Apr 22Liked by David Cole

Just want to point out you and Ann were the only two significant people on the right who both saw through Tucker and called him going totally off the deep end without anyone who could tell him "no" like when he was at Fox.

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Apr 22Liked by David Cole

Happy Pesach Dave. Glad to see you here

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Apr 21Liked by David Cole

I'm in favor of "diversity disruption" as well!

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Apr 21Liked by David Cole

I recall a lot of black people embracing being obese as empowerment, but now it isn't?

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Apr 21Liked by David Cole

Excellent points in the Takimag piece. Black women may consider their remarkable creativity in naming their children could be transferrable to the pharmaceutical industry, as you illustrated.

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Your Taki work, if summed up, is a bunch of dabs on the blacks and other "minorities". I've come to realize that you're basically a "pick-me" Jew. You tell the rightwing, "look at these poor coloreds committing all this crime! See, us Jews aren't your enemy, my fellow white rightwingers. Us Jews are wealthy with minuscule crime rates -- please don't persecute us! Don't listen to Nick The Catboy Fuentes, oyyy veeeyyyy!" Not to say this is necessarily a bad thing, it's just an observation.

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Apr 21Liked by David Cole

Most states with lethal injections don't even have a doctor to carry it out, since doctors tend to object based on the Hippocratic Oath (no word on how that oath applies to sexually mutilating children). In Idaho's case, the "medical team" was all volunteer: two RNs and some EMTs: https://www.npr.org/2024/03/06/1235290585/lethal-injections-death-penalty-states-volunteers

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Apr 21Liked by David Cole

“Proselytizing indigenous people”, AKA, “practicing freedom of religion”

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