Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

I want more videos, so I'm asking a question - haven't heard you talk about Werner Herzog much. Ohhh maybe you did, yeah. Well okay, I'm asking because I want more videos. I love the movie Stroszek - a perfect movie about the old America, wiht one of the best endings in cinema - and he's got several other good ones and also ... others. Or if you're exhausted on Herzog, there's Klaus Kinski. --- If I really need to dig deep, what's your opinion on Jan Švankmajer? Mind you I've never seen any of the latter's works - but it's a question!

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Great question! Thank you - I'm definitely accumulating good material for the next video.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

Herzog is great doing whatever he does. Grizzly Man, and the otherwise terrible Reacher movie with Tom Cruise where he was the Russian gangster. He went to Siberia to film a Russian fur trapper, forgot the title. He has an almost childlike wonder about his films 🎥

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Very well-put, Owen.

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Herzog is such an interesting character. He has all these NPR type liberals who adore him, and yet he seems like a very conservative and politically incorrect man in many respects...

Recently I heard him denouncing victim culture and defending the (implicitly white) Heartland of America against the snooty, coastal elites. And he still uses the word "retarded" with immunity....

Speaking of retards, he has an amazing, underrated acting role in Harmony Korine's Dogme 95 film, "Julien Donkey-Boy," in which he plays the verbally abusive father of a retard (played by Spud from Trainspotting). Definitely worth a look. It's just insane how large and diverse his filmography is...

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So much I didn’t know… thank you for the tips. I don’t know his politics, in some ways he seems Marxist but he is pretty based

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It's difficult to pin him down politically, but I don't think he's a commie at all. He openly brags about subverting government bureaucracy by forging documents, and he refuses to own a cellphone. I think he's more of an individualist of some sort; closer to Uncle Ted than Uncle Karl.

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As you said he is difficult to pin down and probably doesn’t want to be. I don’t blame him. In the grizzly man he contrasted his outlook on life with the romantic who wants to save the bears and says something like he views the world as based on exploitation and murder. Kind of Marx like but I doubt he is a commie. He knows what happened in East Germany

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If you haven't seen the Documentary Now! homage / parody to Fitzcarraldo, while it's not perfect, in a lot of ways it's beat-for-beat. Worth a watch.

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I saw it long ago, like in college. I should rewatch it again.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by David Cole

Dave looks like the killer in a Christmas slasher flick.

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The Slovenian woman´s name was Slavoj Zizek.

My grandpop was a great hero in the WAR OF SLOVENIA VS. SOUTH AUSTRIA, between 1919 and 1920. South Austria won, 3 to 1.

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South Austria deserved the come-from-behind win. Too bad they lost a heartbreaker to East Central Prussia for the regional title

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True, but in the end the region around Klagenfurt had more Nazis per square kilometer than any other place on earth!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

Your Trump impression made me LOL, Dave! A million times more accurate than Alec "hair trigger" Baldwin's awful scrunched face SNL bit.

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Dave’s Mark Twain impression is SPOT ON!Close your eyes and he’s Hal Holbrook; eyes open, he’s zombie Hal Holbrook risen from the grave!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

Did you ever see that Aaron Sorkin movie about Lucile Ball? One of the most utterly pointless movies I've ever seen. You know how sometimes you are halfway through watching something and you feel absolutely nothing -- not that the film is bad -- it's just nothing. And you wonder why on Earth they thought this film needed to be made. Puzzling.

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I saw a few clips online, and decided I'd rather spend two hours watching my faucet drip.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

Dave-o-philes might dig this relatively new addition to Trailers from Hell, a look at the 1981 film 'S.O.B.' I did not know that Robert Mulligan's character was a stand-in for director Blake Edwards, Robert Vaughn's character for Robert Evans, Shelley Winters' character for Sue Mengers, and Loretta Swit's character for Rona Barrett:


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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole


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Oh yeah, one of my favorite films. When I first saw it in the theater, I knew immediately that Mulligan was a stand-in for Edwards, because of the hair.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

Dave: your fave Christmas dish? What do you usually eat for Xmas dinner?

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Great question, Ash! I'll address that in the next video!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

I’ll need to know what to make… for some christmas eventually! It’s an IMPORTANT question for sure!! Haha. One day damn it, one day! I’ll be cookin ya a stellar Christmas dinner!

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Norm MacDonald was a deeply closeted gay man, and he wasn’t afraid to admit it

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Conservative antisemites are fringe, leftist antisemites are MAINSTREAM. Happy Holidays Dave!

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Yes, they are...NOW! And I'm trying to keep it that way. Best to you for the holidays!

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Cheers my friend.

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But leftists are anti-Nazi antisemites, so they’re morally superior

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I wrote a real reply, then saw "liked by David Cole" and knew it was a joke. Leftists are ALWAYS morally superior. Even when they advocate LITERAL terrorism and genocide. You wouldn't understand. You just don't CARE as much as they do!

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

Dave, that Slovenian chick Barbara is someone I remember about five years ago being one of the young female youtubers the right (or at least non-progressive left) admired, and she became popular. But when she realized her reputation for being anti identity politics and mocking leftist talking points was going to scupper her Hollywood career, she ditched all of that tried to reinvent herself as a non political travel influencer.

The only truly interesting video I ever watched of hers was one time when she said some girl in Brazil was plagiarizing her videos word-for-word, shot-for-shot, and doing them in the only language uglier than Slovenian, Portuguese. She did this kind of trouble confessional where she wasn't sure whether she should do it, she was worried about who this girl was -- was she a stalker? -- and so on. I thought this was legitimately fascinating and she ought to have investigated, gone to Brazil, do a fly on the wall documentary tracking this imposter down. But ... no, she just ... went on with her dull content until she felt the liberal backlash and pivoted.

Interesting that she reached out to you, though, for advice. That was a great start to this video, apart from the carol singing like a regular Bing Crosby over 'ere!

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GOOD EYE, Bill! Yes, she absolutely scrubbed the right-wing content. She retained every video she'd done with black guys (to prove how liberal she really is), and as a result, the only work she's been getting out here is no-pay short films by black guys, who assume she has a fetish! A most ironic comeuppance.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by David Cole

I've been making a list of questions for the last month or so, please feel free to use or ignore at your will!

Were you a friend of Bruce Herschensohn? If so, was he a decent guy to have as a friend or acquaintance?

Have you read the works of Canadian horror film theorist Kier-La Janisse? If so, are they any good, or are thy academicized ether?

Any thoughts on 'Witchfinder General'/'Conqueror Worm' and its director Michael Reeves?

You said you don't like pretentious sci-fi films-- ixnay on Tarkovsky's flicks? And 'Zardoz' too?

Are there any movies that are widely considered to be bombs that you think are great, such as 'Ishtar', etc.? (I love the Neil Diamond vehicle 'The Jazz Singer' even though everyone else says it stinks-- Neil is great in it, Larry Olivier does an unforgettable Jewish accent, and Lucie Arnaz comes across as quite fetching.)

Do you have any fave books by famous directors?

Did you know Allan Carr? Why did the 1989 Oscars deal him such a mortal blow? He seemed to be a very resilient person up to that point. Was it maybe too much coke? Lover(s) dying of AIDS? Nationally enquiring minds want to know.

Have you had any dealings with gag writer Bruce Vilanch?

Thanks so much!

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Excellent questions!!! Good stuff for the next video.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

Thanks, I've got a lot more but I'll save them until after you do the next video!

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Apr 24Liked by David Cole

David Benzali - I immediately recognized him, from the short run series Jericho. He definitely has that weasely bureaucrat look about him. I think his shitting issues contributed to the network’s decision on series cancellation.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

BTW Dave, I'm not one of those ungrateful bastards sucking up free content. I bought you 5 beers a couple of weeks ago. I was trying to send you a bottle of Glenlivet. There are liquor delivery outfits there but Taki's did not answer my email asking is they had a physical address in LA. Maybe they didn't believe my story and thought I was one of your Holocaust stalkers.

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Sorry about that! Normally, Takimag forwards all emails that involve me to me. In this case, they didn't; I'd have said you're an okay guy and not a psycho! Because sadly I DO get a lot of psychos.

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Careful, Dave, I think Doug is after your tooth hoard

I mean ALLEGED tooth hoard 😉

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Yes...(eyes dart nervously)..."alleged."

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Porkins has become my new sidekick following me around in the comments. You don't suppose ....

I once had a lady go sweet on me over in the comments dungeon at Slate. I was cutting up some lefty, taking some good slices of his self-worth and reason for being. This lady on the Commie team, a regular there, chimes in, "I like it, do your business, get in get out". She wasn't talking about my rhetorical skills. I know a guy who's wife left him for someone she met in a cold contact exactly like that. I had to leave that fight for another day.

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Who could resist your charms?

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Dec 7, 2023·edited Dec 8, 2023

Used to be able to do something similar with an edit, but it now it leaves a water mark, no plausible deniability if called out.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

I also tried to look you up. Half your neighbors are doctors or lawyers named David Cole. So that route was out. I'm guessing you don't leave your home address laying around anyway.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

That’s my question

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

What ever happened to SABO the “street artist” in LA? I remember meeting him and he told me his real name and that he was originally from Texas. I remember seeing a lot of his billboards and now it’s like he vanished into the dry air of Los Angeles?

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Great question, Franklin! I'll address that in the next video.

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Dec 5, 2023·edited Dec 5, 2023Liked by David Cole

He's still at it. MSM blackout but he got a promo on Glen Beck last month. The article says they are usually taken down within a day. Leftie agents never sleep.


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Good analysis of the crime issue on Takimag. Heck, I might even buy you two beers.

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Thank you Brian! (for the kind words and cold beers)

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