One unsub so far, a female Brazilian substitute teacher who literally looks like Bluto from Popeye, except fatter and without the facial hair. Her arms are so huge, I saw her pic and instinctively blurted out "easy on the spinachk there, vaca." On her Facebook she sez "in a civil union." Yeah, with a barrel of picanha. Portuguese? More like portly-grease. Still, I don't blame her for being bitter; it must be difficult being the only thing in Rio that weighs more than The Redeemer.
Dude, don't fuckin' unsub if you have a traceable email to an online profile.
Why do fuckheads bother to unsubscribe anyway? If Dave ever hurts my feelings by not agreeing with everything I ever say, I'll just leave and never be seen again!
"Will Newsom’s phone ban similarly civilize black students in Oakland?" I wanna be the white teacher who has to take the phone away from 20 year old freshman D'ashiquiois Washington: the headstomping will mess up his Air Jordans.
In Hollywood inspired cop shows, 5 foot tall, 95 pound white women with police training regularly tackle and arrest 6'6" black children - why should real life be any different?
This could be the plot of a POLITENESSMAN strip from the old Lampoon: "When composing a racist poem for a young lady, make sure it rhymes and is in meter!"
"This could be the plot of a POLITENESSMAN strip from the old Lampoon"
Speaking of the old Lampoon: After P.J. O'Rourke's 1964 yearbook "C. Estes Kefauver High School" parody, his "Foreigners Around the World" is one of National Lampoon's funniest, politically incorrect, contributions to humor I've even seen - no group was spared for a slander that would now be considered deeply racist and/or "hate speech" - it's hilarious.
When O'Rourke died, I posted the "Foreigners" piece on Twitter. I got yelled at by several conservative friends because (due to the alphabetic listing) the "Africans" one is what showed up in the thumbnail.
The "OC and Stiggs" issue was a favorite of mine; the Altman movie based on it was bound to be a disappointment because an accurate adaptation was impossible even in the 80s.
"Illegal beans have been crossing the border into Cali toting “reusable” kids, in order to take advantage of the Biden/Harris “here’s a hundred EBT cards!” policy for alien “families.” The kids are then shipped back to Mexico (USPS Media Mail, or in this case Mejia Mail) and reused for the next family circus act." Once again, the news reminds me of a Homer Simpson gag from 30 years ago:
I was raised to respect the rules in someone else's house so if I go there I do what they ask & if it is too much I don't go over? I don't get people either Dave, I am sick of most of them as well. Honestly taking off shoes is not a huge request.
I no longer tolerate it. I even have a cute sign, in red, hanging in the hallway entrance-please remove your shoes. Note I didn’t say that overused manipulative adverb: kindly. On my turf it’s an order. I have a basket, along with paper slippers, for those too encumbered with going barefoot and/or in socks. Women no longer wear stockings, so barefoot or slippers. I suspect those who look a bit flustered wouldn’t blanch if I asked them, upon entering the house, to wear a mask despite no one being ill.
I can live with your shoe conventions if a sign is there. However, with hardwood floors in my house, I don't axe people to take off their shoes, and it is not too customary here in Texas anyway, Pardner.
To be honest, people can take them off or not. I’m only offering a choice. I live in a big beautiful park where its roads are paved with black-top . It can track in a lot.
j/k. I've done the "no shoe thing" at various times in my life, when it was doable. (Ever had a mud room? Talk about a revelation! It's a whole room dedicated to this concept. I lived in a ranch house that had one that featured a deep sink for washing your hands, and I shit you not- A Fucking shower! You could literally get totally clean, before entering the house proper! Why don't we have these anymore? Beats me, but it's probably the Jews fault, everything else is, amiright?, but I digress)
However, now I have dogs, so that level of floor cleanliness is no longer achievable. I miss having a near sterile home, everything perfectly placed, no dog hair... but I wanted to try having a dog(s) before I die, so I had to make that sacrifice.
I'm reminded of a parable, of sorts- In my life I've had a lot of really nice cars, perfect condition, immaculate, just dreamy. But, I've also had a couple of beat up pieces of shit. The kind of car where you'd gladly trade paint with a fellow motorist, because you just don't give a shit, because it's already a beater.
The house thing is like that too. Once you reach a point whereby you cannot solve a certain measure of the mess, you have a new found liberty that it never really mattered that much to begin with.
However, once my dogs die (I assume before me), I'm going back to immaculate, just like dear old Dave. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and that just may be our only connection!
I hear ya. When Kera, her brother, and the dog were here, I relaxed all standards. I had to, not just for the sake of necessity, but to prove to myself that I'm not OCD. If you can adapt to unpreferred conditions and be fine with it, you have a preference not a condition. I've had to adapt several times - when I was taking care of my mom as she was dying, and the two years with Kera. So I know that my current immaculate-condition living arrangement is a choice, not a compulsion.
Have you seen the movie, Matchstick Men? I picture you as Nick Cage’s character, minus the whole “con man” thing and the “rug”, obviously. My mental image is based solely on my reading of your personal vignettes in your various posts over the last decade. I say this as a fan, of the movie and of your writing. You are definitely OCD
Totally disagree about being OCD. In order to be OCD, my cleanliness preference would have to be uncontrollable but by meds or therapy. I've never had either, and I've suspended my preference many times over the years, whenever circumstances have dictated. I can turn it off whenever. And I never compulsively clean; this desk I'm writing on is dusty as shit. I'm WAY too lazy to be OCD; I lack the energy to buzz around the house cleaning. But in 1998 someone tracked dogshit through my house, and it cost me a fucking fortune to clean, and at that point I vowed "never again." That's not OCD. This neighborhood's a jungle of animals, from feral cats to dogs being walked by idiots who don't pick up after them to coyotes (ever seen coyote shit? Big n' stinky) to skunks, racoons, mice, rats, etc. And it's BECAUSE I'm both lazy and niggardly that I'm not having anyone track anything through here again.
That said, when porn girl Kera DID track shit through the fucking house in 2017, I was fine with it. What was I gonna do? The girl was Nebraskan.
That's the ultimate punchline. For years I enforced the no shoes policy, then one night a giant filthy rat scurries everywhere around my kitchen sniffing and licking everything. WAAAAAY less hygienic than a pair of shoes! All my efforts, for nothing!
Hi Dave! Among a collection of ridiculous stories, the bit about the FBI crime report wins the prize. Apparently, these bastards think we have the memory of gerbils!
Yep! It's a point I wish Trump/Vance were hitting harder. Because the Dems are SO weak on this. And we can't trust the press to do the work themselves.
Ha-ha dave!! I LOVE your rant!! When my hubby and I moved into our wreck of a house and started renovating it- one of the locals told the other neighbors "they're fixing it up like they're going to make everyone take their shoes off inside!!" Well (after getting flooded in Hurricane's Irene and Sandy) we never quite reached that point, but we do try to keep workbooks off limits upstairs! Having spent time in Japan I totally respect the no outdoor shoes in the house- and the Dutch wooden shoes were designed for outside the house wear. It's a really good policy! And not only used in Birkenau, but IBM! They had/have their clean rooms and you have to walk on a tacky mat and go through some sort of negative air pressure space to get rid of stray cat hair etc. At any rate- your requests are mild as far as I'm concerned. You do you!!
So Dave- what about all this insanity surrounding "Piddly" (P.Diddy) and the whole Hollywood cabal abusing children? Stuff has been coming across my feed that seems totally insane, so I'm thinking it's 1/2 true? Making Epstein island look like Disney World. I figure you have your finger on the pulse, but I'll try to send links if you want.
Considering all the other weirdness that came out of the stupidly rich West Coast R&B scene in the early 2000s, I don't discount any of it. Dave Chappell nailed it 20 years ago with R. Kelly. (you might not want to click on that).
Who would've ever guessed a complete no talent who dry humped the corpse of his murdered friend for all it was worth in the most cynical way possible would turn out to be a bad guy?
I lived in Japan for a few years in the mid-to-late 2000s and I've never felt more at home with the no shoe policy. We also had to wear a pair of slippers around the office, too. It was so comfy! And to this day, if you surprise enter my office (Stateside, to be clear) you will likely catch me with only my socks on my feet.
By the way, I was watching Gavin McInnes' show from just a month or so ago and he went on this rant about how "childish" it is to take off shoes when at home. He was dead serious. He said he wears show in his own home all day and only kicks them off when he goes to bed at night. How strange.
Hitler was responsible for the Holocaust while McInnes founded Vice and in my humble opinion both are horrific and unforgivable crimes against humanity.
Actually, in Latin American cultures, there's a reasonable explanation as to why guests are NOT supposed to take their shoes off, and may even be considered rude. If you take your shoes off, what you´re saying is that the host CANNOT AFFORD A MAID. Using the same logic, it´s the reason that showing up for dinner party without being invited is not necessarily rude. You're simply assuming that the host is very well-off and has plenty of food and staff to attend to last-minute guests. In his habits and prejudices about shoes, Dave Cole is cem por cento NOT Latino Americano.
That observation fits my one Los Angeles-livin' Mexican aunt to a T. Minus the Covid scare, she has had a white maid to clean her house for years. You can tell that her having a maid, especially a white maid, pleases her immensely.
I once commenting to my mom, who never had a maid, on the amount of gold jewelry and bright nail polish my Mexican aunt (my mom's sister-in-law) wears, and my mom said it's because my aunt is terrified someone is gonna give her a broom and tell her to start sweeping!
It's like you said David, "You're still Mexican." Which was a thought I never had (I like her) until my aunt harped on a little too much about her GD white maid.
My young friend Paulie, the Mexican girl I've posted photos of, was from Mexico's upper class. Her family lived in the wealthy part of the city, and lived part-time in the L.A. suburbs, and her mom was REALLY big on telling you they had a maid back in Mexico! Every opportunity, she'd say it. It was also a family that "bred" for racial mobility, always choosing whiter mates.
Dave, consider that you have quality subs rather than a quantity of partisan retards who have an agenda or trolls trying to piss you off.
On X, I have over 400 "followers", and I think I post the most important, empirically based content, like your brilliant and thought-provoking articles. I even cleanse my feed occasionally with funny or heartwarming content or my favorite music. But it doesn't matter, likely 99% of them are bots or scammers.
I don't have quality or quantity. But if I can influence one person to support individual freedom, personal responsibility, and free markets over statism and tyranny, and perhaps share that with someone else, I'll be happy.
Regarding the no-shoes policy, this should be common sense like flushing the toilet with the lid down after you drop a MOAB, using an air freshener, and washing your hands thoroughly.
That said, I respect your decision to be left alone and communicate via email. However, I hope you make an exception next time I visit California (it might be a while!). I promise to abide by your commonsense rules, and I'll come bearing gifts as a sign of respect and friendship. Just be patient with me, at times I may struggle to keep up intellectually, especially after a few drinks. Lol!
I learned a long time ago to use a wide, blunt kitchen utensil to pry those frozen burgers apart. Yeah, I'm a little dangerous with sharp objects. I get the no shoes thing; I just don't bother with the rule myself for a number of reasons. If I make you take your shoes off to come into my house, at some point a cat will puke on the carpet. That's just how stuff works. I'm going to be cleaning the damn carpet anyway. Also, I couldn't enforce a rule that I couldn't adhere to myself. I live in boots. I have several pairs, and they all have one thing in common. They're lace up. With all the outdoor work and home maintenance going on here I'm often running in and out. Think I'm taking those boots off every time I have to come in? Not happening. I'd never get anything finished. When I'm not running in and out, I do prefer no shoes. And I tell company that they're free to take their shoes off, put their feet up and get comfortable. But they don't have to. If I need something to slip on and off real fast, I have my bee shoes. And yes, they're exactly what they sound like. Black and yellow striped mary janes with a screen-printed bee on one. And just an observation. I'm not saying you; I'm not saying most men or even a lot of men but mist-piss not always invisible. Again, just a general observation.
If I had pets I wouldn't bother with the rule. And trust me, I've had guests foul up my toilets in ways that are indeed not invisible. When my guest bathroom got flooded in the heavy rains two years ago, I took my time fixing it because I liked the excuse of "oooh, sorry - bathroom's out of order!"
Dogs change the equation, of course. If you have dogs in the house, a shoe-ban is useless. I used to sleep with Sid T. Dog in my bed. Yeah, I know what he steps in all day, but when we have to adapt, we do.
One unsub so far, a female Brazilian substitute teacher who literally looks like Bluto from Popeye, except fatter and without the facial hair. Her arms are so huge, I saw her pic and instinctively blurted out "easy on the spinachk there, vaca." On her Facebook she sez "in a civil union." Yeah, with a barrel of picanha. Portuguese? More like portly-grease. Still, I don't blame her for being bitter; it must be difficult being the only thing in Rio that weighs more than The Redeemer.
Dude, don't fuckin' unsub if you have a traceable email to an online profile.
OMG!!! I love the visual!! Are we sure she is a she??
It's 50/50!
Why do fuckheads bother to unsubscribe anyway? If Dave ever hurts my feelings by not agreeing with everything I ever say, I'll just leave and never be seen again!
Murder By Phone, AKAThe Calling, AKA Bells is truly spine tingling! “The call is coming from INSIDE THE HOUSE, and the caller is wearing SHOES!”
"Will Newsom’s phone ban similarly civilize black students in Oakland?" I wanna be the white teacher who has to take the phone away from 20 year old freshman D'ashiquiois Washington: the headstomping will mess up his Air Jordans.
Yep! White teachers don't exactly have the best track record taking electronics away from 6'6" black "children."
In Hollywood inspired cop shows, 5 foot tall, 95 pound white women with police training regularly tackle and arrest 6'6" black children - why should real life be any different?
Good point! Hollywood skewed everyone's reality.
Your daddy is married to your biological mom,
You sho' ain't black, so it's off to the prom!
LOL!!!!! Beautiful!
Only cotton I've touched is stitched in my pants,
may I kindly escort you to the homecoming dance?
LOL!!!!!! Love it!
This could be the plot of a POLITENESSMAN strip from the old Lampoon: "When composing a racist poem for a young lady, make sure it rhymes and is in meter!"
"This could be the plot of a POLITENESSMAN strip from the old Lampoon"
Speaking of the old Lampoon: After P.J. O'Rourke's 1964 yearbook "C. Estes Kefauver High School" parody, his "Foreigners Around the World" is one of National Lampoon's funniest, politically incorrect, contributions to humor I've even seen - no group was spared for a slander that would now be considered deeply racist and/or "hate speech" - it's hilarious.
Foreigners Around the World:
When O'Rourke died, I posted the "Foreigners" piece on Twitter. I got yelled at by several conservative friends because (due to the alphabetic listing) the "Africans" one is what showed up in the thumbnail.
I read your link, and he would be lynched for writing shit like that today.
I'd like to see a Politenessman best-of book, but I don't see a publisher touching that.
The "OC and Stiggs" issue was a favorite of mine; the Altman movie based on it was bound to be a disappointment because an accurate adaptation was impossible even in the 80s.
Damn genius!
"Illegal beans have been crossing the border into Cali toting “reusable” kids, in order to take advantage of the Biden/Harris “here’s a hundred EBT cards!” policy for alien “families.” The kids are then shipped back to Mexico (USPS Media Mail, or in this case Mejia Mail) and reused for the next family circus act." Once again, the news reminds me of a Homer Simpson gag from 30 years ago:
Or the Three Stooges short where they're passed off as child refugees (Curly doing Jolson killed me as a kid):
One of my favorites!
Even as a little kid, I thought the woman buying them as kids must be retarded.
Oh Sonny- I LOVE that one!!! The Stooges were BRILIANT!!
"Don't flim-flammy, Mammy!"
I was raised to respect the rules in someone else's house so if I go there I do what they ask & if it is too much I don't go over? I don't get people either Dave, I am sick of most of them as well. Honestly taking off shoes is not a huge request.
Common courtesy is a lost art!
You have no idea how true that is dearest Dave.
I no longer tolerate it. I even have a cute sign, in red, hanging in the hallway entrance-please remove your shoes. Note I didn’t say that overused manipulative adverb: kindly. On my turf it’s an order. I have a basket, along with paper slippers, for those too encumbered with going barefoot and/or in socks. Women no longer wear stockings, so barefoot or slippers. I suspect those who look a bit flustered wouldn’t blanch if I asked them, upon entering the house, to wear a mask despite no one being ill.
We are the last bastions of civilization!
I can live with your shoe conventions if a sign is there. However, with hardwood floors in my house, I don't axe people to take off their shoes, and it is not too customary here in Texas anyway, Pardner.
Well maybe if the Mexicans had had to pause to remove their shoes at the Alamo, Davy Crockett would still be alive today!
Good point!
To be honest, people can take them off or not. I’m only offering a choice. I live in a big beautiful park where its roads are paved with black-top . It can track in a lot.
So, you hate shoes?
j/k. I've done the "no shoe thing" at various times in my life, when it was doable. (Ever had a mud room? Talk about a revelation! It's a whole room dedicated to this concept. I lived in a ranch house that had one that featured a deep sink for washing your hands, and I shit you not- A Fucking shower! You could literally get totally clean, before entering the house proper! Why don't we have these anymore? Beats me, but it's probably the Jews fault, everything else is, amiright?, but I digress)
However, now I have dogs, so that level of floor cleanliness is no longer achievable. I miss having a near sterile home, everything perfectly placed, no dog hair... but I wanted to try having a dog(s) before I die, so I had to make that sacrifice.
I'm reminded of a parable, of sorts- In my life I've had a lot of really nice cars, perfect condition, immaculate, just dreamy. But, I've also had a couple of beat up pieces of shit. The kind of car where you'd gladly trade paint with a fellow motorist, because you just don't give a shit, because it's already a beater.
The house thing is like that too. Once you reach a point whereby you cannot solve a certain measure of the mess, you have a new found liberty that it never really mattered that much to begin with.
However, once my dogs die (I assume before me), I'm going back to immaculate, just like dear old Dave. Cleanliness is next to Godliness, and that just may be our only connection!
Cheers Dave!
I hear ya. When Kera, her brother, and the dog were here, I relaxed all standards. I had to, not just for the sake of necessity, but to prove to myself that I'm not OCD. If you can adapt to unpreferred conditions and be fine with it, you have a preference not a condition. I've had to adapt several times - when I was taking care of my mom as she was dying, and the two years with Kera. So I know that my current immaculate-condition living arrangement is a choice, not a compulsion.
Have you seen the movie, Matchstick Men? I picture you as Nick Cage’s character, minus the whole “con man” thing and the “rug”, obviously. My mental image is based solely on my reading of your personal vignettes in your various posts over the last decade. I say this as a fan, of the movie and of your writing. You are definitely OCD
Totally disagree about being OCD. In order to be OCD, my cleanliness preference would have to be uncontrollable but by meds or therapy. I've never had either, and I've suspended my preference many times over the years, whenever circumstances have dictated. I can turn it off whenever. And I never compulsively clean; this desk I'm writing on is dusty as shit. I'm WAY too lazy to be OCD; I lack the energy to buzz around the house cleaning. But in 1998 someone tracked dogshit through my house, and it cost me a fucking fortune to clean, and at that point I vowed "never again." That's not OCD. This neighborhood's a jungle of animals, from feral cats to dogs being walked by idiots who don't pick up after them to coyotes (ever seen coyote shit? Big n' stinky) to skunks, racoons, mice, rats, etc. And it's BECAUSE I'm both lazy and niggardly that I'm not having anyone track anything through here again.
That said, when porn girl Kera DID track shit through the fucking house in 2017, I was fine with it. What was I gonna do? The girl was Nebraskan.
If a motherfucker tracked shit through my house, I might ban shoes after all!
If a pretty pornstar such as Kera entered my home wearing shoes, I could live with it, as long as she cleaned up after herself.
With the exception of the shoes, she was actually fairly tidy for a 21-year-old.
but yet you accommodated Ratibor??
That's the ultimate punchline. For years I enforced the no shoes policy, then one night a giant filthy rat scurries everywhere around my kitchen sniffing and licking everything. WAAAAAY less hygienic than a pair of shoes! All my efforts, for nothing!
Hi Dave! Among a collection of ridiculous stories, the bit about the FBI crime report wins the prize. Apparently, these bastards think we have the memory of gerbils!
Yep! It's a point I wish Trump/Vance were hitting harder. Because the Dems are SO weak on this. And we can't trust the press to do the work themselves.
I hope Vance brings it up in the debate, that is if he doesn't get distracted by a jug of 'shine behind the camera.
Ha-ha dave!! I LOVE your rant!! When my hubby and I moved into our wreck of a house and started renovating it- one of the locals told the other neighbors "they're fixing it up like they're going to make everyone take their shoes off inside!!" Well (after getting flooded in Hurricane's Irene and Sandy) we never quite reached that point, but we do try to keep workbooks off limits upstairs! Having spent time in Japan I totally respect the no outdoor shoes in the house- and the Dutch wooden shoes were designed for outside the house wear. It's a really good policy! And not only used in Birkenau, but IBM! They had/have their clean rooms and you have to walk on a tacky mat and go through some sort of negative air pressure space to get rid of stray cat hair etc. At any rate- your requests are mild as far as I'm concerned. You do you!!
Here's a potential item for next week (saw it on Ann's X account):
But to be fair it did lead to the school's best ever showing in the local interscholastic cricket competition.
THIS is why I love my subscribers who DON'T unsub! Two of you sent me that story. Thank you! That's goin' in The Week!
So Dave- what about all this insanity surrounding "Piddly" (P.Diddy) and the whole Hollywood cabal abusing children? Stuff has been coming across my feed that seems totally insane, so I'm thinking it's 1/2 true? Making Epstein island look like Disney World. I figure you have your finger on the pulse, but I'll try to send links if you want.
Considering all the other weirdness that came out of the stupidly rich West Coast R&B scene in the early 2000s, I don't discount any of it. Dave Chappell nailed it 20 years ago with R. Kelly. (you might not want to click on that).
Who would've ever guessed a complete no talent who dry humped the corpse of his murdered friend for all it was worth in the most cynical way possible would turn out to be a bad guy?
Unreal, except it is.
I lived in Japan for a few years in the mid-to-late 2000s and I've never felt more at home with the no shoe policy. We also had to wear a pair of slippers around the office, too. It was so comfy! And to this day, if you surprise enter my office (Stateside, to be clear) you will likely catch me with only my socks on my feet.
By the way, I was watching Gavin McInnes' show from just a month or so ago and he went on this rant about how "childish" it is to take off shoes when at home. He was dead serious. He said he wears show in his own home all day and only kicks them off when he goes to bed at night. How strange.
If McInnes were Hitler, he'd have blown the Tripartite by calling the Jap ambassador a "child." Might've been good for Japan in the long-run.
Hitler was responsible for the Holocaust while McInnes founded Vice and in my humble opinion both are horrific and unforgivable crimes against humanity.
Hygiene is the international language.
Except in the third-world and parts of Nebraska, where many do not have shoes to take off
Actually, in Latin American cultures, there's a reasonable explanation as to why guests are NOT supposed to take their shoes off, and may even be considered rude. If you take your shoes off, what you´re saying is that the host CANNOT AFFORD A MAID. Using the same logic, it´s the reason that showing up for dinner party without being invited is not necessarily rude. You're simply assuming that the host is very well-off and has plenty of food and staff to attend to last-minute guests. In his habits and prejudices about shoes, Dave Cole is cem por cento NOT Latino Americano.
Indeed, Mexicans I know are always proud that they can afford maids. And I'm like, "you're still Mexican, though." Is that rude?
No. You´re an honorary Mexican. They know you´re not afraid of them.
That observation fits my one Los Angeles-livin' Mexican aunt to a T. Minus the Covid scare, she has had a white maid to clean her house for years. You can tell that her having a maid, especially a white maid, pleases her immensely.
I once commenting to my mom, who never had a maid, on the amount of gold jewelry and bright nail polish my Mexican aunt (my mom's sister-in-law) wears, and my mom said it's because my aunt is terrified someone is gonna give her a broom and tell her to start sweeping!
It's like you said David, "You're still Mexican." Which was a thought I never had (I like her) until my aunt harped on a little too much about her GD white maid.
My young friend Paulie, the Mexican girl I've posted photos of, was from Mexico's upper class. Her family lived in the wealthy part of the city, and lived part-time in the L.A. suburbs, and her mom was REALLY big on telling you they had a maid back in Mexico! Every opportunity, she'd say it. It was also a family that "bred" for racial mobility, always choosing whiter mates.
Dave, consider that you have quality subs rather than a quantity of partisan retards who have an agenda or trolls trying to piss you off.
On X, I have over 400 "followers", and I think I post the most important, empirically based content, like your brilliant and thought-provoking articles. I even cleanse my feed occasionally with funny or heartwarming content or my favorite music. But it doesn't matter, likely 99% of them are bots or scammers.
I don't have quality or quantity. But if I can influence one person to support individual freedom, personal responsibility, and free markets over statism and tyranny, and perhaps share that with someone else, I'll be happy.
Regarding the no-shoes policy, this should be common sense like flushing the toilet with the lid down after you drop a MOAB, using an air freshener, and washing your hands thoroughly.
That said, I respect your decision to be left alone and communicate via email. However, I hope you make an exception next time I visit California (it might be a while!). I promise to abide by your commonsense rules, and I'll come bearing gifts as a sign of respect and friendship. Just be patient with me, at times I may struggle to keep up intellectually, especially after a few drinks. Lol!
You will always be welcome in my house, my friend!
I learned a long time ago to use a wide, blunt kitchen utensil to pry those frozen burgers apart. Yeah, I'm a little dangerous with sharp objects. I get the no shoes thing; I just don't bother with the rule myself for a number of reasons. If I make you take your shoes off to come into my house, at some point a cat will puke on the carpet. That's just how stuff works. I'm going to be cleaning the damn carpet anyway. Also, I couldn't enforce a rule that I couldn't adhere to myself. I live in boots. I have several pairs, and they all have one thing in common. They're lace up. With all the outdoor work and home maintenance going on here I'm often running in and out. Think I'm taking those boots off every time I have to come in? Not happening. I'd never get anything finished. When I'm not running in and out, I do prefer no shoes. And I tell company that they're free to take their shoes off, put their feet up and get comfortable. But they don't have to. If I need something to slip on and off real fast, I have my bee shoes. And yes, they're exactly what they sound like. Black and yellow striped mary janes with a screen-printed bee on one. And just an observation. I'm not saying you; I'm not saying most men or even a lot of men but mist-piss not always invisible. Again, just a general observation.
If I had pets I wouldn't bother with the rule. And trust me, I've had guests foul up my toilets in ways that are indeed not invisible. When my guest bathroom got flooded in the heavy rains two years ago, I took my time fixing it because I liked the excuse of "oooh, sorry - bathroom's out of order!"
It never ceases to amaze me how goddamn disgusting some people are.
Boggles the mind.
I'm wearing my shoes as I read this, and my dog is staring at me with that "...'the fuck you're reading about?" look in her face.
Dogs change the equation, of course. If you have dogs in the house, a shoe-ban is useless. I used to sleep with Sid T. Dog in my bed. Yeah, I know what he steps in all day, but when we have to adapt, we do.
What she brings in her paws is nothing compared to the hair. I bought a Ridgid Shop Vac to deal with it and it still drives me nuts.
What type of dog is she?
Such great dogs! Sid was a Lab/Aussie Shepherd mix.
What about boots? Are boots okay to wear in your house, or are boots just bigger versions of the shoes you hate so much?
Don't even get me started on cleats!
or boot "liquor".