Jul 7Liked by David Cole

"...the town’s priest, Father Julius Tvrdy of Our Lady of the Missing Vowels, is making sure that all remaining white Cretins learn to speak Spanish, as opposed to the beans learning English" Liberation Theology strikes again. I've mentioned the Lib Theology influence in my Catholic high school, but I just remembered this one time at a school assembly, they had a box of Popeyes chicken and they gave 2 kids one piece each and 1 kid the rest of the box. It was supposed to illustrate how we were supposed to redistribute the worlds' resources; the school was half black, so it must've been torture for them.

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LOL!!!! I'm surprised nobody got killed.

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

To be fair, a lot of the black kids were Catholic creoles, as opposed to the jherri-cured hoodrats that populated most N.O. public schools; I just can't resist a stereotype. I didn't get sent to Catholic school so much out of religious devotion on my parents' part, but to keep me from getting murdered. I had a Cuban teacher whose family escaped Castro, and he corrected us on that commie chicken nonsense in his next class.

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99% of the blacks in my high school were Ann Coulter's beloved "foundational blacks." They were blacks from da South who moved here during the early 20th Century "great migration." But there was one chick - Michèle - who was Haitian. Jeez she was hot. That she spoke French made her hotter. But she was also a criminal. A lowlife. That truly depressed me. So pretty, so pretty...but otherwise, genetic detritus.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by David Cole

My philosophy with gorgeous women who are crazy is to pay them about $500 bucks. They understand the deal and generally leave you alone afterward.

When they don't want to leave me alone, good luck finding me!

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Jean-Michel Basquiat was a Haitian creole, or as Ted Hughes called him (in a description that could never get published today) a noble savage you could still take to the dinner party.

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

ROBERT Hughes I meant. Ted was married to Silvia Plath (are there Plath deniers? "If Plath died in the oven, where are the Zyclon-B traces?")

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I helped rep a Haitian-American performer who was wildly talented but couldn't stay out of their own way. It was very sad because they'd just blow up at people and eventually no one wanted them around. I'm not even sure they're still in the biz, which is sad because they're VERY good.

(Not a tranny situation just don't want to give too much away about who it is.)

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

" I hope I won't give offense if I observe

that the French are known to be a

race of assassins"

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Genetic detritus, yeah-- I was adopted as a baby, I suspect I'm generic detritus too. Didn't have any kids, so that's a good thing for everyone.

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8Liked by David Cole

Honestly, Mexicans generally hate when white people speak Spanish to them. When I lived in LA I worked with a guy called Hugo, but Mexican. I called him Ugo when I first met him, and he got really offended. I apologized and even tried explaining that my family's French Canadian, I lived in Montreal for ~5 years, and there it's considered really rude if you know someone's a francophone but call them the anglo pronunciation of a name (Robert not roe-bear). Still salty.

Telling the white people to say hi in Spanish will wake them up faster than anything else. Working class immigrant Mexicans are generally just surly with anyone who's different from them, period.

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My yard bean, very brown but flawless English, is named Juan but only likes being called John. I think he'd take offence if I ever called him Juan.

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Oh shit! That's how my cousin on my mother's side was. Jaimito came to Florida to stay with us after his mom made sure he got an exit visa from Cuba. He hated 'The Beard' and would cut out pictures of Reagan from the newspaper, Grama, and put them up on the walls all over the house. She got tired of it and made him leave. When he arrived in Miami he was interested in disco, porn flicks, he even knew that the People's Court theme song was from a 70's porno, and not ever being referred to as Jaime. "From now on please call me James or Jim." What is it with third worlders and disco, anyway?

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I would never call someone a different name entirely, but the level of offense some people took about pronunciation surprised me. Especially as I said because our other more Northeastern linguistic minority does it the opposite way.

That reminds me - I grew up in a heavily Italian area. I went to school with a lot of kids named "Tony." When we were adults, I got invited to one of their weddings and his actual legal name is Angelo which I never knew until the invitation came in the mail. He just didn't want to be "Ang" as a kid, which he thought sounded girly, so he went by Tony at school.

People are sensitive about names and identity I guess. It seems like there are levels of wanting to be who you are vs wanting to fit in.

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I tried calling beans "smelly spic." It didn't go over well.

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I know many Mexicans, and I get along with them very well. I love Mexicans. They actually like when I speak Spanish. My pronunciation is excellent; my understanding, not so much

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I lived in LA for ~10 years, I found most Mexicans to be surly assholes. My Spanish is pretty decent, or at least was when I was using it regularly. People have assumed I'm from Argentina at times, so maybe the accent's a bit different (used to live in French Canada). When I lived in Montreal, I honestly knew a lot of Mexicans from language classes and the PRI recently falling out of power, they were much more middle class and educated than the people you meet in LA. They were way friendlier, more pro-social, more likely to be married before having kids etc.

When I lived in LA, sometimes if a guy was interested in me, other Mexican-American people at work would warn me "he's really Mexican, stay away from him." Like that's how they talk about themselves, in some cases, "we treat women TERRIBLY so look out."

The older Mexicans I met in LA county tended not to have an issue with me, because I'm polite, almost never swear at work, etc. They were like, "You Catholic?" They identified with me, basically, they could tell we actually had a lot in common.

The younger ones came at me with a lot of resentment. Especially the Latinas, and then it seemed to mostly be about me being blonde. Working on sets and things, it depended. Middle-class Mexican dads in lighting: great to work with. Younger kids, affirmative action type hires, you couldn't rely on them. They didn't communicate well or work well as part of a team. They fucked up an expensive shot on one show I worked on by not communicating about the timing of basically a big stunt. When the guy supervising asked why they just sat there. When he then yelled at him, they didn't even understand why he was mad. It was SUCH an expensive shot, on location, like I can't even tell you. It was tens of thousands of dollars. When you're young and new and you fuck something like that up, your only smart move is being REALLY apologetic and they didn't even apologize to their supervisor.

There are a lot of underclass Mexicans in LA who feel entitled to opportunities they're not equipped for, basically. For example, there are always "investigations" into places like the Norton Simon or Huntington Gardens/Library and why they don't hire more PoC in leadership positions. Most Mexicans in LA County are equipped to be maintenance guys or receptionists at big museums, not curators or department heads. However, they don't really get that, they just think whites and Asians are taking something from them. You also generally can't help those people. They are too mad to see reason or to understand that emulating Asian/white habits is how to get those successes, not whining. They're like, "I COULDN'T join the Army for the GI bill I would've had to leave my baby with my mother!" Literally, one woman I know who had her first kid at 14 was telling me that.

They think they're unfairly barred from college, internships, etc, when a lot of it is the life choices they've made. If you adopt the baby you had as a teen out, you both get to have a future. If you keep it, it's much harder. Your mom raised you, why not leave the baby with her so you can go get some skills and build a better life? I mean, they see no relationship between their actions and their outcomes in some cases. Then someone like me, who went to college, gets hired for a better job than them and they see red. They don't connect it to, "Oh but she worked 46 hours every week over summer break and saved to move here. She had a way better SAT score than me and graduated from a really great school. She worked for 4 years and did an internship, she put a lot of time into this actually." They don't ask "what qualifications do you have and how do I get them too," they just have anger. It's like generationally poor, Appalachian-type thinking. We imported a ton of that and then we can't figure out why many people are fed up with it/want to restrict immigration going forward.

TL;DR - A lot of Mexicans in LA just straight-up hate whites in my experience. Church-going older people, not so much. The younger ones? They're just full of resentment, and the Dems keep "ginning them up" as Ann Coulter would say. I think it will get worse before it gets better.

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There are good and bad. I generally like them

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On balance I'd say they're a problem.

If you look at immigrant groups to places like Texas and Cali, Asians have been really productive and have added a lot of value to the communities where they settle.

Mexicans drive wages down, do generally subpar work (nothing is ever level) and they tend to make communities less safe, leave garbage around, and they don't pick up after their dogs.

In LA, they're also incredibly racist about "outsiders" moving into "their" neighborhoods, even when that's just to found businesses that will employ local people. The Mexicans who come here tend to have a massive chip on the shoulder, they're racist about everyone who's not exactly like them, and they're not ever really going to understand egalitarianism or think like Americans. They want special entitlements, not a level playing field.

I mean, when they get to the tipping point wherever you live, you'll see it to. All the La Raza bullshit.

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I’ve seen some who are problematic, but the ones I know are a different kettle of Beans

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Beans aren’t to everyone’s taste

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Fine job per usual. Funny the story about the Kiwi who ended up getting killed kept popping up in my YT recommendations and my first thought was "This is TWTP material" and lo and behold it was! Here's one for next week: "An easily preventable tragedy"


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Mike, I love ya! I saw that same story and immediately thought of Felix Bourg, the Frenchman who, in 1922, put a stick of dynamite under his top hat and went strolling through his Tiranges neighborhood greeting friends...then his head blew up. Best. Suicide. Ever. If I can work it into the French election outcome, I will.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by David Cole

It's like a cartoon by Saul Steinberg, or B. Kliban. Here's a piece on bizahh suicides by the Goad-meister himself!


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Still gotta go with Budd Dwyer, he's the Citizen Kane of suicides (or as it's called in Canada: Health care).

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Can you imagine the disappointment when they looked at their haul? "Buncha mutherfukin' paper wit' some squiggles an' sheet on it!"

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Bookstores are the only places that never get robbed; they don't even think of holding them up for the register. Just entering one is beyond them.

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Dave, that was an excellent column. Anyone who unsubscribes is to be pitied, not shot and killed and their head hung on the "Welcome to Beverly Hills" sign as a warning to others.

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I DO pity those fools!

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They need pity killing

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

"Smithfield’s a massive GOP donor. So of course this “patriotic” company began trucking undocumented beans into Crete the minute it took over. The town’s now 41 percent Hispanic." Because of course. When Nebraska is a minority-white 3rd World deep-blue wasteland, said GOP donors will scratch their pointy heads and wonder what went wrong.

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This "week" belongs in the HOF. An all-timer! I laughed my nuts off and now I'm off to the Olympics as a transgender hero.

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LOL! Thank you, Red!

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

It just crossed my mind Hooper cutting a shark open and finding a cell phone: "Naw, a tiger shark's like a garbage can, it'll eat anything"

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Much as I hate to discourage anyone from moving to the Gunshine state (hate, hate) it does sound as if Florida is not for you unless you want to hire out as a mosquito attractor for BBQ's.

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I could become a human bug-zapper!

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Hey Dave, disappointed you didn't work a Chinese joke about Smithfield, since they own it. But otherwise great, as usual!

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Ooohhhh gout- the disease of kings. Sorry.

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55 years, never had it once. This year? Three bouts. No idea why, but to be frank, being able to say, with no dishonesty, "I can't walk" is sort of a blessing for a man who's come to despise socializing. So it's not the worst affliction...if you can stand the crippling pain.

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Aug 18Liked by David Cole

It’s at time excruciatingly painful.

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No bouts since June...hopefully I'm done with it for the year. Or forever, I hope!

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

David, are you sure that you don't have chiggers plus skeeters, B vitamins supposedly help repel bloodsucking insects. Try it out on Unz !!!

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When I stay indoors I'm fine. Do I know 100% what eats me alive when I step outside? Chiggers? Skeeters? No, because I never see it. They're like ninjas. I go outside for 5 minutes, and I come back looking like a pox casualty. That said, I've heard that chiggers don't attack alcoholics. I mean, you've heard the old saying, right? Chiggers can't be boozers."


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This is what happens when when you touch grass

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Chiggers are damn near invisible, skeeters are visible and audible.

You say you like cold, dry weather year round, well I think Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia would be the perfect place for you: https://www.britannica.com/place/Ulaanbaatar

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Yeah but I don't like Asian chicks. Gimme an Arctic Circle town of Scandinavians.

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

I love them Asian gals, and the Hispanic chicks with similar features too!

There are quite a few Russian/Asian hybrid gals in Mongolia and the nearby Russian republics, they are quite stunning. St. Petersburg or even better the Svalbard archipelago, have lotsa Scandinavians waiting for ya Dave.

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Dave will have Nunavut

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

I'm surprised the word chiggers is even allowed. Perhaps it should euphemistically be referred to as the 'c-word.'

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Chigga, please! Don’t hard-R it

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Jul 8Liked by David Cole

Need to move to West Hollywood because there are no bloodsucking insects of any kind there. This is because they are all terrified of contracting AIDS.

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Hey LA Dave . Here s my idea about what you should Segway in to writing , exposing

“ LA confidential “ from an insider LA guy you , who s lived in it .

Your target market would be similar to Dissident White , JQ aware readers only this would have more women s readers .

It s kind of a 1930 s vibe where LA /Hollywood is a sin cutter where once moral , wholesome Midwestern , country Christian girls get corrupted by ya know / but not just by J oligarchs like Harvey Weinstein , also by LGBT, drug and pajama parties , women that wear trousers , Jane Fonda anti American Commies , liberals , cults , Catholics ha ha .

I was just given sone great Jack Kirby collection comic reprints from the 1940s. It has that film noir vibe .

Let s talk of employing a real comic artist , I know one .

I think you ve said all you can say about WWII Revisionism , Conservatives “ Friends of Abe “


Let s go for LA Confidential - what ruined a nice girl like Taylor Swift , Hanoi Jane Fonda etc

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I love the movie LA Confidential, and some of James Ellroy’s writing

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

Never been to Los Angeles area, but never thought it would be buggy.

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That's the thing...it's ME, not them. We have a dry desert heat. It isn't tropical like the South. We're not mosquito country, but JESUS they FIND me. The bastards just manage to find me the moment I step outside.

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Jul 7Liked by David Cole

I am surprised - I've never had a problem with mosquitos in LA, even when I hiked up to the Hollywood sign. Maybe God wants you to stay inside and write things for us?

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That has to be it. Because it really is abnormal. Most folks here don't have to deal with this. But for whatever reason, I'm a walking target!

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If I learned anything from Jaws, it’s that sharks are attracted to signs of distress and helpless flailing. Similarly, mosquitoes are drawn, like a mako to a wounded seal, to displays of oygenflagening

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LOL!!! I'll have to oygenflaygen less while taking my trash to the curb.

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Jul 8Liked by David Cole

They love drinkers. The science types have their studies that say so, for what studies are worth these days, but personal experience agrees; a couple hours and several beers into a BBQ and they're all over you.

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Brother, I'm totally "with you" on the heat!

If I could never be hot, another day in my life, it would be cool with me. I think a lot of it is pure biology- look at where your lineage came from, and what was the weather like there, and THAT'S what your body wants, based on the thousands of years of living and developing there.

Ergo, Sweet Home Transylvania! (okay, closer to Vilnius, but nobody's ever heard of it, so why bother? I'm trying to make a joke, not give a geography lesson!)

On another note: I do marvel at your ability to craft your rhyming intros week after week. If I had to guess, I'd say that it might be the hardest part of the articles?


(also, I know it's 115 in your garage, so requesting a video probably means you making it at 3 am, so I "get it")

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Work? Outside? There a bean shortage?

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Biden cracked down on Bean importation. He only wants jihadis and Wakandans coming across our southern border

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Dave wrote in TWTP today about Sotomayor's car horn playing "Tequila"-- this is the website she used to hear audio samples before purchasing:


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With the assassination attempt on Trump, the issue of Biden's senility is off the table for now.....

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