Sorry I missed the poll. I would have written in “seeing ol Dave writing about how he harassed the people who unsubscribed from his substack!” 😂😁 . On a more serious note I kinda agree that the California GOP screwed themselves. I was not a Republican but I thought the choice of “Ahnold” was ridiculous, he turned out to be more liberal than most Democrats and he was a scumbag too for cheating on his wife like he did. With the maid! And not to be superficial but did you see the pictures of that lady? Not exactly your hot French maid.?

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Great comment. Thank you!

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Thank you for re/assuring us that you'd still write about "all of the above," whatever the poll results...

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Of course! Always.

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Hey Dave . I have a GREAT idea . Why don’t you write about , get connected in the LA ex porn world ? There s a very good YT channel of a woman her last name is “ Randal “ she s very similar to you - very intelligent , has a good sense of humor and she s moral like you in a fallen world . Probably tried most of the things you did - ie Conservative politics , flirt with racial subjects . Not to point fingers but the “ Adult AVN” world like Communism , Neo Con and other political intellectuals has a Je &ish component that no one is supposed to notice . That could be you and I think you might get $ paid . That s my suggestion jaye from chicago

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Appreciate it, Jaye...but I gotta confess, after having lived with a porn star for two years, I'm not longing to be back in touch with that world. I missed my boat. My porn girl wanted to do a podcast with me in 2017...it would've brought in a million followers and huge monetization, as she was in her prime. But I said no because I didn't want her tarred with my toxicity. And just like every good deed I've ever tried to do in my life, it came to nothing.

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Yeah , but writers have to write about something , drinkers have to drink talk about “drinking “ or talk about quitting , same with smokers , ex smokers . Most Americans now waste 5 days a week with “ Amurikun Football “ IMO a stupid sport with a stupid name - American Football is a derivative of the British sport of rugby , not “ Football “ - that s the British sport of “Soccer /football” where the players actually kick the ball with their feat .

Our stupid nation just got the wrong name - no wonder our people fall for all these pointless Neo Con wars .

Please give my suggestion some thought , keep an open mind about it . I ll send you some links of that “Randall”interviewer - I think you two have a lot in common - both intelligent , observant , have a good sense of humor and you are both very kind and moral in immoral LA worlds .

Dave you are a or even THE LA guy

Take care of


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Dave, in one of your videos you were singing a number from 'Jesus Christ Superstar'. I know you were in the theater group in high school, which makes me wonder if your school did a production of that musical, and if so, what role did you play? To me the choicest role is Herod: he has the show-stopping number, the one everyone hums on the way home, but only needs to be on stage for five minutes! Josh Mostel (who's still alive, 78 this year!) gave the definitive perf of Herod in the 1973 film (although Vincent Damon Furnier fans may disagree)--- and if dressing the part is 80% of acting, those yellow shades got him to 79.9:


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Good question! Yes, Herod's number is indeed the show-stopper, and Mostel did it to perfection. But we never did the full play in our school because our class didn't have enough good singers to carry it off. But, every semester we'd do a review of songs, each geared to the talents of each student. So in '84 at one of the reviews, a girl who was a fine singer did "Everything's Alright," while I did the dentist song from Little Shop of Horrors, because it's a personality-driven number that depends more on acting than hitting perfect notes.

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"Everything's Alright", yeah, Yvonne Elliman! I don't care if she's 73 this year, even the thought of her makes me realize men have nipples (to quote Robin Williams in 'The Survivors').

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David, would it be possible to subtitle (in White English, of course) the interview (Half of the Holocaust – David Cole’s Final Word on the Final Solution) you gave? Or, Allah forbid, how many beer do I have to buy to get a transcript of the talk and lay the Holohoax vs. Holocaust question to rest and get a life?

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That would be great-- it's so packed with names and places that aren't so easy to spell on a hearing. Por ejemplo, around 52:45 Dave talks about a 1943 report on the number of Jews killed, compiled by Himmler's statistician, a Dr. Richard Korherr-- it took me a while to figger out the spellink of the name:


From around 58:50 Dave mentions a guy named Kube put in charge of the German Jews sent to Minsk:


For those of us kept in publick skool concentration camps for 12 years, such deciphering don't come easy......


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You bring up a good point - in the future, in interviews like these, I should start spelling out the names to assist my viewers in looking things up on their own. Thank you for bringing that to my attention!

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Dave, did you know Bob Einstein at all? Best-known for his characterizations of Super Dave Osborne and Marty Funkhouser, but also for producing TV variety shows---and directing a satire of Nixon/Agnew in 1972 titled 'Another Nice Mess', which some saint has put on YouTube:


Plus he was the brother of Albert Brooks, which would be achievement enough for me!

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We never crossed paths, but I do know that he was always highly respected by his peers for his writing and performing style. He was extremely well-liked in the biz.

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Yeah, makes sense, he gave off that vibe so clear! Here's him on Letterman in 1990 reading from 'Super Dave's Doggie Goodnights', which I so wish had been a real book!


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Holocaust! Do you believe jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis?

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Dave did an amazing two-hour interview last December that covered this, affirming that Jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis at Sobibor, Treblinka, and other camps as part of Operation Reinhard. And Dave said that the Nazis razed Sobibor and Treblinka to the ground in order to leave no trace of them, whereas many work camps were left standing. If you go to the interview at the link below, he discusses it starting around the 1:32:00 mark:


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Lol what a load of crap))

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Well then refute the evidence. See, this is the difference between the revisionists of my time and the deniers of today. 35 years ago, revisionists reveled in evidence; documents, studies, reports. Today's deniers only read memes, and their response to everything is to snort "what a load of crap LOL LOL LOL" as if confidence and arrogance are themselves evidentiary proof of correctness.

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Did you ever hear about a guy named Leuchter? He was a revisionist in the nineties who had some of the observations that you did from what I can remember. He didn’t say that the holocaust didn’t happen but he questioned some of the conventional wisdom.

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HEAR about him? I've known him since 1992. Terrible guy. A fraud as an "engineer," and a fraud as a human (just last year he stole money from one of his last remaining supporters). And yeah, he DID say the Holocaust never happened. He was a horrible human and his work was surpassed in the 1990s by Germar Rudolf, an actual chemist (though I disagree with his conclusions). Nobody cites Leuchter anymore. Not even hardcore deniers.

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OK. Had no idea who he was, I just heard about him a couple of weeks ago. The thing I watched could have got it wrong, or maybe I wasn't paying attention. Worked on electric chairs, and did that as a business. IIRC dad a prison warden. Very strange cat.

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"Well then refute the evidence"

"Dave said that the Nazis razed these camps to the ground in order to leave no trace of them"

Hahaha refute the evidence that doesn't exist because the nazis destroyed all evidence. There is nothing left, no documents, no letters, no trace, no proof no hint of gas chambers.

The "final solution" happened and was coordinated telepathically "by an incredible meeting of minds"

Raul Hilberg, the jewish author of “The Destruction of the European Jews” admitted under cross-examination by Doug Christie, the following:

"what began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures. They were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus — mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.

Dave, if you had stuck to your youthful integrity, you wouldn't have become this nasty little alcoholic gouty loser.

Dirty little rat, I'm glad you're no longer home alone.

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1) That Treblinka was razed is not disputed by anyone, moron. Every denier – Rudolf, Mattogno, Graf, even the late Faurisson, agree that the camp was razed. We have aerial fucking photos of it, retard, that were first published in full in the early 1990s by Mark Weber in the IHR Journal, back when revisionists looked for evidence and didn’t just giggle like babies “LOL LOL LOL HAHA HAHA HAHA.”

2) So, knowing that the Reinhard camps were razed – indeed ERASED at a time when the Nazis were losing the war so how odd that they’d expend the time and manpower to totally erase (not dismantle or strip but erase) “innocent” camps – we rely on documents to understand what Reinhard was.

3) And there are plenty of documents. Hilberg was referring to the decision-making process, which is indeed hard to pinpoint because of Hitler’s aversion to writing shit down (with his decision to declare war on America, for example, he left no written record of the process at the time, of what he was thinking. Irving’s written about this often, how Hitler’s lack of written records has left historians to guess about certain things like timeline and motivation). But once the Holocaust killing process got started, there were plenty of documents.

So here, retard, read THIS and refute the documents.

Go on, you LOL LOL LOL HAHA HAHA HAHA mind-of-a-preteen-girl worthless piece of shit, read it, and refute it.


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"Jews were killed in gas chambers by Nazis at Sobibor, Treblinka, and other camps as part of Operation Reinhard. And Dave said that the Nazis razed Sobibor and Treblinka to the ground in order to leave no trace of them"


The dirty little revisionist rat (flatmating with his peers) says there definitely were no gas chambers in Auschwitz but that there were gas chambers in other camps but that of course there are no trace of them.

And it is not him who should substantiate his assertions (with plans, maps, correspondence, documents) but anybody who doubts him must go through his archives of drunken rants to find the proof in the pudding.



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Question Regarding California: Setting aside the incompetence of the state GOP, how much did the change to the Jungle Primary system also damage Republican electoral prospects? It seems to me that this change made it possible for any majority party to basically bury its opposition during the primary, a pattern I've seen implemented in my own hometown, Columbus, Ohio, which now never sees a Republican candidate make it to the general, despite C-bus still being a fairly middle of the road city, and the city having been dominated by the Republican Party until about 20 years ago (when it was gutted by its own corruption).

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As usual, your article was full of good advice for the GOP, and I didn't think it was too scoldful.

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I'm determined to MAKE that word a thing! Websters, take note!

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Keep on scolding. Most of my friends are Nice Ladies and I get in trouble when I say what I think so I have to get my bitching vicariously.

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Nazi Tuckers? Don't look that up. Lots of femboy Nazis hahahah.

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I agree with the polling results

I generally like your columns and you call em as you see em from your LA Je”ish perspective.

I don t much like the term “ NAZI” it s like “ Commie”, or “ you re a Fascist , or a Racist”

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Dave I miss talking w/ you on twitter.

Thought of your comment on Beverly Hills Jews being bad-asses. News of like 50 campus Palestinian riots, only at UCLA did a Jewish group attack the Palestinian encampment. Were these the Persian Jews?

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I like hearing your takes on entertainment, because I used to work in that industry, too.

Can I ask why immigration isn't on the list? I moved from LA to Denver. A bean got arrested for selling hot dogs outside Ball Arena last night, people are loudly demanding that we let them make food, sell things that fell off the back of the truck, and be squeegee men at every intersection in the name of...something? Friendliness, diversity...something? All the things I left LA to avoid are coming here, too. Anyone who's dealt with these people at work knows that they're overwhelmingly slow, resentful, can't work well as part of a team (don't trust people from other parts of Mexico; Mexicans don't trust Salvadorans or Venezuelans; none of those groups like Cubans; all of them mistrust anyone with lighter or darker skin; etc). It's literally making the country worse. There are exceptions - I met one very nice, hard-working cleaning lady who I truly admire when working at a SoCal university. But mostly...they talk a lot about hard work but don't really DO any. About 80% of white tradesmen are pretty okay; do good work; everything is level when they're done. About 80% of beans don't have a torpedo level in their tool bag and get mad when you call them out on doing the job wrong the first time. We could be importing Poles and Irishmen who are literate, polite, put some back into their work; why are we supposed to pretend to be happy that we're being overrun with illiterate Latinos?

Why aren't we just allowed to say we don't want to be a third-world country and can these people get permits, storefronts, and proper training, or waddle back to where they came from? Why are you so lukewarm on the immigration thing?

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And let s be honest - unskilled Pakistani and Algerian migrant males are doing the same as bad working LA Mexicans Guatamalans no in France, England and Sweden . And when they get out in prison they convert to radical Islam!

Libertarian >£¥% only talk about labor costs and GNP not having our streets once being walked by beautiful Nordic Swedish gals now leering Paki perverts and ugly creatures in burkas .


I like to see good looking people that smile at me .

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People complain about left coast, but center of country getting pretty woke too. Denver seems of crossed the "roach hotel" level of woke (cities check in, they don't check out)

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It's all the goofy white voters in Denver. Even cities nearby with large immigrant populations have voted over and over again to not be sanctuary cities. Those people get it: they want their kids to do well in school and get jobs.

Denver's overrun by goofy rich whites who are trying to out-woke each other. It's all the same California policies. I came here expecting more level-headedness and more cowboy hats, but it's all the same. They just can't stop destroying nice places with bad policies.

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I'll take a swipe at it.

There are several concerns about either side of the political fence.

Beginning with their lack of knowledge of how birth-control works & their endorsement of abortion as common, everyday, meh, birth-control.

There are several choices of birth-control.

Why is abortion the only option being offered?

Are they having unprotected sex?

Obviously, their women on either side of the political fence are.

It's concerning that Bob Crane is presented as a care-free hard-on in 'Auto Focus' & the question 'Auto Focus' fails to address is how many times did Bob Crane & any of his happy-go-lucky swinger party buddies have to go to the studio doctor for a course of penicillin shots? Bob Crane's murder was a blessing, he missed out on the Russian Roulette of a.i.d.s./h.i.v. & new forms of incurable sexually transmitted diseases being carried in by illegals.

It's concerning that people making accusations about a passenger attacking a Limo driver, don't know what the interior of a limousine looks like. I've been a passenger several times in a limousine & accessing the driver is impossible because of the glass-partition separating the passengers from the driver.

Especially concerning is the G.O.P.'s hard line of gimmie dat ol' times, bible-thumpin' & Bible Trumpin', look-a-here dis am end-times done be 'pon us religion killing their chances of winning. The thousands of any religion's "prophecies" are poorly written 'aint-it-awful' endings scribbled by people suffering from visual & audio hallucinations brought on from mental-illnesses compounded by rotting food & unsanitary living conditions.

There are several things missing in religious texts beginning with how to accomplish water sanitation, food sanitation & flush-toilets. Instead there are oppressive rules against women & various ways murder is condoned by an invisible-friend-in-the-sky. When slavery was legal & religions were profiting from it, passages condoning slavery where found in religious texts, including rewriting a form of the Bible given to slaves condoned slavery in-da-names-o'-da-lort. When slavery became illegal & religions, to prevent losing out on donation money, found passages condemning slavery in those same religious texts. MAGICAL!

It concerns me that we have people in political office without a clue about how the real world works, e.g., Condoning the entrance of millions of illegals because they "pick crops/clean toilets/ do gardening/ya know, the jobs legals won't do". In the modern world, that politicians don't live in, there are farm machines which clean the soil, plant the seeds/live plants, maintain the rows/keep rows clear of weeds/destructive insects, fertilize the soil/crops, harvest the crops & some process/clean the crop in the field before it goes to the factory.

Those farming & ranching machines cost in the hundreds-of-thousands-of-dollars. Farmers & ranchers given the choice of having to deal with another Cristhian Bahena Rivera & his spicy breakfast tacos & the possibility of being sued for & losing all their money & property due to a wrongful death law-suit, will prefer to be a few hundred-grand in debt.

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I heard an interview with Salman Rushdie, he said the overturning of Roe v. Wade is because of the growing number of Christian evangelicals. This sounded a bit off to me, the kind of NPR wisdom that makes libs chin-nod vigorously. But do you think he is right?

Maybe the world would be better if there were no religions but people obviously need them, else they would disappear.

I think if I were Rushdie I'd stick to writing novels rather than opining about religion and other matters. Let's not forget that he lost his eye in an attack at Chautauqua, as much of a liberal haven as anyone could devise. And what prompted the fatwa against him to begin with? Seems to me it was titling his novel 'The Satanic Verses', which one can't avoid seeing as a titular allusion to the Koran. If he hadn't been so obvious, his book would probably have gone unnoticed by the Ayatollah; on the other hand, he wouldn't have gotten rich; but on the other hand, he'd still have two eyes......

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It s hard to think this way , but the Supreme Court and really all American judges are supposed to just interpret the law as it was /is written by the US Constitution and various state and national legislatures. The Supreme court isn t supposed to just make up laws and rights based on their own .

There is nothing in the US Constitution about Abortion , or homosexual things . Various states passed their own abortion laws , their own marriage laws etc .

The Supreme Court in Roe V Wade simply made up some inherent right for all females in the USA to get abortions based on something about inherit-ant rights of privacy .

It was the same with homosexual marriage in all US States the Supreme Court ( actually their Ivy League law School woke clerks) . The Lib Demorats on the Supreme Court just decided - “ Hey there ought to be homosexual marriage equality rights in all US states . “

This decision had nothing to do with Constitutional law . Nada

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But basically the abortion issue IS a sop to the Christian right. There are people who have that as their #1 issue, and the terrifying thing is that most of them know very little about reproduction, at all.

I have my religious opinions, including those about abortion. But I don't think the issue should be left up to legislators (many of whom have no knowledge of biology or healthcare) or judges. I think it should be left to doctors and patients.

My mother and aunt have both had D&Cs, which were judged by their doctors to be necessary. That was the 70s-early 80s.

They're both Catholics, who never had elective abortions and are opposed to them. However, I'm worried the abortion nonsense is going to end with women dying unnecessarily, and not getting the healthcare that was available to my mom and aunt. The sensible "well at least save the mom" healthcare.

This nonsense used to happen in Ireland, as late as the 2000s. Irish doctors wouldn't 'abort' a fetus that was stuck in a woman who couldn't deliver it all the way, because of the restrictive abortion laws. By the time the fetus was good and dead and could be removed under the law, the woman was septic and she died, too. She was a Hindu, and a dentist. All through the ordeal she'd been telling them, "We're not Catholic can you please just do this?" But they couldn't. The laws were written to favor one religious group - at the expense of consideration for other religious beliefs, and at the expense of common sense. They lost an intelligent healthcare provider for the community - and the baby didn't even make it, either. It was bad law written by people who didn't know anything about pregnancy and delivery, so everyone lost in the end.

This stuff shouldn't be decided by priests, ministers, judges, etc. It should be on the doctor and the patient - if the Catholics want to die as martyrs, fine I guess. I have cousins who've plowed on with their high-risk pregnancies, had terrible complications and then stillbirths. I don't understand why they're so eager to potentially leave their existing 5 kids without a mom. But I think they should be able to decide that, under the law. My question is: why do they think they should be able to decide that for every other mom 'you have to die, you can't get even a life-saving abortion, even when it's clear this baby isn't really viable, our doctrine says so'? Why should women who could be saved die over what people like Catholic bishops, my weird cousins, and Jim Bob Duggar think?

The whole 'life begins at conception' thing troubles me a little bit, too. As pregnancy tests have advanced, they've been able to detect when an egg is fertilized very early. And a lot of those fertilized eggs just don't take. A lot of what today are termed miscarriages wouldn't have been noticed in the 80s, it would've just seemed like a late period. It's becoming more and more evident that a lot of the 'life,' if we believe it begins directly after conception, gets aborted naturally pretty quickly. It makes the medieval position of "it's not a baby until you can feel it quickening/moving" look a lot more realistic and sensible, at least to me. But the churches are never going to budge on that, no matter what advancing science shows us. They're too enamored of the 'potential' they see in all the fertilized eggs.

The abortion issue is one of the stupidest things in US politics because most of the people debating it have no idea what they're talking about. They just have a religious feeling; it's all sentiment and no facts.

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Your integrity and honesty is never in doubt. ..Many Thanks.

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Enlightening and articulate as always, David. And a direct point about important yet simple facts to bear in mind on how to win elections in a state that primarily yet simply demands two things from its politicians:

1. Close the border.

2. Keep abortions legal.

I've often wondered that how the Dems who are more welcoming to all sorts from all sexualities, races and ideologies keep it together with little internal conflicts, yet the same cannot be said of GOPs.

Interesting point on Arnold, handsome buff superstar who could've boned anyone in the world boned his mid-looking housemaid. Tells you all you need to know about his choices, considering how he blew his governorship.

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I'd guess the Governator doesn't have sex with his eyes open & the lights on. Some people can't get aroused by any person better looking than them, e.g., Have you seen his former wife Skeletor Shriver?

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Arnold is why I was never gaga over Trump, as Ann was in 2016. I felt like I'd seen the movie before; wealthy, egotistical media star runs on closing the border. I sensed in Trump the same character flaws that doomed Arnold. I supported Arnold enthusiastically in 2003; I even wrote the ONLY pro-Arnold op-ed to run in the L.A. Times the month of the recall. But after getting burned by Arnold and his failures, I was very wary of Trump.

Funny about the housemaid. When I was a teen my next door neighbor, a rich dude who had a hot wife, blew it all by boning his very average-looking Mexi housekeeper. Never understood it! Maybe it's just a fetish some men have for mid-looking women in maid outfits.

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Boning an average looking woman should be done anonymously.

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The subservience fetish is part of it---plus that the woman is there, in his house, under his roof---would Arnold have been regularly banging Mildred Banea if she wasn't there in his house? (I'm assuming she was a live-in housekeeper, with her own bedroom.... Remember the hot live-in housekeeper in 'Down and Out in Beverly Hills'? Very sexily played by Elizabeth Peña, RIP---she died age 55 of cirrhosis of the liver!). Plus, let's face it, those rich, hot, elite wives most likely don't do much off the missionary position path, whereas average-looking Mexican housekeepers are more likely (as in WAY WAY more likely) to be sexually pliant. Which I guess circles back to the subservience fetish again....

Cheech Marin sings about his people here:


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American White Conservative voters are always praying and hoping for a Right Wing Hollywood movie star to come off the screen , rude in on a White horse and ….

Save them

Since there are so few Right wing , Conservatives in Hollywood - they have to beet in secret like Homo Gays in the 1950s, for quasi Hollywood secret societies like the Il fated “ Friends of Abe “ we get mostly old and out of it , retired actors like Ronald Reagan , Arnold , Charlton Heston and his NRA Guns Guns Guns , Donald Trump and so many really bad fake Right wing movies like Rambo III, Red Dawn , “Grand Torino” - the enemy always has to be sone evil or selfish White person.

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