Hey Dave, good to hear you are still with us. If it is really you. A photo of you holding up today's newspaper would go a long way in proof of life.

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And a dime for scale

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Once I asked a friend how many guys he thought a very attractive girl we knew who had turned promiscuous was doing. After careful consideration, he replied - probably 10, but they’re like rats, for every 1 you see there are 5 you don’t. This guy was on his way to becoming a veterinarian, and knew about shit like that. So ratibor probably is part of a larger crew. Similarities with your publisher problems are obvious. Hang in there.

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Thank you my friend! And thank you for the beers. Very much appreciated.

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Fuck do I care about her body count if she is pretty, sweet & discreet?

(Unless we are talking marriage, of course)

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I sure do miss Adam Parfrey. I'm eternally proud of the number of Feral House books on my shelves, and proud of Parfrey that so far, he's the only person who's really ever managed to shock me, with a couple of essays in Apocalypse Culture.

The day he died, I actually yelped in shock when I found out, then immediately tweeted Adam Gorightly to ask WTF happened. Unfortunately, he hadn't yet heard, so I'd broken the news to him in a less-than-genteel manner, oops. The bullshit of Parfrey's death is just compounded by the disgusting woke mess his sister has turned FH into, though she's been very nice in my couple of interactions with her.

My dad's even asked me about your disappearance, Cole -- I told him you're probably sleeping it off, haha. But I really don't want to have to fly out there for your funeral unless you're going to leave your broke-down house to me in your will, so keep your shit together for a while, at least until I can visit and actually manage to say hi.

I've kept my eyes peeled and ears open lo these many years for a publisher for you. I may even know one or two. Stand by.

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I was contacted about three years ago by a guy doing a documentary about Parfrey. He interviewed me for three hours or so, and I mentioned that Adam had been in the audience as one of my guests during my 1992 Montel Williams Show appearance, and he even got a closeup during an "audience reaction" shot at one point. The filmmaker and I found the footage...but I have no idea whatever happened to that doc, if it was even made.

People like you and I know that Adam was one of a kind in the publishing world. He'd have fought my Amazon ban with gusto.

I honestly don't plan on dying soon, so I do hope we get to hang out again before that happens! And I genuinely appreciate any help RE publishers. I know my situation is thorny, so I'm not full of unrealistic expectations. But I really appreciate you keeping an eye out!

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Any publisher out there who wouldn't meet your price and publish you is a certified faggot, and their head should be displayed on London Bridge as a warning to others.

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Hear, Hear!

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Natalie- I hope you do!! I LOVE reading Dave's short form, and would def. enjoy a whole book!!

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Damn! I would love to read a new book from you and would love paying full price for the hardback even more (I hate Ebooks and paperbacks don't survive the palmetto bugs). So here's some more "beers" for you even though you don't live off black beer like I do.

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So VERY appreciated, Kelly! Thank you!

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Aloha Señor Dave!

Just for the record, I never suspected that you were dead! Geez, can't a guy take a little break from Substack without people thinking that you kicked the fucking bucket!? Anyway, I appreciate the Ratibor update; Have you considered getting a feral cat for your backyard? He could eat those food scraps, kill some rats, and in general, keep away evil spirits and such. (or so I'm told)


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My HOA rounds up ferals, unfortunately. That's why we have rats! Simple cause and effect. I could get an indoor/outdoor housecat, but I'm just not in a place right now to take on a pet.

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Ha ha, they round up feral cats, but allow the rats to run rampant! If that isn't a microcosm of modern America, I don't know what is! However the next major calamity works-out, I hope all the HOA busy-bodies finally "get theirs!", talk about an idea to militarize the Karens of the world!

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"they round up feral cats, but allow the rats to run rampant!" That's how Europe got the Black Plague, and how China's crops died off because Mao had the sparrows killed off.

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Yes, exactly, Mao killing off the sparrows!

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Yep. I wrote about that some years ago in my column. Lots of lessons to be derived there.

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That's prolly where I first heard the tale of the sparrows, and then heard it again on an ep of Radio Derb. Now that Letitia James has killed off VDARE, Derb's weekly podcasts are being placed here:


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I’m glad you’re ok. I missed your column!

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The columns are always there on Takimag. I miss one, I miss a paycheck! And I ain't in no position to miss a paycheck! Almost ten years of one-a-week at Takimag and the only week I ever missed was in April 2015 when my mom passed. Other than that, I'm as reliable as the tide.

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Sorry- I meant your emails. I always read your Taki Mag columns!

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And it's truly appreciated, Courtney! Thank you.

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Your work at Takimag is excellent and a credit to all mankind.

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Thank you - that means a lot, my friend.

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Great to hear from you, if you think you've got it bad with gout just think about that Indian guy who recently needed emergency surgery after shoving an eel up his ass.

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Yes! That one almost made it into The Week, but I couldn't find a way to make it funnier than it was on its own.

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Don't you dare die before me... I expect to keep reading you.

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I'll do my best!

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Hi, Dave!

Good to hear from you. I hope you’re feeling better. I hope you’ll find an apt publisher soon. Don’t lose hope. Have you tried pouring rat poison in liquid or powder form around where these critters scurry about? Maybe that’d be your Endlosung to the Rattefrage. I read your columns and enjoyed them as usual but the little bonus you left us here was the icing on the cake.

Hope to see you soon. Don’t forget to check your DMs if you don’t mind.

Have a wonderful day.

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The problem with poison is that I really don't want to harm the squirrels. To be honest, I'm not sure I even know the difference between a rat and a squirrel except that one is ugly and one is cute, but that's enough for me to not want to harm them. Big eyes vs. beady eyes is literally all it takes to charm humans into not exterminating something. I can see squirrels taunting rats about that.

I truly appreciate your DMs, and this weekend I'm going to be catching up on all correspondences!

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Check out Portlandia on the rats vs the squirrels. VERY funny!!

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Yes, keep trying, Dave. Henry Winkler sez you can't catch a fish if your line ain't in the water.

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I never got the chance to read your book, I've been hoping I can finally do that and I would definitely read your new one, I hope someone finally works with you on getting published. It is too bad that world doesn't respect how many people are interested in buying what you write.

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Thank you, Gina. It's a combination of the indie publishing world having collapsed under the weight of the big conglomerates, and the few indie pubs remaining seeing that I'm in a desperate situation, so they lowball me because they think they can.

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Conglomerates are everywhere nobody can escape them. I hope it works out, I've looked around for a copy of your book but I can't spend that kind of money, collectors are crazy.

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Hi Dave. It's good to know you're still hanging in there.

Question: What are the odds that Trump, if elected president, will have America go to war against Iran on Israel's behalf?

I'm thinking that Israel is thinking that the USA, as a powerful country, is running out of juice: After so many US military failures in the Middle East, the rise of BRICS+, and the US debt growing at an insane rate of one trillion dollars every 100 days, that it's now or never for Israel to get that one last bloody/costly war out of Uncle Sam.

After watching all those US politicians clapping like trained seals (while giving 45 standing ovations) for BiBi as he addressed them on Capital Hill, it looks like all - minus Thomas Massie - of our American politicians' AIPAC guys have their bought-and-paid-for assës in their pocket. If George Washington, knowing the reason behind it, had seen this clapping-seal spectacle he'd have been outraged; all our Founding Fathers would have been outraged.

Also: What do you think about that Pakistani guy, the one with strong ties to Iran, getting arrested one day before the assassination attempt on Trump? He supposedly hired a hitman ($5,000 in advanced, $95,000 afterwards) to kill Trump. You'd think Trump's protection would be sky high the day after that arrest. Then again, Israel would have gotten a lot closer to their US war against Iran if Trump had gotten his brain's blown out on live TV and Iran got all the blame.

It's "weird" that Trump's protection was so lax considering the day-before arrest; maybe "they" (Deep State/Neocons/Israel/MIC/etc.) wanted Trump dead AND a war with Iran and they figured they could kill two birds with one stone. I know that much of Israel loves Trump, but they'd sacrifice him in a heartbeat to get their US-Iran war - even with Trump gone Israel would still have all those trained clapping seals back on Capital Hill.

To me that Pakistani/Iranian assassin hirer story is either a fabrication or it's MOSSAD. What gave the game away was that he was supposedly in the USA to hire an assassin to kill Trump AND to organize pro-Palestinian demonstrations against Israel - you couldn't make this stuff up!

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Wow, thanks for letting us know it's now BRICS+, I had no idea there were new members. Wiki sez it's currently Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and the United Arab Emirates. Seems hard to believe Egypt joined since they get so much aid from the U.S.

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At first I thought that you were joking about the "+" in BRICS+, since it is already one or two years old.

With each new BRICS+ member - even sh*thole, basket case, countries like South Africa or the Congo (which still have vast resources) - America gets economically weaker. All those trillions in no longer used-for-trade US dollars will work their way home to the USA, and when they do American inflation will go through the roof.

Also, with 35 trillion (and rapidly increasing) dollars of US debt why would any country want to store their wealth in the US dollar? Add in that, militarily, the USA hasn't won a war since 1945 (which was mostly won by Russia in Europe) and it's clear to see that the emperor has no clothes.

Anyone with half a brain knows that the rising financial and military power of the Russia-China-Eurasian landmass is where the future lies. Meanwhile America stands a solid chance of becoming a vast, violent, Brazilian-style favela.

Like I said, Israel know all this, and they also know that they better squeeze that one last war - this time against Iran - out of the USA while they still can.

One thing's for sure, David Cole, our host, will NOT run out of things to write about over the coming months.

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No, I wasn't joking, I didn't know any new members had been added. I'd actually been wondering how they'd fit Mexico into the acronym when it finally joins. Yes, the U.S. is getting a slapdown, like John Cleese hitting the nation with a fish, and it's only just begun.

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So many nations are joining the China-Russia dominated financial/security club that they just went with "+" and called it good.

With Russia's gigantic landmass, tremendous resources, and absolute military superiority (think hypersonic missiles and a non-Tranny army), along with China's world's greatest industrial-manufacturing capacity, those two countries - alone - can kick the entire Western world's äss. Adding in India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and everyone else who joins up means we are screwed.

Our American politicians/"leaders" have sold us down river.

I would never have believed that America could fall apart so fast if I hadn't seen it happen with my own eyes. American leaders really squandered the great chance the world had after the Cold War ended in 1991. Life could have been great if we didn't f**k-up that once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to make the world a better place.

Instead, the neocons decided on war and our politicians signed-off on it.

There's A LOT of blame to spread around for our failure, most of it can be rightfully pinned on our own traitorous, bought-and-sold, "leaders." But blame on Israel's self-centered influence (including the tremendous Jewish-American influence [think AIPAC] on American foreign/domestic policy) ranks right up there near the top.

Of course the average/regular Jew (like my mom's good friend, Howard, who lives up her street) has no more influence on Jewish/Israeli policy than I have on US policy. It's our leaders, Jewish and non-Jewish, who have f**ked it all up.

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Auddied a good interview with Chas Freeman at YT-- he claimed that Eisenhower's original phrasing was "the military-industrial-Congressional complex" but Ike was dissuaded from using it, prolly by Congresscritters.


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Going to have to disagree with you about China and Russia kicking our ass, in spite of the fact that some of our faggot and tranny loving weirdo soldiers take it up the ass.

Our software advantage in warfare is currently on display in Ukraine. Russia is four times the size of Ukraine, yet our targeting, intelligence, satellite imagery, communications, spying tools, logistics, and advice are holding off a superior force. Software is the secret; it is what we do best in military equipment.


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I agree with you there, Booth. Domestic political "culture war" ideology issues don't decide these things. Just because Israel is crawling with-out-of-the-closet tranny freaks and pride months and shit and Iran isn't doesn't mean Israel's military might is therefore inferior. Yeah, Muslim nations are "based." Also yeah, Israel could best 'em all.

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"Software is the secret; it is what we do best in military equipment."

Software is one thing and 155mm artillery shells, a plethora of durable weapons, hundreds of thousands of battle-harden Russian soldiers, fighting in your own backyard (short supply lines), and hypersonic missiles is another. It's only fear of the USA going full-on nuclear, and destroying the planet in a final fit of murderous-suicidal anger, that'll keep Russia from immediately sinking every US aircraft carrier (with a single hypersonic missile each) if America, itself, ever attacks Russia.

As for the USA having the world's greatest military: From Korea (where one of my uncles fought as a Marine) and Vietnam (where four of my uncles [three of them teenagers] fought, mostly as grunt soldiers) forward, all the way up to our latest multi-billion dollar failure against third-world Yemen with the Houthis continued blockading of shipping traffic through the Red Sea, says otherwise.

If our military is so great where are all the wins? Has anyone asked all those Pentagon generals, who, in uniform, are ribboned and medaled from throat to crotch, about it? What does dumb-as-a-rock, affirmative-action-hire, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin have to say about it?

Another perfect recent example of over-priced failure from our US military is the 250 million dollars our military and their engineers wasted on building a single docking pier in Gaza, a pier that couldn't withstand its first heavy seas; I wonder who pocketed the most millions of dollars off of that one cringeworthy fiasco, I'd bet money that not a single person was fired or even demoted for that quarter-of-a-billion dollar boondoggle.

Outside the equivalent of beating up a handicapped kid in a wheelchair (think Serbia or the luckless Iraqi soldiers in Desert Storm), it gives me no joy to say that I have seen nothing but failure (Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya) from our military; they have shown themselves to be no more competent that any other branch of our near-useless US government. That our military thinks that they can take on Russia in a conventional war and win is delusional.

Our military is not much better than Mayorkas over at the Department of Homeland Security running his wide-open borders policy, a "border security" policy that has let in over 10 million illegals in under four years. Although, this border "failure" (it looks intentional to me) doesn't look too bad when compared to our twenty-year, multi-trillion dollar fiasco in Afghanistan. And that's not counting the "cost" in lives of the thousands of US soldiers and Muslim-hillbilly subsistence farmers (and their families) who were killed over those twenty years we spent f**king things up in the Hindu Kush.

It looks like the total failure in governmental policy and its enactment (INCOMPETENCE) in military matters, as with inflation, homelessness, and high crime is now accepted as just being the new American normal. In other words: we are losing on all fronts so get used to it.

The genuine chance of us soon having a future affirmative-action, nincompoop, "President Kamala Harris" says it all.

I hope I'm wrong, but based on my observations of current events the quality of life in the West is going to get a whole lot worse.

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China and Russia share a border, and there's actually some friction there. Because China's basically booming and Russia has a brain drain, all the smart people are leaving. When Dave writes about the South African blondes who are willing to pay their own way to work in LA it reminded me of the Russians in LA trying to make it as actresses, too.

That's the thing - there's a lot happening, but they're likely to blow each other up before they can really be successful.

The paranoia about Jews also strikes me as off. Jews like Western democracies; they do really well here. And they understand win-win situations. I'd always rather do business with Jews than with most Blacks or Hispanics. Hispanics like conflict and don't understand why you'd bother to de-escalate; they think refusing to come to an accord is a sign of toughness. Blacks just don't seem to understand or care that contracts are legally binding.

Jews will make a deal. If there's a way everyone can settle and come out okay, they'll do that rather than continuing to argue. They'll honor the contract or request changes be made to it, they won't try to just fuck you over and tear it up.

I believe that whoever the next president is will have to deport some people. Right now where I live, there are panhandlers in residential areas. Venezuelans just setting up in front of houses. And it's not people who look homeless. It's not just sad women. There might be a woman looking sad with a kid, but there's also a military-aged man across the street or around the corner monitoring them. They seem trafficked; this seems like potentially a gang thing where they're not pimping people but making them beg.

I know that sounds nuts but that's the only thing that makes sense to me, because construction is booming. The men could work if they tried. The library is always open and free; the mom could take the kids there to cool off in the heat. Libraries in cities also are primed to connect people who are homeless with services these days. In LA, the libraries have programs to help people get GEDs etc.

Something is going to change because it's reached a critical point where rich people with nice houses are getting impacted, and it's obviously a con not real need. Those Jews you're whining about will eventually be the ones who help get the border enforced again. Between the enthusiastic support for Hamas/Hezbollah among Latinos and migrants impacting their neighborhoods, they will organize something to make it happen.

Don't be paranoid about Jews; be as good at organizing and having your community's back as Jews are. They're successful because they network; they talk to each other and organize in support of causes. A lot of white demographics have "tall poppy" issues, culturally. If someone is good at something, if someone's a tall poppy that accomplishes more, it becomes about the rest of the community cutting them down. My mom's family's Irish, instead of being happy they're related/connected to someone bright or successful, they try to hurt that person or their reputation. They drag each other down. Don't be like that - promote each other. Organize, lift each other up.

That's why Jews are successful. It's nothing nefarious, it's literally just having each other's backs and being good at communication. White people make all kinds of excuses about why not to organize; why not to call the PD about the panhandlers in their neighborhood ("someone will say I'm racist!"). Jews are careful about how they speak, and think tribally not individually; that's why they get so much done as a group.

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Dave, the "get the stinky crap out of the freezer" on garbage day has become a ritual. All it takes is one missed day and your freezer becomes hard to navigate! "Is this trash, or edible, or both?"

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Vinas and Dave- I am w/ you both!! 1/2 way down the read I was all set to suggest the freezer to you Dave. the rats we get here are mostly due to overfeeding the birds, and my lazy cats do nothing about them, but we do have black rat snakes that take good care of them. Not sure if they live on the West coast too, but if so- the HOA might not spot them!!

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For 16 years I had one hell of a mouser - Simon T. Cat, a huge alpha male tabby who kept the neighborhood rodent-free. Started out killing two a night until the population dwindled. But he passed years ago and no cat took his place. And we don't get snakes 'round these parts. We've been getting a lot of skunks lately, but they feed on grub worms n' stuff., and the coyotes feed on larger things than mice and rats.

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I had a lad like that! Frankie, the MAN!! He was a big hunter. Now I've got 2 gray goofballs and a big tortie who does catch the mice but as often as not brings them to play w/ in the house! The other night I almost stepped on the (earless!) head upper torso of a small bunny! I know it was my tortie, but she has no canine teeth, so I'm suspicious she found someone else's dirty work and brought it in "for show"! Sorry for the TMI, but I just must out myself as a "childless cat lady"! LOL!!

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Dave, we knew you hadn't shuffled off the mortal coil because, when you do, it will look like that scene in "Empire of the Sun" when James Graham sees the detonation of the Hiroshima bomb and thinks it's someone's soul going up to heaven. I like that you write about all those civilization-hating Nazi nitwits because people need to be reminded not only that they still exist, but really how easy it is for lazy thinkers to begin to sympathize with some of their arguments.

That being said, everyone knows the real problem is the French, for two reasons: The Napoleonic Code and the metric system. QED


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LOL!!!! Thank you, Patrick!

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Dave, maybe a column in which you let loose on J.D. Vance? If we're going to have to see Harris "walz" to victory, at least let us have some entertainment along the way. Goad has already expressed his qualms with the Vancemeister-- but don't get me wrong, I wish it was Vance on top of the Republican ticket. Here's what Goad wrote:

Trump Picks Shapeshifting Butterball James Donald Bowman as His Running Mate

Last week at an aggressively multicultural Republican National Convention that bore uncomfortable similarities to the film Idiocracy, Donald Trump selected Ohio Senator J. D. Vance as his running mate.

You may have heard of J. D. Vance, but you probably didn’t know that he wasn’t born as James David Vance but rather as James Donald Bowman before finally settling on a new name that swaps out his middle and last names, only to preserve the “James.”

In 2018 I wrote a critical review of Vance’s breakthrough book Hillbilly Elegy. I titled it “Let’s Blame the Hillbillies for All Their Problems,” but editors changed the title so that it included the word “Dissent,” which, much like “Dissident,” is a word I’d never use, but let’s not quibble. The main thrust of my review is in these three paragraphs:

Yet when Vance takes a bleak look at the rotten-toothed, opiate-addled, food-stamp-slinging people who apparently didn’t have the smarts or character to lift themselves out of their environment like he did, he can’t seem to bring himself to blame anyone but the hillbillies. Rising addiction and suicide rates among this population, along with its unprecedented drop in longevity rates, is solely framed as a moral failing — it can’t possibly be pinned on the fact that politicians sold all the middle- and working-class jobs overseas and imported millions of hostile nonwhite proles to snap up the remaining low-paying jobs.

All the despair he observes is blamed on some vague spiritual sickness rather than on material realities. His diagnosis is no less scolding or condescending than Barack Obama’s finger-wagging about rural losers who bitterly cling to guns and Bibles.

Although he self-identifies as a conservative, Vance sends little moralistic smoke signals throughout the book that indicate he’s entirely under the thrall of liberal thought-policing. He repeatedly refers to racism, sexism, and homophobia as if they were leprosy. He speaks of Barack Obama with a reverence that is so squirrelly, it borders on Chris Matthews’s infamous line about a thrill going up his leg. He suggests that rural Americans who distrust a media who openly hate and defame rural Americans are simply paranoid and uneducated.

Back then, Vance was firmly anti-Trump, calling him an “idiot,” saying he “can’t stomach Trump,” alleging that “he’s noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place,” wondering whether Trump might be “America’s Hitler,” and even threatening in 2016 that he might vote for Hillary Clinton if it seemed that Trump had a chance of winning.

As recently as 2022, when he was running for US Senate against Tim Ryan in Ohio, Vance balked at the idea that he was a racist:

"Here’s exactly what happens when the media and people like Tim Ryan accuse me of engaging in great replacement theory. What happens is my own children — my biracial children — get attacked by scumbags online and in person, because you are so desperate for political power that you’ll accuse me, the father of three beautiful biracial babies, of engaging in racism. We are sick of it. You can believe in a border without being a racist."

Now, lifted in part by huge donations from billionaire Peter Thiel and the approval of Hasidic singers, Vance is now a firm Trumpster and a rabid/vehement/virulent Zionist.

I do not trust this man.

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OK Noon-- I will look into this more deeply, but- his mother changed his name (when the loser dad left), then he was raised by his Vance grandparents, so his name makes sense to me! I was hoping for Tulsi Gabbard, but I didn't see her meshing w/ Trump , who I don't love, by any means, but "jeez-o-pete" c'mon man- this DNC lock on power is sickening! I'd even vote for Kennedy's dead bear(w/ busted bicycle as Veep) over Kammy and Tim!

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Yes, Tulsi would have had to put her soul in cold storage to serve as veep under Trump.

Kennedy's dead bear as prez with busted bike as Veep, very good!

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I wasn't a great fan of "Hillbilly Elegy" the first time I watched it, but I watched it again and felt like some of the fucking hillbillies need to put forth a better effort rather than sitting around crying all day.

I've been fucked around by affirmative action/DEI all my life. Didn't get to go to the Air Force Academy because the dickhead congressman gave the appointment to a black guy. The black guy went to a school that didn't have a single SAT score above 1100 back then - I had a better score than anyone at their fucking school, and I played varsity football and baseball and was enthusiastic and patriotic. That was my appointment! It was stolen from me by DEI!

Went to a state school and studied like a motherfucker & got an engineering degree, and went to work at a small manufacturing company. We regularly lost the good gummint contracting jobs to minority-owned companies, so we took the shit jobs no one wanted. I saved my money for years and put down a small down payment to buy the place. Worked my ass off for years to pay it off, suffered humiliation at the hands of powerful assholes working at big businesses who looked down on me, but I made it work. Sold it for a nice amount of money.

I'm very bitter about life in the United States and being ruled by liberal tranny loving faggots, entitled and lazy black overlords (by no means all of them are assholes, some are alright - not the faggots, the black people) & everyone who gives them control.

Having some money buys me the luxuries in life, and I have a decent life, but it could be a lot better if I had a country back that I could love again.

So, I put up with Trump and Vance and hope they win, because the policies of the other side make me want to vomit.

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It looks like you got exceptionally, life-changingly, f-ked by DEI.

Luckily, as a white guy, that BS wasn't pulled on me doing union civil-construction work up in Alaska. Reputation up there is everything and I had a great one for making the construction companies that I worked for a lot of money, it was something that I proved time and again by being faster than anyone else and never having to move the earth twice.

Because too much money (tens-of-thousands of dollars an hour) was at stake for these privately owned companies I, thank God, never lost a job to an inferior worker due to the color of my skin. I'm positive that I would not have handled racial discrimination against me as well as you did.

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These tradecraft-type jobs that rely on skill and strength will hopefully morph into the best-paying gigs.

My son is a musician and wants to do that. His choice, but if I were his age I would strongly consider making over $100,000 per year in the oil fields.

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interesting info! Thanks! I'll have to look into it!

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Buy an aluminum trash can. See if he can gnaw through that

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Our bins are city-supplied. They have to be compatible with the robot-arm garbage trucks.

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Store the trash in the steel can, then dump it in the city plastic can when it’s trash day. And yes, I realize that is double work, but rats can’t chew through steel…yet.

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Dave great to hear from you. Hey I found interesting 16 year old article about crime not sure if you've seen it, but it seems to fit your thoughts on crime (keep it contained)

Funny "The Atlantic" would never write this today


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Thanks for the link! VERY much appreciated, my friend.

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In music auditions, the artist is behind a curtain and doesn't speak, and the judges rank and grade based on the performance they hear. Race and sex then do not matter.

We should hide race in crime statistics behind a similar curtain. Instead of black, brown, white, and yellow, we should use categories 1, 2, 3, and 4, for race, and a for men, and b for women. I will give anyone 10-1 odds that category 1a will lead in murders, rape, and robbery.

You could feed the data into an unbiased artificial intelligence program, and it would tell you that category 1 has the highest correlation to crime.

We are not going to solve the significant problems caused by, and in most cases suffered by, category 1, without admitting the obvious truth.

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I understand not wanting to hurt the squirrels with a rat trap. My exterminator puts glue traps in my garage for the insects, and I was very saddened when a gecko died in one of them.

Freezing the scraps is a good idea.

Sorry about your woes with publishers. You’re a very talented writer whose voice should be heard. Hang in there.

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Thank you so much, Stacy!

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