Jun 30Liked by David Cole

Here's a video of the "Atlanta Probate Judge Christina Peterson" in action, it gets good at the 1 minute 10 second mark when, handcuffed and in the squad car's back seat, she starts speaking to the arresting officer in ebonics (Granted: her using the word "expeditiously" was a pleasant surprise. She apparently learned a new word or two as a judge):


Marine Le Pen, who looks like a butcher's wife, is attractive for her political stance against massive third-world immigration and against Western European countries being forced to take commands from Brussels. Marine's niece, Marion Marechal, is also a politician - and a French beauty - with the same so-called "far right" (common sense) beliefs as her aunt. Here's Marion Marechal giving us her thoughts on Black Lives Matter (subtitled in English) from back when every white cuck in Congress was taking the knee in 2020:


Marion Marechal: Intelligent, "far-right," attractive, ambitious, and female, what's not to like?

As the so-called "far-right" rises across Europe (where I live) I'm looking forward to seeing much more of Marion in the news and less - far less - of the metrosexual, granny-bangin,' Macron.

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The retard protestors fucking with established Jewish neighborhoods in NYC and LA don't understand who they're messing with. Those are safe, orderly, family-oriented areas. They are full of moms and dads who are good at organizing. They do not like trouble and if you mess with them they will fight back.

Some idiot I know posted "Stonewall was an Intifada" on IG yesterday and I am shocked people are this stupid. It wasn't even a gay, it was a chunky straight woman. I just had no idea I knew so many fuckwits. I also don't know why the gays are putting up with everyone co-opting their things. Like the Jews, the gays are pretty good at communication & organization. I don't know why they're tolerating this nonsense. As if any Intifada ends with anything but gays getting chucked off roofs.

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

Speaking of "fucking with established...neighborhoods," judging by the size of the trees in the front yards on a street in Crete, Nebraska, it looked like they had themselves a nice, peaceful, established neighborhood going for them.

A nice neighborhood until a loud, partying, Latino family moved in and brought their friends. These newly-arrived loud Latinos finally drove an established 74-year-old neighbor named Billy Booth crazy enough to pull a shotgun and shoot seven Spicks from his front porch. It seems it was the loud, Friday afternoon, bring-the-entire-family party - why weren't the men at work? - that broke the camel's back. Apparently Billy didn't really want to kill anyone except, in the end, himself: he only wounded the Latinos (with what are normally deadly shotgun blasts) before committing suicide inside his home soon afterwards.

As I was reading the Billy Booth article below, I knew damn well those fucked up neighbors, with their teenage sons sporting gang-banger ("Edgar") haircuts, gave that old man nothing but high-volume grief during what he had thought were going to be his last peaceful golden years on earth.

This incident reminded me of an older, intelligent, in shape, California guy I met a few years ago at tourist-free (the height of Covid) Crater Lake; he had just left California and was on his way to his newly-bought home in Oregon. He told me that he had had for decades a nice place in California until a Mexican village moved into a house across from him, brought a pack of barking dogs, and played high-volume Ranchera music day and night. These SOB's absolutely ruined his neighborhood. He said, half jokingly, that he had to get out before he killed somebody.

It's a fucked up country when established, taxpaying, American-born, third, fourth, fifth-generation citizens are forced to move away from their neighborhood because loud, obnoxious, newly-arrived, don't-give-a-damn welfare immigrants are pushing them to the point of committing murder.

Thanks to Joe Biden the USA has gotten millions of shitty new immigrants who'll be moving into, and ruining, thousands of neighborhoods. I can see where shooting like this will become common: The Grand Torino Effect, where old farts with little time left (like Clint Eastwood in the movie) decide to shoot shitty immigrant neighbors who have made their neighborhoods a living third-world hell.


P.S. Happy July 1st Dave! - Enjoy that first drink!

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Thanks for the info about Old Man Shotgun - I'd missed that over the weekend. Sounds like a good The Week story! Crete is 41% bean!!! The fuck? I had to look up why. Farmland Foods, a HUGE meat processing conglomerate located in Crete, imports bean workers by the busload. Farmland's been doing so for 20 years since it was bought by Smithfield Foods, a major REPUBLICAN donor. See, that's the problem. Yeah, Biden sucks, but big-business/agribusiness/food industry GOP guys are just as bad or worse, ruining small towns for their own greed.

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I grew up in New England. A lot of my teachers would talk about cleaning lobster traps for their husbands over the summer, or working at the cannery. You can't get a working class job like that if you're a white New Englander anymore. My dad was an older dad, he was born in the late 30s. When he was a teen he worked at a resort in Maine. Those are all J-1s or straight up illegals now.

Near the town where I lived there was an incident, the owner of some resort was housing all these Russian girls - guest workers - in a basement and one broke out, escaped and ran to the police station. I have no idea how business owners were like, "We'll enslave some foreigners!" to save like 12 cents an hour over local seasonal workers. They just don't want Americans around.

One summer when I was a student I applied at a restaurant in the area, the owner laughed in my face and said, "You look really clean though." Like...don't we want clean people handling food? It's unreal. This MUST also play a part in the fentanyl crisis.

It drives me nuts to hear "these are jobs Americans won't do!" There are a lot of living people who are about your age who did these seasonal and agricultural jobs. They just required a decent wage, and cleanish safe-ish conditions. They were just American about it. Can't have that anymore.

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Jul 2Liked by David Cole

>>"It drives me nuts to hear "these are jobs Americans won't do!""

Jobs Americans are NOT allowed to do. Pezzonovanti bring cheap labor and that, combined with Affirmative Action, does the trick.

It drives me nuts too.

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Jul 2Liked by David Cole

Billy Booth: "Hey, Beano, Beano!, ...Shine my fucking shoes"

Beano: "I don't shine shoes, no mor, Siñor Booth"

Billy Booth: "Relax, will ya?,... I'm breaking your Drywalls a little bit, that's all..."

Beano: "Mother fuckin' cracker!

Billy Booth: "Yeah, yeah, yeah, say Hello to my little shotgun!"

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

"Yeah, Biden sucks, but big-business/agribusiness/food industry GOP guys are just as bad or worse, ruining small towns for their own greed."

I agree.

That said: If California can pay fast-food workers $20/hr., Farmland Foods can pay AMERICAN-Nebraskans a comparable salary. A $20/hr. wage in rural Nebraska would probably have the natives fighting for those jobs. So the price of a pound of beef goes up a buck, after all this post-Covid inflation the jackup will be barely noticeable. And it'll be more than worth it if keeps small American farm towns from turning into mini Tijuanas, Ranchero-blasting barrios full of third-world taco benders sucking the US taxpayers dry: their current low Farmland Foods wages combined with their large Beaner families guarantees that these "Dreamers" qualify for every US welfare benefit under the sun.


I'm glad that you can put this "Old Man Shotgun" story to good use. I look forward to reading your take on it.

You probably already know this David, but the Daily Mail, an English paper, is the one news source, before any American news source, that'll show photographs of the American blacks who murdered American whites. Their news story usually also provides far more info than anything you'll get from an American paper, especially if it's a breaking story. Oddly enough, when it comes to black-on-white American crime this English newspaper is always better than any American newspaper.

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Oh this happened to me in a small way in a studio apartment I had in LA. The apartment next to mine was a studio too. It used to be a nice East Asian nursing student. This Latino guy and his clearly just over the border wife moved in with a baby (!) next door. In a one-room apartment - I thought they could have limits on the number of inhabitants. It's not enough room for 3 people. While they were moving in the PD came by and hassled him because he was a problem. It got worse from there.

There was a main entrance to the building, and there was a camera on that. This guy would have people knocking on his sliding glass door (we had little patios) at all hours of the day and night. I wrote to building management like, this guy is shady and has shady people coming over and they're all deliberately avoiding the areas with cameras. "Oh we can't do anything about that blah blah blah." It was completely bonkers.

The woman was very sort of meek and sweet and attentive to the baby. But my god that man was a problem. He also had his kids from a previous relationship on some weekends. There would be like 5, 6 people crammed into this studio apartment. The building was like, "I don't know if it's enough to evict them, we can not offer them a renewal though."

And as you said - noisy. They moved into this quiet part of the county, complained there was "nothing going on" (so live in Hollywood or K-town, then, if you want nightlife) and started not having nice normal parties but just causing trouble.. It was such a mess.

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In my youth, when I lived in apartments, the beans and Indians were the worst when it came to taking over the building's common areas as their own. The blacks (we're talking about 1989-1994, when there were still a lot of blacks in Palms/Mar Vista) weren't as bad with the common areas - they were more into BANGINGLY loud house parties. I think that's because of all the drugs; they preferred keeping it inside. Whereas the beans and Indians loved making their cookout YOUR cookout, whether you liked it or not.

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For some reason I think Americans don't really like common areas? I live in a "luxury" building now, we have a "coffee bar" (always broken) and seating area with a big screen TV - there's almost never anyone in there.

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When I moved to a Beverly Hills apartment in 1992, not to get away from beans or blacks but because at that particular moment I was very security-conscious about the JDL and the BH building had zero street access, security cameras that you could monitor from your apt., and a firewall where nobody unwelcome could get into the building, we had an amazing common area with a pool hall, sauna, coffee bar, and jacuzzi...and NO mutherfuckers used it. So me and my friends would just play pool all night by ourselves!

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That does sound amazing!

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And to be clear - I didn't call PD on him or anything. Moving noise is moving noise. But there was moving noise and then suddenly the local police (mostly Hispanic, but maybe 2nd-3rd gen and fully assimilated) announced themselves. He started yelling something to the effect of, "Why are you hassling me!?" I just felt like, "shit this is going to be a long year."

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

47% of the judges Biden has appointed have been “women of color” (67% are POCs overall). (See: https://19thnews.org/2023/01/biden-reshaping-federal-judiciary-appointments/ ) This is in spite of the fact that black women have some of the lowest scoring LSATs and nearly all of them get into law school because of shameless racial preferences.

Expect to see a lot more Judge Christina Petersons dispensing “justice” in the coming years.

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

There is another one, I cannot recall her name but very similar situation with just as much drama when she was fired.

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Oh man! You're really twisting the knife on the Natalie Wood thing now!

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

Yeah, I loved his mention of NBC's late-70s From Here to Eternity miniseries, with Nat and William Devane in the leads. It's up on YouTube:


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Jun 30·edited Jul 1Liked by David Cole

On another note: Since you said that you are resuming drinking come July, is there any chance we get another "Dave's first drinks" video, like you did a couple of years ago? Us former YouTube followers aren't getting much red meat from you, video-wise, here on Substack.

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I'd like to, but last time I jumped straight to whiskey, so the video was more fun to do. But this time I'm sliding into it via champagne, then wine, finally rum. I'll definitely do a video once I'm nice and plastered again!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

Dave, I implore you to try Kumis out and tell us how ya like it, I suspect its not hard to obtain in your locale. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumis

BTW, I found a job for your Unthubscribers, the Scythians milked mares thusly:

Kumis is an ancient beverage. Herodotus, in his 5th-century BC Histories, describes the Scythians processing of mare's milk:

Now the Scythians blind all their slaves, to use them in preparing their milk. The plan they follow is to thrust tubes made of bone, not unlike our musical pipes, up the vulva of the mare, and then to blow into the tubes with their mouths, some milking while the others blow. They say that they do this because when the veins of the animal are full of air, the udder is forced down. The milk thus obtained is poured into deep wooden casks, about which the blind slaves are placed, and then the milk is stirred round. That which rises to the top is drawn off, and considered the best part; the under portion is of less account.[18]

This is widely believed to be the first description of ancient kumis-making.[19] Apart from the idiosyncratic method of mare-milking,[20] it matches up well enough with later accounts, such as this one given by 13th-century traveller William of Rubruck:

This cosmos, which is mare's milk, is made in this wise. […] When they have got together a great quantity of milk, which is as sweet as cow's as long as it is fresh, they pour it into a big skin or bottle, and they set to churning it with a stick […] and when they have beaten it sharply it begins to boil up like new wine and to sour or ferment, and they continue to churn it until they have extracted the butter. Then they taste it, and when it is mildly pungent, they drink it. It is pungent on the tongue like rapé wine when drunk, and when a man has finished drinking, it leaves a taste of milk of almonds on the tongue, and it makes the inner man most joyful and also intoxicates weak heads, and greatly provokes urine.[21]

Rubruk also mentions that the Mongols prized a variety of kumis he calls caracomos ("black comos"), which was reserved for "great lords".

In the 19th century, "kumyss" was used to treat gastrointestinal disorders.[22]

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And after the Kumis you could take it up a notch to Arkhi, if you can find some.


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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by David Cole

I remember the bad jokes at school after this happened, like this one: Q: What kind of wood doesn't float? A: Natalie Wood. Awful, just awful.

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

Judge Peterson is a trend I've noticed, there was another very similar situation recently & that woman was kicked off the bench I believe & started acting like a tantrum having 4-year-old when the guards carried her away by turning stiff and then into dead weight so they had to drag her out, instead of having any dignity & walking away. Her fan club in the seating area started to yell & scream about racism at the judge etc. Her eyes were all big, her feet were stiff, pointing up digging her heels into the ground as she was acting like she was in shock or something, she wasn't. There was tons of proof she screwed up. I wish I could recall her name but I am wondering how many more Judge Petersons are out there we don't know about. Both of them caused huge problems in the small amount of time there were in around.

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Yep, Tracie Hunter in 2019:


"No way you be draggin' me outta mah own damn courtroom!"

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Thank you for finding this, I remember watching it & just feeling so bad for those poor bailiffs who had to start forming a line to keep everyone from getting out of control.

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Oh, and here is a link to Judge Christina Peterson now famous arrest, a real class act-


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I couldn't help but snort when I saw her wig on the sidewalk.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by David Cole

What is it with black women and wigs? They're all hung up about "cultural appropriation", and bullshit (like hoop earrings) , but it seems like none of them actually sport their own hair?

Nope, they're too busy trying to have "white girl hair", or ridiculous weaves that they don't grow.

Bunch of worthless frauds.

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

I agree that it is cultural appropriation, but I do not blame colored girls for wearing wigs. I think it is a prettier look for them, and I prefer the look. If I were a black girl, I would do the same. (after I ripped off a Chinese nail salon)

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

Nick at Nite used to show The Beverly Hillburkas. It was a spun off from Wahabicoat Junction. But I preferred the other spinoff, Brown Acres ("saaand spreading out so hot and white, the temperature is a hundred-and-five at night").

Okay, I stole the Brown Acres bit from Jon Lovitz's classic show The Critic.

And I learned that pot can't cross water, like a vampire. Swear I've seen it in a mirror, though.

Silly stuff aside, there's really an urban oil well that you get royalties from, or am I a putz that didn't get a joke?

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I remember that episode of The Critic!

And the oil well is no joke. You can see it in the video - the tall windowless tower. I get about $556 a year from it, not much but hey - in L.A. that's one month's water, power, and gas bill!


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Now y'all will understand why I'm cynical. Dave gets royalties from a well in Hollywood, and I get none! I live on 25 acres in Comanche County Texas, there once was a well on my property, and I did at least get free gas from it for a few years, gone now as the Texas Railroad Commission plugged the well several years ago. Said well was drilled in 1980 by a bunch of crooked promoters , who had no intention of making a profit from producing the well, they cashed in by selling more than 100% of the interest to suckers, aka "investors" most of 'em took their losses as a tax write off.

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

You forgot to tell Dave that you were formerly an RRC authorized oil lease operator, so you really know what kinda BS goes down in the oil patch. I forgave the omission and liked my own comment, once again !!!

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

"The Critic" best-of compilations, especially the parodies, are on my short list of things to watch when I need a good laugh.

Hey, $556 is something. I don't get jack for where living where I do, unless you count more Indians.

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LA's not really an entertainment town - the real money is in oil & gas and all the aerospace stuff/gov't contracts. El Segundo still has a massive refinery. Another reason why all the "green energy" talk probably will never come to pass - it will mean even more good jobs (where you can support kids on the salary) leaving the state.

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

I bet that incompetent black judge (like many black women with severe, inferiority complex’s) has announced during a conversation/debate. That she is an educated, sophisticated, black woman.

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Dave, your column reminds me of my favorite unmade movie: JAWS-3 People-0. It was supposed to be a National Lampoon production and the script, which recently sold at auction, had been written by John Hughes.

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

Also up for auction: Hughes' rejected script THE BREAKFAST REICH, featuring the hit "Don't Jew Forget about Me"

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

Christina Peterson is in the great tradition of black jurisprudence going back to Algonquin J. Calhoun. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjeccJbEp7w

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"They kin sends you away for da rest of yo life, or even longer!" Yes the IRS can certainly get "All Alcatrazy" if in ya don't pay your taxes. Da gobermint sez so. It sez so right dar in da Declapendence of Indigestion. George Washingmachine put it thar hisself. Even white folks scared not to pay dey taxes!

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

It's true--- the gummint will punish you more for stealing their money than they will for killing someone.

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That was a point I made in 2020: the theory behind "defund the police" was that the LESS policing you have, the MORE people will obey the law. Okay then, apply that to the IRS, you fucks!

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

Not only do I resents de allegation, I resents de alligator!

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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

Dave, enjoyed the article. Not to nit-pick, but you didn't mention the greatest and most realistic black movie politician of all time. Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. He has a three point plan to fix everything.

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

Played by actor Terry Crews, born the same year as Our Dave!


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Jun 30Liked by David Cole

Or Pigmeat Markham. "He come de judge!"

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

"Serge Klarsfeld has come out in support of Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally in the upcoming French parliamentary elections." This is a golden opportunity that the right will fuck to death with a Jeff Dunham puppet.

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Jul 2Liked by David Cole

I can just see that little closet case Fuentes saying that Jewish support for Le Pen is just some joo mind trick.

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Jul 1Liked by David Cole

Dave, another excellent column.

I'm not saddened by much that happens these days; I've given up on America. However, blocking the entrance to an ordinary religious building on a routine day, in a relatively nondescript building where regular people were going to practice their religion, was dispiriting. Let my people go!

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Hi Dave! Christina Peterson really boosts one's hopes for the future. Shesh!

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1Liked by David Cole

DEI = Didn't Earn It

Thanks to Scott Adams for that one!

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