Dave, I KNEW you wouldn't let me down on tearing Tardy Madd a new asshole. Counting down the hours until early Tuesday morning when it gets put up on the site. Also any interest in partnering with me in my new restaurant business I'm opening in Springfield, OH: HFK: Haitian Fried Kitten?

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LOL!!!!!!! I should use that in the next Week (with permission, of course).

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You absolutely have my permission.

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And when the Haitians get to Canada they'll open a chain of Toussaint Horton's.

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If you've been to Montreal you know they are already there.

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I'm sure it'll be 200 years of paradise after they kill all the French, just like their native land.

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Ohio's new state song is "Leave my Kitten Alone".

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And the new governor is Gordon Shumway.

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The state now has more pussy eaters than an Indigo Girls show..

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"Clotilda" SOUNDS like a black girl name: "'My baby din'doo nuffin!' said Clotilda Babydaddy-Jefferson, the suspect's 39 year old grandmother..."

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I don't wear weaves but thanks to you I want a bullet proof weave now Dave.

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Cobra Cole

Read that in David Attenborough's voice & tell me it doesn't sound legit. Or maybe Cole Cobra or wait, Colebra, that's it.

"The Colebra curls & nestles itself in foliage for up a week waiting for either a serene Sunday night or a sunny Tuesday afternoon to strike its prey. It follows this strict schedule to avoid disturbing the Takitheodoradopapopalasourus which the Colebra shares a mutually beneficial relationship with."

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Just so you know, I grew up in the late 1970s and played football against Grand Prairie's football teams in High School. It was a 90% white town back then, and obviously, their running backs and defensive backs were black anyway. We had a few Hispanics in high school, and I loved the skinny chicas. At most, they were 5% of the population back then, but hablo espanol muy bueno, por que mi gusta senorita's flacas mucho.

Your comment about killing the McD's cashier with a broadsword was funny AF!!!

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Thank you! And yeah, these demographics changes are fascinating. In L.A. we see it from the "from black to Hispanic" perspective. My high school was 80% black in 1982. Now it's about 60% Hispanic and 40% white/Asian, with just a handful of blacks remaining.

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When I was in high school Kenner La. was metalhead turf; now it's becoming a barrio: https://www.wdsu.com/article/kenner-police-chief-says-undocumented-man-admits-to-rape-kidnapping/62086936

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That headline: "We can't call the murderer/rapist illegal!"

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That sounds like an upgrade, though the basketball team probably isn't better.

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Funny thing was, we had shitty sports teams back then. That's how low-class our school was; promising athletes were recruited by better schools. The only sports "success" associated with Hamilton High was Darryl Strawberry, of Crenshaw High, who was playing Hamilton at Hamilton and hit a homer over three neighboring apartment buildings. So Hamilton is only know for sports because of what a black kid from a different school did.

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What is the point of putting up with black students if they cannot beat the shit out of the rival school?

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Uyghur!? I barely know her.

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Drebin: What do you know about Menards?

Johnny the Shoeshine Boy: I dunno nut-ing about 'em!

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And then Dick Clark asks Johnny what "ska" is. Menard's is also a hardware store in Chicago too; I lived there for almost 10 years and never noticed the "my nards" joke.

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Dude, in the Lucio Fulci film Zombie, Dr. Menard is living on the island of Matool. There's literally a line in the film where he's trying to radio the mainland for help: "This is MENARD calling from MATOOL...come in!"

Even as a kid, I "got" it.

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I've lost count of how many times I've watched that movie and never picked up on that. Damn.

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🎼Shave big monkey at Menards🎶

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This is sort of off topic, but why do so many young women on the internet, HAVE THIS LOW CROAKY VOICE? What`s with all the low CROAKKKKKKKKKK !

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It's called "vocal fry." There are plenty of YouTube vids explaining it.

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Thank you. You are a simpatico. Not at all a hater.

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Not to be confused with "fry vocal" - the latter, usually, is followed by the sound of a gun shot.

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I'm still trying to figure out how I feel about this body fishing gig. On the one hand charging people to retrieve their loved ones sounds a bit greedy. On the other hand, it doesn't seem like the authorities are retrieving them. And I have had the pleasure of nearly bumping into a two-day floater. Not nice. If I was retrieving bodies, people would be paying.

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That's my take. Technically, the government/police should be doing this. But since it's left to unpaid private citizens, I can't begrudge them compensation. Hell, since "avoiding casting shame on one's family" is such a big thing in China, maybe the idea that their loved ones will get a bill might dissuade a few drowners.

Never seen a floater myself. I can imagine it's unpleasant.

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Pulling a Rothbard here: The private enterprise will do it more efficiently. Heck, I agree it might even deter some chins from drowning as you said.

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Hi Dave! There are nearly 11 million people living in North Carolina, but the GOP still chose Mark Robinson!

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Amazing, isn't it?

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I hope you check out Darryl’s podcasts before you respond. He certainly didn’t deny the holocaust.

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I believe I am quite capable of understanding the English language.

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Damn good using it as well...

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“I am so sick of seeing and hearing people STILL talk about Nazis and Hitler and how evil and manipulative they were. NEWS FLASH PEOPLE, THE NAZIS (National Socialist) ARE GONE! We did away with them,” Robinson said in a representative post from 2017, before claiming that communism has always been a more sinister threat to American freedom. “Compared with the Communist the Nazis were upstart amateurs in terms of manipulation and MURDER.”

I'm probably missing something but this is the worst thing I could find (short Internet search is all I care to invest) that is directly attributed to Robinson. Maybe he is a rabid antisemite but if believing the objective fact that the Soviet communists murdered more people than the Nazis makes one a Holocaust denier, then a whole lot of historians must be suffering from severe cognitive dissonance. It is also an objective fact that the Nazis are no longer a political party in Germany. Haven't been for over 75 years.

Robinson could be a total whack job (possibly literally) but I'm not going to take the word of a drug addled porn shop worker making statements that are advantageous for a Democrat in an election year.

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1) I quite clearly included a link in the piece to a thorough catalog of Robinson's comments. You chose to ignore it for your "short Internet search." So go fuck yourself. I choose not to write for people who refuse to read.

2) You're using the same language as a troll comment I got earlier in the night. If you're doing the "two profile double-teaming" shit, I will warn you once: don't. If I suspect it one more time, you and the "other guy" will be bounced. This isn't Twitter; I don't put up with any shit here, period.

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Sorry Dave, I'll have to check your piece again. I rarely click all the links in any piece as I tend to go down rabbit holes and never finish the original piece. That is why I indicated I was probably missing something and outright admitted to a short internet search.

My basic parameters are if someone said something horrible like “All the Jews need to die” it should just be quoted directly and would show up at the top of a search. If it doesn't, I usually find that whoever the Democrats are trying to smear didn't say the horrible thing, or they said something in a Facebook post ten years ago that is taken wildly out of context. I'm so sick of the “Republicans are racist” bullshit that I rarely put much effort into verifying it and just assume it's a lie.

I only have one Substack account and never double post. I won't unthubscribe if you don't ban me.

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It is shocking that this guy Robinson made it this far, or that anybody thinks better candidates weren't available.

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There might be better candidates but why would they run? When a drug addled porn shop worker can make wild accusations about a candidate and it gets repeated by folks on the right it kind of throws a wet blanket on the idea for any decent person interested in running. As Harry Reid said when he was asked why he lied about Romney's tax returns "We won, didn't we?

The Republicans can't even make truthful statements about the degeneracy of leftist candidates without them getting "fact checked" and "debunked" into oblivion by supposed experts. Haitians stealing and eating pets? That's ridiculous! The ABC news anchor called the city manager in Springfield and he said that's bogus so don't even bring it up.

Maybe Robinson is a piece of shit, but the time to bitch about it is during the primaries and after the general election. The Democrats keep winning because they keep all their infighting (for the most part) under wraps. They have openly anti-Semitic Muslims holding elective office while our candidates are getting torpedoed as "Holocaust deniers" over quotes from Rolling Stone magazine that conveniently leave out a sentence or two from the guys original Facebook post that would have added a little context.

No one on the left has any issues with one of their own downplaying 9-11 as "some people did some things". Meanwhile, we have people losing their shit when one on our side suggests that maybe it was worse for the Soviets to murder 20-25 million people while the Germans murdered 6 million (don't you dare suggest a body less or a possible range with that number) plus some other millions that don't need a defined number because they are unimportant.

The communists have objectively murdered more people throughout history and have more or less taken over the Democrat party so forgive me if I'm a little more concerned about them than a candidate that might have erroneous views about a political party that lost power over 70 years ago.

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