It’s probably BECAUSE you’re 55, dude!

I bitched about some annoying symptoms yesterday and was told “ha! welcome to perimenopause.” I have taken to my fainting couch.

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Certain older definitions of "middle aged" put the range at 40 - 55. Thankfully, the modern range is 45 - 65, so I have ten more years to call myself middle aged.

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>> "so I have ten more years to call myself middle aged."

That's contingent on the Ratibor Solution. I can hear Delbert Grady whispering: "I and others have come to a belief that your heart is not in this. That you don’t have the belly for it.”

Clock's running, Mr. Cole!

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Jack Torrance didn't have gout.

Delbert Grady: "I'm sorry to differ with you sir, but YOU have gout. You've ALWAYS had gout. I should know, sir. I've always been here."

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Delbert Grady was played by Philip Stone. Per the IMDb mad masters:

Stanley Kubrick noticed him during 1969 while acting in "The Contractor" at the Royal Court Theatre. Stone was the only actor to appear in three consecutive Kubrick films. He played the central character Alex's "P" (as in "M" and "P" for "Ma" and "Pa") in A Clockwork Orange (1971), and then subsequently played Graham, the Lyndon family lawyer, in Barry Lyndon (1975), and Delbert Grady, the original caretaker who murdered his family in The Shining (1980). The only other actor to be credited in three Kubrick films is Joe Turkel. Other film roles included Thunderball (1965), Where Eagles Dare (1968), Quest for Love (1971), Flash Gordon (1980) and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984). In the animated version of The Lord of the Rings (1978), he voiced the role of Theoden.


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I agree with your interpretation of the current customs and definitions.

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Ha-- I remember turning 38, and seeing THAT was considered "middle-aged"! My grandmother laughed at me (she always had it in for me!) OMG--I'm happy where I'm at, but 38?? That's a BABY in my book! Dave , at 55 you are still in your prime (ish)!! Take care of yourself and enjoy the rest of "middle-age"!!

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I dunno, my local Salvation Army thrift store starts giving an oldsters' discount at age 55. But yes, you're right, 55 is relatively young so long as one eats well, doesn't smoke or drink to excess, or do the other things Christoph Waltz recommended against in Rifkin's Festival:


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55 only becomes "senior" when stores can profit from it. But in terms of how science and the gov't see it, it ain't senior yet.

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Let's have a Gout Gala for Dave to raise awareness & get him support for his pain & suffering

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INDEED! Goutfest 2024! We can just reuse banners from the gay film festival "Outfest" and add a "G." Saves money!

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Dave- I thought of you yesterday while stocking up on (probably) useless supplements at the local health food store. I picked up my "Natural Factors- super strength cherry concentrate". It was surrounded by "Gout-Out" and "Gout-Be-Gone" etc. all kinds of products that swear to eliminate uric acid crystals from the body. I have NO idea if any of this crap works, but it might be worth a try! And get a couple of quarts of that Trader Joe's tart cherry juice and try to keep it down! Lad, you are probably detoxifying. Your body's probably in shock from lack of alcohol. That said-- I will ask a couple of my old dude friends who are gout pros if they have any recommendations- besides- No beer! No peanuts! No asparagus!

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I'm doing the tart cherry juice, because lots of people swear by it. Since I do sober months regularly, I always detox in the first two days -- I stay in bed and sweat it out drinking only water. The gout's been a separate deal...no idea what started it in February, but since then I haven't touched ANY gout-unfriendly foods (I never drink beer, even in GOOD times). But I'll get my kidneys tested to make sure nothing "deeper" is going on.

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It's a rough one! Luckily I have never had it, but I do have several friends who go through painful bouts. Mostly males, but 1 gal. All have either heavy drinking or lots beer drinking in common ( but could just be the kinda people I tend to hang w/?)

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YES! A live "netathon", Dave in front of his screen for 24+ hours straight! Maybe some guests could drop by, Ms. Ann, the branch guy next door et al.!

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It would be a cavalcade of stars!

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and maybe get him back on X, if he'd like to be there?? Don't you think a concerted effort might work??

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I don't want Dave to go back to X, b/c then he wouldn't hang out here anymore!

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Indeed, I'm not sure I'd GO back if invited. I do prefer it here....even with all the annoying "UNTHUBTHCRIBES." But I doubt I'll ever be invited back. Coulter, with her 2.2 million followers, has tried repeatedly to get me back on. Musk turns a deaf ear.

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Hi Dave! I have said my peace about the gout issue in a reply I made elsewhere in this thread, so I will keep my gob shut about that in this comment.

Your column this week illustrates, quite effectively, that many people's interpretation of the right to freedom of speech is subjective and colored by political interest. In my opinion, one of the greatest dangers to our civilization (whatever is left of it) is the abandonment of an agreed upon set of objective standards about justice, rights, and reality. If we can't even agree on which end is up, the social contract is dead, and we are just a bunch of self-interested rent collectors preying upon one another.

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Very nicely put, Terry. Thank you!

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Dave gout is a crystals build up around your joints and they are pointy little bastards that is why it hurts . You can dissolve them by upping your ph. by drinking watered down apple cider vinegar several times a day . any way that's my hillbilly remedy for the day. Slabside

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I've heard others mention apple cider vinegar, which I used to drink often many years ago for immune system boosts. I'm trying tart cherry juice at the moment, but I will definitely keep apple cider vinegar in mind.

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Dave, you're giving me the blues, gout, sobriety and rats . . . OH MY!!! And then you tell me that I have four years left in my middle ages. I am blessed, since I have a fifty year old washer and chronic morning wood. Multiple Mongolian maidens at bedtime are said to cure morning wood, I'll have to give them a try.

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Alright Khaan, you better watch yourself around here, them Mongolian maidens you stole from me will cut your nuts off while you sleep. And that half century old Maytag is mine too !!! Oh hell, wait a minute, I'm talkin' to myself, damn I gotta get some rest, as soon as I get all the knives outta the house.

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Sorry to hear the gout is back. Haven't had the pleasure of that particular pain and don't have anything helpful to add. But I would go with the ice suggestion. Hope something helps.

Another great column. Unfortunately, the people that need to see it won't get it.

Having the right to say something doesn't always mean you should open your mouth. You also have the right to STFU.

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"Unfortunately, the people that need to see it won't get it."

You can say THAT again! I've seen several illustrations of that today already.

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It only takes that one unhinged follower, just one. What about this do they not understand? I wonder who they blame if someone they love gets caught up in the aftermath? I think we know the answer to that.

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A thousand words would not convey the pain as well as Dave's illustration of his flaming feet!

There's a drink for that.

Flaming toe? Try the Flaming Moe! It was actually created by Homer Simpson and named the Flaming Homer, but Moe stole the recipe, which became his bar's most popular drink.

In a highball, stir:

1 oz brandy

1 oz peppermint schnapps

1 oz sloe gin

1 oz blackberry liquor

1 oz strawberry juice

Gently pour on top:

1/4 oz high proof gin ( the kind found in Dave's medicine cabinet)

Light on fire.

Garnish with eyebrows.

This 4th you want to light something up, so give it a try. Until then, Dave, take a Pamprin.

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Laws make no sense. Child porn is illegal to possess/watch because "owning/watching it is like reabusing the victim." Okay, if you watch a video of Tyrone getting lynched, does that mean YOU lynched Tyrone again? If you watch zoo porn, are YOU fucking the horse too? If you watch a video of Abella Danger getting BLACKED . . . you get the idea.

Free Speechers mostly care about protecting racists, but they never protect the pedos who dont touch with their hands and only click with their mouses! You can be black in society, basically everyone loves you, but being a pedo is literally the WOIST thing ever, WOIST than Hitler! Pedos are objectively the most oppressed minority!

Be careful, I just cut myself on all that edge.

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Big thanks to David for not deleting my comment, banning me from his substack, using my email to dox me, and then sending me an email that says "but you were juss askin' kwestchins, huh????"

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I only got mad at ONE commenter today...a d-bag who claimed I "made it all up" about puppy-torture fetish video enthusiasts. But he never read the court case that the SCOTUS decision was based on, which discusses that sick community in-depth. D-bag comes onto MY Substack callin' ME a liar? D-bag gets eviscerated.

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Hell, even I, a guy with the IQ of a trash bin, knew about puppy torture degeneracy. Google -- it's a retards best friend!

Also, given that you didn't get upset at my original comment, or delete it, I'm sure there's some sensitive nancies who will say after reading this thread: "AHA! DAVID'S A CONFIRMED GOOFY GOOBER GROOMER!"

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Some people don’t want to admit that such a horrible thing exists because it scares them. There are people who will declare with all sincerity that CSAM doesn’t exist.

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Dave-- on a TOTALY different note ( to distract you from your aching arches!!) So I have been trying to locate the "Medium Cool" movie (Haskell Wexler 1968) to get prepped for the DNC convention in Chicago. It is totally unavailable! I have to think a LOT of people would like to watch what went down back then and compare it w/ the expected disaster slated for this election season (What were they thinking???) I gave us on that and , inspired by the recent stuff in DC w/ the Pro-Palestine protests, I thought to check out the 1981 flick "Fort Apache, the Bronx". Also unavailable. I know you know the industry bit, do you think the streamers control what is available to the extent they would block things "they" don't think "we" should be watching? Or is it more random, and I'm just being paranoid??

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The reason it seems as though some films are "blocked" is that with so many competing streaming services at the moment, some movies get locked into exclusivity deals, where they can only be shown on one service and are prevented from being seen elsewhere. Also, "older" films like Fort Apache, the Bronx are more and more being dropped by streamers who only want recent content. Even Tubi, which used to have a list of pre-1990s movies so long you couldn't ever scroll enough to get to the end of it, has vastly trimmed its stock.

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You mean it's NOT an evil conspiracy to RUIN MY LIFE????

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Here ya go --

"Medium Cool," an hour and fifty minutes of the Sixties. Cool opening scenes of Chicago from a motorcycle.


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Thank you Wanda!!

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"For a week, nothing I ate stayed inside me; everything ran right through (this is not my normal reaction to going sober, so I have no idea what caused it). I spent six straight days in the can."

This is a spoiler for today's column.

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Allopurinol is the way to go.

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That does look like the drug to take!

Dave might be hesitant b/c he had a bad experience years back when a doc prescribed for him a new drug to cure his eternally sour stomach. Dave asked, "Is it safe?" and the doc said, "Of course it's safe, it's been approved by the FDA!" The drug ended up being fatal to several of those who took it.

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Drugs I’ve taken for gout:

Indomethacin-works great for stopping an attack but had unpredictable mood effects for me. There’s also a risk for your stomach.

Allopurinol-I’ve taken this for over a decade without apparent side effects, and without a very gout-compliant diet. No gout attacks except for when I took Etodolac.

Prednisone-took this because of Etodolac. It works but gives me killer heartburn

Colchicine-was prescribed this alongside allopurinol. It was probably redundant, and insurance (probably wisely) flagged it. Don’t know how it works on its own.

Okay, enough of my old man drugs

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I wonder if heavy duty probiotics might help? VSL packets. Helped me recover after really bad Lyme disease messed up my digestive system.

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Excellent points in your column in Takimag.

I have always loved the story "The Cask of Amontillado."

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Thanks! I first read Cask in elementary school. I sincerely doubt that L.A. public schools teach that level of lit anymore in k-through-6, and I doubt any of the kids could even read it, as Poe didn't write in Spanish.

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I feel like it would be fair to brand Poe a racist for using English.

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My wife is a proctologist. I´ll ask her about the gout (or "gota", in Brazilian).

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She sez gout is a rich man´s problem, so the cure is for you to spend all your money.

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Dave, thanks for the tip about Daniel Jones. The video is on Bitchute. I can't believe he killed his dog. What a douche. And some poor guy probably had to clean his brains off the interstate too.

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Yeah, I didn't mention the dog because that would've made the piece too heavy with dead dog references. You used to be able to see the footage on LiveLeak...I guess that's the function of Bitchute today, same basic thing. I didn't link to it because Takimag gets enough crap, I don't want us to be Google-blackballed by linking to forbidden footage.

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Need to make a version of the video where after the guy blows his brains out you edit in the famous Looney Tunes ending with Porky Pig going "That's All Folks!"

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Did you ever see this?

A late-night drunk video I did during the Friends of Abe days.


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"Unless I’m coughing up blood or paralyzed from the waist down, I ain’t goin’ to no doctor. Not for gout. I don’t need the bills."

Cleetus: You and I... We're not so different after all.

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I never had gout, but I did once have a flare up of arthritis in my foot and it was a bitch, could barely walk for a week. A run of prednisone did help. If your pals with any docs they might write you a script.

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My mom was on prednisone for years for her Crohn's Disease, and I recall it had a few side effects. Generally, I try to stay away from meds; but if I keep having a new bout every few months, I doubt I'll have a choice.

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Drink tart cherry juice. It worked great for my father when he would get the gout in his foot

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Yes! Indeed. I'm doing that. Apparently it helps many people with this condition.

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yeah- prednisone is tricky! I took some for allergic reaction -hives 2 years ago and ended up at urgent care w/ them thinking I had a heart attack.

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It’s a ‘roid, and not something to be on for long. But it can help get you over the hump..

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My mom would get mood changes...I wonder what 'roids would do to my column? I mean, I'm already plenty ornery. I can't imagine becoming even more so!

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Way back in the day I used to work out in a gym that had some nationally ranked weight lifters, and saw a couple of truly outstanding outbursts of ‘roid rage. You need to become more social, however, so you’d have people to throw shit at.

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