Apr 23Liked by David Cole

Stealing a line from Terry Pratchett for your theme:

If you light a fire for a man, you keep him warm for a night. If you light a fire ON a man, you keep him warm for the rest of his life.

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Apr 23Liked by David Cole

I just can't understand why the guy couldn't just throw some tomato soup on the plexiglass encasing a priceless work of art. His way contributed to global warming, which we all know is bad since those kids with a can of soup convinced us.

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Apr 23Liked by David Cole

I really think, Dave, that you need to take about two years and write a history of how the Right opposition blew it (1990-present).

...naturally, being on the right, I’m trying to get money out of you as a research assistant for a project that we can plan for the next twenty years and write fifteen pages. If you’re as broke as I fear, we can both see about shucking the Cato or Heritage people - it’ll involve another name change for you, but maybe you could use the shakeup.

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Apr 23Liked by David Cole

Keep adding content, and I just might unsubscribe. This isn’t what I signed up for. Consider yourself warned!

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Apr 23Liked by David Cole

During immolation, the pain receptors closest to the skin are immediately destroyed. That plus shock, and adrenaline, helps keep the pain in check. It's during recovery--if that happens--that the deeper receptors come into play, and the real agony begins.

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Apr 23Liked by David Cole

Another great column. Kept thinking back to that video of a KGB agent describing tactics to demoralize a population that was making the rounds a few years back and how Tucker has unwittingly filled the role of useful idiot helping our enemies on the left accomplish just that.

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Apr 23Liked by David Cole

With all that gin, Dave, you probably wouldn't need to douse yourself with gasoline if you were to self immolate!

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Apr 23Liked by David Cole

We need a return to normalcy in political discourse. It’s insane that anyone would self immolate over what Trump or the Clintons are doing. The truth is usually found in the middle, and the reasoned, sober voices of Mike Pence and Jim Costa are the only ones that could make me light myself up

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Apr 24·edited Apr 24Liked by David Cole

"At the moment in L.A., things look good for November regarding defeating George Gascon. His opponent, the law-and-order candidate, has a commanding lead in the polls. If that holds up..."

Dave ... I'm not entering any breath-holding contests on this one ... if there's one thing we both know well it's that Republicans surely know how to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory, especially in California. But still ... surely the Soros/Gascon turds are finally being fished out of the pool. God I hope so!

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Apr 24Liked by David Cole

Laura Loomer has become Shithead Zelig of the political world. Every time there's some whacky thing going on she's there getting her shiksa'd nose smacked in the middle of the pie fight.

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Apr 26Liked by David Cole

Ain't nothing in the world get David Cole more mad than some jive ass sucker dealing defeatism to the conservatives.

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Apr 25Liked by David Cole

Dave - Have you considered the possibility that the CIA engineered Ratibor to torment and enrage you and provoke you into saying something incendiary to a stupid asshole on X, inducing a ban?

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Apr 25Liked by David Cole

Speaking of Chris Loesch: Did you see he is the latest person to get attacked for proclaiming that Hitler was bad? I am reminded of what noted pro wrestling curmudgeon Ole Anderson one told Jim Cornette: "Jim, I used to think you were a dumb fuck but so many other dumber fucks have come along since you moved up the ladder without even trying!"

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So glad that you are happy away from X and can't wait for the next video. Speaking of film I saw a rare Emenegger drama on YouTube. It's the one with the sequins wearing aliens who sound like 70s Cylons called Laboratory. It's not good but it's watchable and I recognized an actor from Planet of Dinosaurs in it. What I was wondering is how low were his budgets? It looks as if he shot it on video. Even so he seemed to be able to get big names to act in or narrate his movies and I think one of his flicks was written by Spielberg's sister. Not sure.

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Apr 24Liked by David Cole

Now Carlson says evolution is not real. That's self preservation because you can't "evolve" into a retard if evolution ain't real.

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Apr 23·edited Apr 23Liked by David Cole

Great column, Dave. Thanks. Also, I get when you say you're not missing X. I ran away as it has obviously become an echo chamber from the extremes of the right and the left, but expecially the former.

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