Evelyn Waugh. Bring ear plugs (I never leave home without them; Anbow is a good brand) and a white-noise producer (whether a machine, phone app, whatever; gotta have white noise to block the black noise).
Our host is a seasoned cruise traveller and an avid reader. He has the ship mapped out w/ suggestions of where to hide out and read! i'm looking forward to it!!
Be still my beating heart!
Hey David, I remember seeing Jaws and Jaws 2 at a matinee showing back in 78 with some of my friends. Did they re-release Jaws with Jaws 2 or am I dreaming? Do you know if they had a double bill like that for the Jaws 2 release? They did something similar in 1980 when they re-released Star Wars along with its sequel. I also remember them doing that with Return of the Jedi. You could see all 3 films at the matinee at participating theaters.
I never saw the films billed together in my area, but I'm sure they were likely double-billed elsewhere. It seems like a natural choice. Show Jaws so that audiences can see a perfectly-crafted film with characters you care about, then show Jaws II so we can see a shitty film with disposable teens.
"Hey, here's our first course - fillet mignon. Now for the second course: uncooked spaghetti in a jar of mayo.
I prefer to think of Jaws 2 as junk food. Not good but fun. I also remember seeing Jaws 3 in a movie theater and thinking that the 3-D stuff was pretty scary. At least the 3-D was better than that 7-Eleven promoted TV rip-off Gorilla At Large. They started that 3-D shit because of the movie Commin At Ya back in 81. That was one of the most boring pieces of celluloid ever!
Ah yes, Gorilla at Large, 3D broadcast promoted by Elvira. That's the movie where Ann Bancroft visits a Gypsy fortune teller who says "I have good news and bad news about your future. You'll marry the ugliest Jew in Hollywood, and you'll die prematurely of cancer." And Bancroft was like "wait, what's the good news?" And the Gypsy's like "it's right there in what I said."
Elvira's big break but 7-Eleven stores was where one had to buy the 3-D Glasses with the purchase of a large Slurpee. I fell for it hard. I remember myself and the good doctor C. Levitz were ready with our glasses for the experiment to begin and NOTHING! No 3-D just the Gorilla and Raymond Burr and I for one couldn't be sure which was which. Q: Did the 3-D work where you lived? Some people have said that it depended on the location but I'm not sure how that's possible due to the fact that in order to broadcast it, it would have to be transferred to normal 35mm then put on video and sent out or beamed to the local stations. Or am I missing something here? I know that when Paramount sent out Friday the 13th part 3 prints about 1/6 had to be normal because not all theaters had the 3-D lenses to project it. I'm not too sure but I think ALL drive-ins had to show it flat. How would it have been with the living room idol, the cathode ray tube?
When Barry Lyndon got released, a local movie theater (one of the ill-fated Jerry Lewis franchises) held a "Stanley Kubrick Festival", showing 2001 and A Clockwork Orange (with separate admission required for each).