"DeSantis is a notable exception; not a week goes by that the soft-on-crime homos at Reason don’t attack DeSantis for bucking the “restorative justice” trend." I wonder how much of the GOP's shift on crime is due to Reason. These days their funding is coming from Eddie Lambert, the dork who bankrupted Sears and who named his yacht "The Fountainhead".
I worked at a K-Mart so I know all about this fucking clown. This geniuses plan was to keep selling off all the prime location leases, basically a "weight loss through amputation" strategy that anyone smarter than a retarded hamster could see how it would end. Guy managed to kill off two of the most iconic retailers in history, talk about an impressive CV.
I don't understand how people are falling for Ayn Randism when standard conservatism is a fairly natural position.
When I was in HS we had a teacher who showed us the clip of Ayn Rand on Donohue. And two of my dweeby classmates - one was a JD Vance type, one was a sad ginger who did bird calls to try and impress girls (can't imagine why that didn't work) - were just so enamored by Rand. And they kept insisting this is someone who WITNESSED the COMMUNIST TAKEOVER! I was like...she was 12. What do you remember about politics when you were 12, that's a 6th grader. She's a bad source telling tall tales FFS. None of the future doctors or engineers got taken in by her just these two weirdos.
Rand has so much appeal for these weird almost autistic guys who struggle socially. I don't get it at all. The guy who tanked Sears wanted every dept head in every store competing for attention/prominence instead of cross-selling, walking shoppers to the next dept to drop more money etc. It's so obviously a bad philosophy. I worked in the garden center at Home Depot one summer, I won an award (that's right - BE jealous) for walking a confused customer to the Millwork dept and selling him a door (by reading what it said on the side of the door). Retail is not rocket science how do you fuck that shit up so completely? And who on earth is listening to Lambert after he fucked Sears up so completely? Some people baffle me.
Just assume I'm going to say it. I don't get it. Never have, never will. I'm tired of seeing these violent criminals with long lists of priors. There are people in this world that have no redeeming qualities, people like Haynes are a complete waste of human flesh and should be eradicated. I know that there's no way in hell that I could set someone on fire (waste of perfectly good gas) I just don't have it in me. But other methods? I'll flip that switch or push that plunger. Hell, I'll pull the trigger and sleep well that night. As for girls and drama? It seems to me that if you hang with girls of any age, you're bound to get drama. There's a reason that my closest friends have always been male. And I will end with a question. How could I not watch the video?
LOL!!! I thought I'd throw in the video to lighten the mood a bit because the column topic is so maddeningly serious. I get angry just thinking about it.
It was pretty loud here as I typed the first part of that response. As far as the video goes, hell, you never know when you might catch a glimpse of something.
Five fucking years. Longest I've EVER been with a girl. Don't ask me why. Like some marriages (though we were never married), we just "settled" into familiarity. Routine. Neither of us enjoyed the last couple of years.
Hey at least you didn't marry her. I have seen guys marry actresses who turn their lives upside down, destroy their relationship with their parents (seemingly on purpose), get them involved in insane leftist politics and it's like...dude she's not even that pretty. You have better self esteem than a lot of men in Hollywood. Be proud!
So if all the conservative icons are now on the restorative justice train, HOW exactly is tough on crime a conservative position? Come to think of it, exactly what have conservatives conserved? From what I see they are as terrified as liberals of being called racist and protesting their color blindness. And they have nothing against immigrants, as long as they’re LEGAL immigrants! As Mrs. Slocombe used to say in Are You Being Served?: “weak as water!”
That a sexy woman can prance around a room semi-nude in a room full of men without fear of being molested, is either the height of civilized human behavior, or the low of it. Or, that ain´t Russia and this ain´t vodka.
Another example of "Destruction Equals Off-Switch": Plan 9 from Outer Space.Throwing the electrode gun on the floor stops Tor Johnson from strangling you.
Gilbert Gottfried had a routine about how in the old Universal monster movies there's always a big switch that blows everything up. There's one in THE BLACK CAT that's hooked up to dynamite for no discernible reason.
Dude, some of MY favorite films, like Nightmare City and Hell of the Living Dead, are JUST plot holes, with some filler thrown in. Burial Ground is like a donut but only the hole.
Don't care about the spanking, but today's article spells what could become the end of the GOP as the party of order and common sense. We're witnesses of the downfall. What's next?
Dave, are you going to be writing about the Tucker Carlson interview of Darryl Cooper (Martyr Made) and his comments about WWII? Seems to be in your wheelhouse.
Came here to ask the same question but also from a different angle.
I've just subscribed to his podcast and listening to the prologue for his Jonestown series.
In the episode he talks about how blacks were victimised by whites for decades leading them to their current economic position they are in today.
However at no point does he talk about what blacks were up to during this period and paints them as honourable people who were victims.
So I'm trying to square that with how they are now and also why they exhibit the same violent and criminal nature wherever they congregate across western Europe and now in places like Australia.
I'd really like to know if there were other valid reasons that the whites back in the day had to resist the black migration from the South to the North other than the natural resistance to people who did not look like them.
I think Reconstruction was about punishing the South, and also keeping the free blacks from moving north (the sob sister WASPs that Dave mentions here didn't want Uncle Tom's Cabin that close to them)
OK Dave, you mentioned them two infamous billionaires from Cisco, who went from bricklayers to multi-billion$$$ somehow. I have passed by that extravagant compound on US 183 many times since the two of 'em went an' got all rich, now ta be fair they did build some nice thangs fer th' community in Cisco. I occasionally do wonder what goes on in Farris Wilks' big ol' church, The Assembly of Yahweh 7th Day. That's not to be confused with The House of Yahweh the next county west, over in Eula, ever body in that sect changes their names to Hawkins, for some reason. We got us all sorts o' religious types in the Lone Star State, Branch Davidians, Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, the Bush Dynasty and I dunno what th' hell else.
I need to get me a harem and start up my very own cult. Hell it can't be that hard to do. BTW Dave, the aspect ratio of your video is wrong, y'all look like stick people.
Yes, just how I like 'em - no ass, so sense that they ever poop. Flat-assed tall thin WASPs. Though Rosie did have fairly good bewbs for a thin girl. She wasn't "buxmon," as the blacks say, but she was decent for her weight.
"Ethnics" often are, Lopez! Jews too, because if they didn't like fat asses, they'd have to date outside their faith. But I'm one of them "make 'em thin and WASPy" Jews. I want an aerodynamic javelin.
I'm was and still am voting number one on your long form essay because it be the most entertaining for me(I know it be the least for you) but it look like Tuck has once again forced your hand by interviewing a moron WWII revisionist. Apparently David Irving was pissed he didn't get a shout out lol
Thanks, Dave, for that beautiful video! I laughed, cried, got triggered, and reminisced about my unconventional life and the many friends and family who passed too soon. Very moving! I was also jealous because I've never had birthday spankings like that. Lol!
Sadly, people you love and trust the most often hurt and betray you, and good people die too young. Thankfully, you're not a traumatized emotional basket case like me. Lol!
Hold on to those beautiful memories and let the rest go. Regret and anger will torment you and destroy your mental and physical health. That's the advice I need to follow. Unfortunately, my subconscious is running the show!
Anyway, another great article this week. Once again, you're the voice of reason, drunk or sober. Lol! I don't understand why the majority on the right and the so-called "influencers" are so clueless. The issues you cover in your articles are things I've observed and experienced for decades, and my IQ is barely average, perhaps a bit lower.
Human nature doesn't change, so perhaps I should stop trying to make sense of it and move on to acceptance. That and focus on things within my control.
Thank God for Spotify and vodka with sparkling coconut water with yuzu and lime, and the short list of wise pundits like Dave who understand the existential challenges we face.
I agree, but not about my IQ. Lol! However, I have an insatiable curiosity grounded in strong values and critical thinking. I know what it's like to attend a book burning and be manipulated and silenced by fear and shame cloaked in good intentions, followed by hypocrisy and betrayal.
Never again! I prefer to question everything and keep an open mind, even if it makes me uncomfortable and challenges my core beliefs.
I like to engage in thought-provoking conversation. But most people live behind a facade in the virtual world of social media and prefer digital bread and circuses rather than genuine connections.
The GOP's lack of direction, in respect to "practical political solutions to current problems," is precisely what assures their continued defeat at the polls. Examples such as betraying law and order, free trade, and supporting continued U.S. involvement in the Russia-Ukraine War — which has strengthened ties among Russia, China, N. Korea, and Iran — begs the question: can we really dismiss all these rotten choices as mere shortsightedness and stupidity? Your column is a voice crying in the wilderness and I admire your sand, friend.
You are such a great guy. I still remember it now, DECADES ago, when you took on Phil Donahue and his entire room of packed, drooling acolytes, and WON handily. Especially I remember your "THAT Girl"-line (Phil was married to her). You are a huge American hero, and even if everyone does not know your name, you'll always remain that to me.
"DeSantis is a notable exception; not a week goes by that the soft-on-crime homos at Reason don’t attack DeSantis for bucking the “restorative justice” trend." I wonder how much of the GOP's shift on crime is due to Reason. These days their funding is coming from Eddie Lambert, the dork who bankrupted Sears and who named his yacht "The Fountainhead".
Good point.
I worked at a K-Mart so I know all about this fucking clown. This geniuses plan was to keep selling off all the prime location leases, basically a "weight loss through amputation" strategy that anyone smarter than a retarded hamster could see how it would end. Guy managed to kill off two of the most iconic retailers in history, talk about an impressive CV.
I don't understand how people are falling for Ayn Randism when standard conservatism is a fairly natural position.
When I was in HS we had a teacher who showed us the clip of Ayn Rand on Donohue. And two of my dweeby classmates - one was a JD Vance type, one was a sad ginger who did bird calls to try and impress girls (can't imagine why that didn't work) - were just so enamored by Rand. And they kept insisting this is someone who WITNESSED the COMMUNIST TAKEOVER! I was like...she was 12. What do you remember about politics when you were 12, that's a 6th grader. She's a bad source telling tall tales FFS. None of the future doctors or engineers got taken in by her just these two weirdos.
Rand has so much appeal for these weird almost autistic guys who struggle socially. I don't get it at all. The guy who tanked Sears wanted every dept head in every store competing for attention/prominence instead of cross-selling, walking shoppers to the next dept to drop more money etc. It's so obviously a bad philosophy. I worked in the garden center at Home Depot one summer, I won an award (that's right - BE jealous) for walking a confused customer to the Millwork dept and selling him a door (by reading what it said on the side of the door). Retail is not rocket science how do you fuck that shit up so completely? And who on earth is listening to Lambert after he fucked Sears up so completely? Some people baffle me.
The GOP likes the cheap labor and privatization part of the libertarian argument but not that commie anti-war stuff.
Just assume I'm going to say it. I don't get it. Never have, never will. I'm tired of seeing these violent criminals with long lists of priors. There are people in this world that have no redeeming qualities, people like Haynes are a complete waste of human flesh and should be eradicated. I know that there's no way in hell that I could set someone on fire (waste of perfectly good gas) I just don't have it in me. But other methods? I'll flip that switch or push that plunger. Hell, I'll pull the trigger and sleep well that night. As for girls and drama? It seems to me that if you hang with girls of any age, you're bound to get drama. There's a reason that my closest friends have always been male. And I will end with a question. How could I not watch the video?
LOL!!! I thought I'd throw in the video to lighten the mood a bit because the column topic is so maddeningly serious. I get angry just thinking about it.
It was pretty loud here as I typed the first part of that response. As far as the video goes, hell, you never know when you might catch a glimpse of something.
That Rosie is the most annoying woman I’ve heard in my life and it’s only a 30 second clip. How long were you with her and why?
Five fucking years. Longest I've EVER been with a girl. Don't ask me why. Like some marriages (though we were never married), we just "settled" into familiarity. Routine. Neither of us enjoyed the last couple of years.
I can hear Ratibor in the distance: "Hold my Cheese"
Or, "It´s the Cheese's fault! I´m just a Ratibor!"
Hey at least you didn't marry her. I have seen guys marry actresses who turn their lives upside down, destroy their relationship with their parents (seemingly on purpose), get them involved in insane leftist politics and it's like...dude she's not even that pretty. You have better self esteem than a lot of men in Hollywood. Be proud!
Did you note her appearance? She was good-looking, and guys can do stupid things for pretty women, which is a surprise to no one!
So if all the conservative icons are now on the restorative justice train, HOW exactly is tough on crime a conservative position? Come to think of it, exactly what have conservatives conserved? From what I see they are as terrified as liberals of being called racist and protesting their color blindness. And they have nothing against immigrants, as long as they’re LEGAL immigrants! As Mrs. Slocombe used to say in Are You Being Served?: “weak as water!”
You have a birthday? UNTHUBTHCRIBE!!!
That a sexy woman can prance around a room semi-nude in a room full of men without fear of being molested, is either the height of civilized human behavior, or the low of it. Or, that ain´t Russia and this ain´t vodka.
Another example of "Destruction Equals Off-Switch": Plan 9 from Outer Space.Throwing the electrode gun on the floor stops Tor Johnson from strangling you.
Good one! And after the (pie tin) saucer explodes, the zombies turn to skeletons for some reason.
Gilbert Gottfried had a routine about how in the old Universal monster movies there's always a big switch that blows everything up. There's one in THE BLACK CAT that's hooked up to dynamite for no discernible reason.
I remember that!
My favorite Universal movie, but it's nothing but plot holes. .
Dude, some of MY favorite films, like Nightmare City and Hell of the Living Dead, are JUST plot holes, with some filler thrown in. Burial Ground is like a donut but only the hole.
Speaking of Plan 9, this is one of my favorite lines in it:
Tell me something. Why was his wife buried in the ground, and he sealed in a crypt?
Something to do with family tradition. A superstition of some sort.
In a movie that is nothing but plot holes, Ed had to fill the one about above vs. below ground burial.
Don't care about the spanking, but today's article spells what could become the end of the GOP as the party of order and common sense. We're witnesses of the downfall. What's next?
Dave, are you going to be writing about the Tucker Carlson interview of Darryl Cooper (Martyr Made) and his comments about WWII? Seems to be in your wheelhouse.
Oh yeah, it was written yesterday. Look out for it next Monday night!
Looking forward to reading it.
Then you have cunt-Ahmari throwing Cooper and Sailer under the same umbrella.
Came here to ask the same question but also from a different angle.
I've just subscribed to his podcast and listening to the prologue for his Jonestown series.
In the episode he talks about how blacks were victimised by whites for decades leading them to their current economic position they are in today.
However at no point does he talk about what blacks were up to during this period and paints them as honourable people who were victims.
So I'm trying to square that with how they are now and also why they exhibit the same violent and criminal nature wherever they congregate across western Europe and now in places like Australia.
I'd really like to know if there were other valid reasons that the whites back in the day had to resist the black migration from the South to the North other than the natural resistance to people who did not look like them.
I think Reconstruction was about punishing the South, and also keeping the free blacks from moving north (the sob sister WASPs that Dave mentions here didn't want Uncle Tom's Cabin that close to them)
OK Dave, you mentioned them two infamous billionaires from Cisco, who went from bricklayers to multi-billion$$$ somehow. I have passed by that extravagant compound on US 183 many times since the two of 'em went an' got all rich, now ta be fair they did build some nice thangs fer th' community in Cisco. I occasionally do wonder what goes on in Farris Wilks' big ol' church, The Assembly of Yahweh 7th Day. That's not to be confused with The House of Yahweh the next county west, over in Eula, ever body in that sect changes their names to Hawkins, for some reason. We got us all sorts o' religious types in the Lone Star State, Branch Davidians, Fundamentalist Latter Day Saints, the Bush Dynasty and I dunno what th' hell else.
I need to get me a harem and start up my very own cult. Hell it can't be that hard to do. BTW Dave, the aspect ratio of your video is wrong, y'all look like stick people.
Dude, it's a 2008 low-D video. Take it for what it is.
I am real glad that the video ain't all stretched out, UNTHUBSCRIBE !!!
The girls WERE stick people. Dave has a type
Indeed. Rosie WAS that thin. It ain't aspect ratio; it's for-real what she looked like.
That link didn't work for me - I like 'em thin as well.
Foghorn Leghorn: "Gal reminds me of the highway between Fort Worth and Dallas. No curves!"
Yes, just how I like 'em - no ass, so sense that they ever poop. Flat-assed tall thin WASPs. Though Rosie did have fairly good bewbs for a thin girl. She wasn't "buxmon," as the blacks say, but she was decent for her weight.
I like lithe girls too, but I am an ass man.
"Ethnics" often are, Lopez! Jews too, because if they didn't like fat asses, they'd have to date outside their faith. But I'm one of them "make 'em thin and WASPy" Jews. I want an aerodynamic javelin.
I'm was and still am voting number one on your long form essay because it be the most entertaining for me(I know it be the least for you) but it look like Tuck has once again forced your hand by interviewing a moron WWII revisionist. Apparently David Irving was pissed he didn't get a shout out lol
Thanks, Dave, for that beautiful video! I laughed, cried, got triggered, and reminisced about my unconventional life and the many friends and family who passed too soon. Very moving! I was also jealous because I've never had birthday spankings like that. Lol!
Sadly, people you love and trust the most often hurt and betray you, and good people die too young. Thankfully, you're not a traumatized emotional basket case like me. Lol!
Hold on to those beautiful memories and let the rest go. Regret and anger will torment you and destroy your mental and physical health. That's the advice I need to follow. Unfortunately, my subconscious is running the show!
Anyway, another great article this week. Once again, you're the voice of reason, drunk or sober. Lol! I don't understand why the majority on the right and the so-called "influencers" are so clueless. The issues you cover in your articles are things I've observed and experienced for decades, and my IQ is barely average, perhaps a bit lower.
Human nature doesn't change, so perhaps I should stop trying to make sense of it and move on to acceptance. That and focus on things within my control.
Thank God for Spotify and vodka with sparkling coconut water with yuzu and lime, and the short list of wise pundits like Dave who understand the existential challenges we face.
Two things about which I'm certain:
Your IQ is formidable, and you and I would have a blast over a few drinks.
I agree, but not about my IQ. Lol! However, I have an insatiable curiosity grounded in strong values and critical thinking. I know what it's like to attend a book burning and be manipulated and silenced by fear and shame cloaked in good intentions, followed by hypocrisy and betrayal.
Never again! I prefer to question everything and keep an open mind, even if it makes me uncomfortable and challenges my core beliefs.
I like to engage in thought-provoking conversation. But most people live behind a facade in the virtual world of social media and prefer digital bread and circuses rather than genuine connections.
Very well-said, Dino.
Hi Dave! Dude, I am so envious! What a cool party. Thanks for sharing.
The GOP's lack of direction, in respect to "practical political solutions to current problems," is precisely what assures their continued defeat at the polls. Examples such as betraying law and order, free trade, and supporting continued U.S. involvement in the Russia-Ukraine War — which has strengthened ties among Russia, China, N. Korea, and Iran — begs the question: can we really dismiss all these rotten choices as mere shortsightedness and stupidity? Your column is a voice crying in the wilderness and I admire your sand, friend.
Thank you!
Very nice. Sort of thing Parfrey would have done if he'd had the guile. And the girl.
You are such a great guy. I still remember it now, DECADES ago, when you took on Phil Donahue and his entire room of packed, drooling acolytes, and WON handily. Especially I remember your "THAT Girl"-line (Phil was married to her). You are a huge American hero, and even if everyone does not know your name, you'll always remain that to me.