3x/week sounds great

And Dave - it sounds like things aren't so great right now. But a lot of people have unexpected second and third acts in life. This is America, we're a pretty forgiving bunch. Keep going, say yes to opportunities that make sense, and you never know what might happen.

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Apr 28Liked by David Cole

Yes, Springsteen sucks. Both as a person and as a musician. The problem with live shows is all the other people there, especially when the band has them sing along. Maybe you should do a show in front of a live studio audience, talk about Kosovo inflation, and take questions from the audience? What could go wrong?

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Yes! Yo gots da plan, man. That is an intelligent schedule! In the words of the prophet, Tim Gunn "Make it work!". A series of conversational interviews with Mark Webber in the mode of the Savage Hippie interview featuring SABO the right-wing street artist, would be fun & a very good idea. Anyone on the Southern Poverty Law Center's hate list for countering a canned narrative, has something to say to me. It all needs to be talked about. Because we're getting the same blame/kill Jews canned rhetoric, again. World War Two needs to be demystified, similar to the debunking of the Ancient Aliens/U.F.O. non-sense. https://youtu.be/j9w-i5oZqaQ?feature=shared

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

"I asked my literary agent which writing pays best, and he said ransom notes". - Get Shorty

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

Dave, I would be delighted if you do three excerpts a week.

As for those lowballing assholes disrespecting your literary talent with a lowball offer, perhaps you could use them in a new literary creation. I can see a combination of "The Cask of Amontillado" with Ratibor added into the story. By the time your house gets torn down, the lifeless body of the agents will have been totally devoured, leaving no evidence.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by David Cole

Dave, are you a fan of Skip E. Lowe's interviews? This one with Allen Garfield is great:


Here's a cache of Skip at YT:


Dave, I'm worried your enemies will see you having too much fun here and swoop in to take it down. Is "The Stack" committed enough to free speech to keep you on?

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

This sounds great, 3 times a Dave a week, I’ll take it, I don’t want to be roasted like to a tardy crisp so I’m in! The Mark Webber/David Cole reunion interview will be epic no matter what is discussed I’m sure. I feel like I should chip in and get some tall blonde to come over to your house to “rub your feet” you deserve it. Your old book or a new book would be excellent. They need to throw a sack full of cash at you as an advance, the fools don’t know what they truly have. Look forward to it my friend.

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Apr 27·edited Apr 27Liked by David Cole

Dave, has there ever been a Zombies IN space movie besides Planet of the Vampires? Also, how could filmmakers miss combining real tragedies like Bhopal or Chernobyl with the dead rising from the grave? OK it's tastless but that never stopped Hollywood before. Maybe there was something in methyl isocyanate which brings the dead to life. The twist could be that the government there would mistake the reports of cannibalism for an extreme sadhu cult and ignore it until it was out of control. There can even be a bit of humour with Reza Aslan making a cameo as a reporter who gets cooked and eaten by sadhus instead of zombies. About the podcast with Mark Weber, could you maybe discuss the part played by foreigners in the Holocaust, Ukrainians, Balts, Austrians like Kaltenbrunner (nice Mansur scars). So many of them had those. Another could be why Austrian SS Men were not very interested in persecuting Jews as Germans were. Another could be men of conscience in the NS such as Rudolf Diels (more scars). Although most party people were indeed normal they might have been able to be persuaded to look the other way, especially during wartime, while men like Diels said "No!" You could also discuss what ex-Nazis did after the war that was maybe interesting.

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

I'm liking the engagement I see here. Seems like FB and Twitter keep you away from your dedicated fans and only brings you randos that hate you.

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

I believe I told you once you’re our ID- a Christopher Hitchens and a Cartman rolled into one. It’s about the highest praise I can bestow on anyone.

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

Love thrice weekly! 🫶🏻

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

Ok, the photo of you and Ann Coulter - you look like your forcing a smile. But at least you did better with Ann C than I did.

I introduced myself to Ann as a "Writer from Occidental Dissent", Ann practically took my head off and replied:

"Great, I like how everyone here claims they are a writer" and then walked off.

I was told not to discuss this semi private Christmas Party of immigration patriots.

But a few weeks later after having a few beers I described my introduction to the sharp tongued Ann C and honestly said that she was being a real bitch, and I felt like stripping her naked and spanking her bare ass!

A leading anti White Communist group was monitoring this and they repeated my comment, found some photo of me and doxed me!

This did cause me some problems, but as Oscar Wilde once said:

"There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is.....

Not being talked about".

I'm sure that's happened to you more than a few times Dave.


Great to find you here Dave. I bought you my first "Beer" on here, I'm just learning substack, brand new.

I wish you great success here Dave.

Jaye Ryan

Occidental Dissent

The Political Cesspool Radio Show (you've been on it)

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Dave, this is cool but please no prothalamiums about your boozing or rats in the dishwasher. You don't seem to a fan of Tucker. That's interesting. Maybe go into that a little more. And you seem to imagine that elections matter. Like why? And why have you been banned on X? And why does Ron Unz seem to hate Jews so much? Also, I've never been a within a thousand miles of L.A. and don't know Beverly Hills from Beverly Mills and probably never will. So unless you're microcosming, take us someplace else from time to time. And do you think the crap going on on kollege kampuses today is an intel psyop?

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

Three a week sounds great. Looking forward to seeing the podcast with Weber - not about gardening, please!

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Apr 27Liked by David Cole

Keep ‘em comin’, Dave. Late night, I hover over at Taki waiting for the week that perished. Always on board for Tuesdays, too.

I don’t care if you exhume the Holocaust but whatever you do is fine by me.

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