Dave did an amazing two-hour interview last December that covered this, affirming that Jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis at Sobibor, Treblinka, and other camps as part of Operation Reinhard. And Dave said that the Nazis razed Sobibor and Treblinka to the ground in order to leave no trace of them, whereas many work camps were left…
Dave did an amazing two-hour interview last December that covered this, affirming that Jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis at Sobibor, Treblinka, and other camps as part of Operation Reinhard. And Dave said that the Nazis razed Sobibor and Treblinka to the ground in order to leave no trace of them, whereas many work camps were left standing. If you go to the interview at the link below, he discusses it starting around the 1:32:00 mark:
Well then refute the evidence. See, this is the difference between the revisionists of my time and the deniers of today. 35 years ago, revisionists reveled in evidence; documents, studies, reports. Today's deniers only read memes, and their response to everything is to snort "what a load of crap LOL LOL LOL" as if confidence and arrogance are themselves evidentiary proof of correctness.
Did you ever hear about a guy named Leuchter? He was a revisionist in the nineties who had some of the observations that you did from what I can remember. He didn’t say that the holocaust didn’t happen but he questioned some of the conventional wisdom.
HEAR about him? I've known him since 1992. Terrible guy. A fraud as an "engineer," and a fraud as a human (just last year he stole money from one of his last remaining supporters). And yeah, he DID say the Holocaust never happened. He was a horrible human and his work was surpassed in the 1990s by Germar Rudolf, an actual chemist (though I disagree with his conclusions). Nobody cites Leuchter anymore. Not even hardcore deniers.
OK. Had no idea who he was, I just heard about him a couple of weeks ago. The thing I watched could have got it wrong, or maybe I wasn't paying attention. Worked on electric chairs, and did that as a business. IIRC dad a prison warden. Very strange cat.
"Dave said that the Nazis razed these camps to the ground in order to leave no trace of them"
Hahaha refute the evidence that doesn't exist because the nazis destroyed all evidence. There is nothing left, no documents, no letters, no trace, no proof no hint of gas chambers.
The "final solution" happened and was coordinated telepathically "by an incredible meeting of minds"
Raul Hilberg, the jewish author of “The Destruction of the European Jews” admitted under cross-examination by Doug Christie, the following:
"what began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures. They were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus — mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.
Dave, if you had stuck to your youthful integrity, you wouldn't have become this nasty little alcoholic gouty loser.
Dirty little rat, I'm glad you're no longer home alone.
1) That Treblinka was razed is not disputed by anyone, moron. Every denier – Rudolf, Mattogno, Graf, even the late Faurisson, agree that the camp was razed. We have aerial fucking photos of it, retard, that were first published in full in the early 1990s by Mark Weber in the IHR Journal, back when revisionists looked for evidence and didn’t just giggle like babies “LOL LOL LOL HAHA HAHA HAHA.”
2) So, knowing that the Reinhard camps were razed – indeed ERASED at a time when the Nazis were losing the war so how odd that they’d expend the time and manpower to totally erase (not dismantle or strip but erase) “innocent” camps – we rely on documents to understand what Reinhard was.
3) And there are plenty of documents. Hilberg was referring to the decision-making process, which is indeed hard to pinpoint because of Hitler’s aversion to writing shit down (with his decision to declare war on America, for example, he left no written record of the process at the time, of what he was thinking. Irving’s written about this often, how Hitler’s lack of written records has left historians to guess about certain things like timeline and motivation). But once the Holocaust killing process got started, there were plenty of documents.
So here, retard, read THIS and refute the documents.
Go on, you LOL LOL LOL HAHA HAHA HAHA mind-of-a-preteen-girl worthless piece of shit, read it, and refute it.
"Jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis at Sobibor, Treblinka, and other camps as part of Operation Reinhard. And Dave said that the Nazis razed Sobibor and Treblinka to the ground in order to leave no trace of them"
The dirty little revisionist rat (flatmating with his peers) says there definitely were no gas chambers in Auschwitz but that there were gas chambers in other camps but that of course there are no trace of them.
And it is not him who should substantiate his assertions (with plans, maps, correspondence, documents) but anybody who doubts him must go through his archives of drunken rants to find the proof in the pudding.
Dave did an amazing two-hour interview last December that covered this, affirming that Jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis at Sobibor, Treblinka, and other camps as part of Operation Reinhard. And Dave said that the Nazis razed Sobibor and Treblinka to the ground in order to leave no trace of them, whereas many work camps were left standing. If you go to the interview at the link below, he discusses it starting around the 1:32:00 mark:
Lol what a load of crap))
Well then refute the evidence. See, this is the difference between the revisionists of my time and the deniers of today. 35 years ago, revisionists reveled in evidence; documents, studies, reports. Today's deniers only read memes, and their response to everything is to snort "what a load of crap LOL LOL LOL" as if confidence and arrogance are themselves evidentiary proof of correctness.
Did you ever hear about a guy named Leuchter? He was a revisionist in the nineties who had some of the observations that you did from what I can remember. He didn’t say that the holocaust didn’t happen but he questioned some of the conventional wisdom.
HEAR about him? I've known him since 1992. Terrible guy. A fraud as an "engineer," and a fraud as a human (just last year he stole money from one of his last remaining supporters). And yeah, he DID say the Holocaust never happened. He was a horrible human and his work was surpassed in the 1990s by Germar Rudolf, an actual chemist (though I disagree with his conclusions). Nobody cites Leuchter anymore. Not even hardcore deniers.
OK. Had no idea who he was, I just heard about him a couple of weeks ago. The thing I watched could have got it wrong, or maybe I wasn't paying attention. Worked on electric chairs, and did that as a business. IIRC dad a prison warden. Very strange cat.
"Well then refute the evidence"
"Dave said that the Nazis razed these camps to the ground in order to leave no trace of them"
Hahaha refute the evidence that doesn't exist because the nazis destroyed all evidence. There is nothing left, no documents, no letters, no trace, no proof no hint of gas chambers.
The "final solution" happened and was coordinated telepathically "by an incredible meeting of minds"
Raul Hilberg, the jewish author of “The Destruction of the European Jews” admitted under cross-examination by Doug Christie, the following:
"what began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures. They were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus — mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.
Dave, if you had stuck to your youthful integrity, you wouldn't have become this nasty little alcoholic gouty loser.
Dirty little rat, I'm glad you're no longer home alone.
1) That Treblinka was razed is not disputed by anyone, moron. Every denier – Rudolf, Mattogno, Graf, even the late Faurisson, agree that the camp was razed. We have aerial fucking photos of it, retard, that were first published in full in the early 1990s by Mark Weber in the IHR Journal, back when revisionists looked for evidence and didn’t just giggle like babies “LOL LOL LOL HAHA HAHA HAHA.”
2) So, knowing that the Reinhard camps were razed – indeed ERASED at a time when the Nazis were losing the war so how odd that they’d expend the time and manpower to totally erase (not dismantle or strip but erase) “innocent” camps – we rely on documents to understand what Reinhard was.
3) And there are plenty of documents. Hilberg was referring to the decision-making process, which is indeed hard to pinpoint because of Hitler’s aversion to writing shit down (with his decision to declare war on America, for example, he left no written record of the process at the time, of what he was thinking. Irving’s written about this often, how Hitler’s lack of written records has left historians to guess about certain things like timeline and motivation). But once the Holocaust killing process got started, there were plenty of documents.
So here, retard, read THIS and refute the documents.
Go on, you LOL LOL LOL HAHA HAHA HAHA mind-of-a-preteen-girl worthless piece of shit, read it, and refute it.
"Jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis at Sobibor, Treblinka, and other camps as part of Operation Reinhard. And Dave said that the Nazis razed Sobibor and Treblinka to the ground in order to leave no trace of them"
The dirty little revisionist rat (flatmating with his peers) says there definitely were no gas chambers in Auschwitz but that there were gas chambers in other camps but that of course there are no trace of them.
And it is not him who should substantiate his assertions (with plans, maps, correspondence, documents) but anybody who doubts him must go through his archives of drunken rants to find the proof in the pudding.