Jun 25·edited Jun 25Author

One unsub so far – pat@fmblaw.net of Farrell, Martin & Barnell real estate law firm in Baldwinsville, upstate NY.

I hear he was once disbarred for sucking a monkey dick in court during a hearing about an easement dispute. When the judge asked why he was sucking monkey dick in open court, Pat climaxed the monkey and aimed it at the judge’s face, showering the jurist in rhesus jizz.

Many in the gallery laughed; the judge was not pleased.

At the disbarment hearing, Pat was acquitted of disrupting an official procedure, assault, and conduct unbecoming an attorney (the Bar investigators agreed it was a good gag). However, as the rhesus monkey is endangered, he was convicted of wasting the sperm.

These days he’s set up his own law firm in a cardboard box outside the Baldwinsville homeless shelter.

He still pines for that monkey; it was the only friend he ever had.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I don't know if you've ever played Dungeons and Dragons, but you put me in mind of this:


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Remind me to never go "toe to toe" with you at the "insult exchange" ... 😉🙂

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Dave, I was just laughing my ass off for several minutes !!! I'm gonna hafta buy you not a prosecco, but rather an airag, several of them.

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I Don't live far away from baldwinsville. Have to make fun of this guy next time I go there.

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That would be hilarious! He's just chillin' in his office and you're like "that monkey deserved better!" and he's like "the hell?"

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

"The monkey was thinking of Roseanne when you blow him. Loser." It is not a big town/city. Can't be hard to find him.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

He is next to angry garlic and the river. I could eat by the river and yell at him to stop performing Acts of beastiality.

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That would be legendary!

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Jun 26Liked by David Cole

Hey Dave … be careful on this subject: I hear certain fundamentalist White Christian counties in Kentucky and West Virginia are passing laws making it illegal to incite mobs to burn shyster Je& lawyers at the stake without a state and county license to do so ! The fines for doing so include fines up to $50 and can include staying at the town jail run by Southern Sheriffs like Sheriff Andy Taylor with Aunt Bee cooking Southern Fried Chicken


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Jun 27Liked by David Cole

Substack and other media where Cole is, or more accurate, where Cole's personalities are publishing, and his followers multiple personalities are commenting, should offer the option 'Detox', instead of Unsubscribe, or 'Save your lunch', or 'Unspoil your lunch'.

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I'll bet real estate law is so dull that Pat probably laughed at your recounting his recent courtroom escapades.

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He laughed, sure...but did the monkey?

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

Mister Cole has a great talent to turn people into caricatures, a talent which is so creative and omni-present that it cannot solely be attributed to the usual suspect, democracy and its culture of infantilism and mud throwing, it certainly appears to be a Jewish talent. Mister Cole even makes a caricature of himself at times (Jewish schlemiel, or any of the other caricatures of Jewish culture?), although not on the saleable level of a Woody Allen.. Otherwise sometimes he explodes caricatures intelligently (which still is a sign of favoring caricatures).

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One of the things I like about you is a strong sense of fair play that transcends the political BS, plus an ability to state your case forcefully. Very few people are equal opportunity scolds. Keep it up.

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Much appreciated, Brian. It's exactly what I aim for. Thank you for seeing the value in it.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

"Very few people are equal opportunity scolds."

It also confuses people. They can't immediately categorize you. "Are you red or blue? Are we on the same team? Pick a side! My tiny head is exploding!"

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Yep -- I do get that a lot!

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

They need a team to belong to, just like children playing Indians and Cowboys. MAGA's World is populated with "good guys" and "bad guys" and no matter how hard you try to explain there aren't such, just ordinary people making ordinary decisions, their little heads will explode.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I just want both teams to have fun!

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Find it interesting that people on the right ranting about how the over the top treatment of Jones is the regime destroying one of it's critics can't comprehend the actual point was to goad the right into defending someone as indefensible as Jones and that they gladly took the bait.

Tldr: Ratibor is smarter than most people on the right.

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LOL!!! True, too true.

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Jun 26Liked by David Cole

I've met Mark Bankston, who is one of the attorneys, and let me tell you: the man just hates Alex Jones. He doesn't have any secret motives. His blistering anger at Jones is white-hot. He had no reason to fake it for me, a random blue-collar worker for another state.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I remember that pizza story, I had no idea he was out but it sounds like he should have stayed in there he is just too old to pull shit like he used to, that happens to those guys, the cops know it, now he is a burden to his mother & sisters but they put up with it. Probably psychologically tortures them afterwards guilts them to not kick him out. When I hear some conservatives wonder how Joe Biden got elected, the Alex Jones fan club is one big answer, the left has huge control over the media & entertainment so when things like that happen it is a gold mine for them & they use it to their advantage. They never learn, & turn people off to anything else they have to say.

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Quite true, Gina. Thank you.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

As silly as I think it is to think that it's possible to hurt someone's feelings so badly it's worth 1.5B, you succinctly point out initially that the guy's beef is not with US law: it's with my side vs. your side and he probably had a "Hillary for Prison" sticker hanging in his garage. So, congrats for laying it out. Classic case of FOS.

The Redondo pizza bandit was kind of a scream and reminded me of a point a friend made when watching the Michael Brown/Ferguson tragicomedy unfold. You may recall that the gentle giant, like G. Floyd, was robbing a Korean convenience store before foolishly attempting to disarm a rather large police officer (spoiler alert, it was ill advised).

My friend noticed that in the film of the robbery, you can see that before leaving the store, Brown turns back toward the shop keep and menacingly steps toward him quickly while said shop keep immediately gets a pretty good case of the heebee jeebies and presumably almost soils himself.

My friend said: you can tell he's an asshole, he does this all of time, it's just another Tuesday night for Big Mike.

He wasn't just into stealing, he was really into being a dick, a menacing dick.

Luckily in this case, there was no jury trial because like Karma man.

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Great point. And yeah - a sadistic love of intimidation is part of what drives these monsters.

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Jun 26Liked by David Cole

Just so you know: Alex Jones also sent "reporters" out to harass the plaintiffs, multiple times, at their new homes, after they moved to a different state!

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

You expect it from the left because no one expects them to have principles - it’s one of their central operational tenants: “By any means necessary.”

The right likes to use its professed “principles” as an excuse for always losing: “That’s not who we are. If we do that we will be no different from them.”

I think the truth is that HUMANS in general have no principles that survive self-interest. Provide enough incentive, positive or negative, of one kind or another and its a rare human who will cling to his principles.

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Quite agreed.

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I disagree even from a modern perspective the self-interest theory doesn’t hold much value. Look at all your neighborhood dive bars. How do they stay in business? Regulars. It may not be based in kinship, but it’s tribal in practice.

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How is that not self-interest?

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While person x shovels dollars to the dive bar, person y is investing their capital in a side hustle

Therefore supporting the dive bar and hence their tribe is more important than advancing their own economic self interests.

This is what’s known as opportunity cost.

You could argue that “value” of the camaraderie received from the dive bar patronage is motivated by “self-interest” and I would disagree. Primarily because the benefits are intangible and not easily quantifiable

If we were all motivated by self-interest, we’d all be keeping ledgers and no one would have any friends, except the Jooz ;)

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Maybe humans are motivated by perceived self-interest?

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Oh, you were referring to the drinkers! I thought you were referring to the bar owners. My bad.

Yes, humans are not all extremely rational agents, and the only person who disagrees, Bryan Caplan, is kinda retarded.

We agree, thank you

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It s the Washington Generals - also libertarian Constitutionalists …

Reading from a script

Playing to lose

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

The Occidental Observer: "Cole has again shown why Jews should not be permitted power in White societies. Indeed, he’s again shown why Jews should not be permitted any presence at all in White societies."

This way of thinking is outdated for almost eighty years now. It's good you don't respond to this drivel. Discussing if Harry Truman will be a good President has more actual value.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I wish those fuckers at The Occidental Observer could see that conservative Jewish people who are white are their allies against the kaffirs, and are quite irritated with left-wingers who love trannies and wokism, no matter what their religion or race.

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We felt that way when we foolishly let the J Neo Conservatives in to National Review and throughout Conservative Inc - many were ex Trotsky Communists that turned against the USSR for reverting to Slavic White rule and marginalizing Js in Russia and elsewhere .

These supposedly “ born again Je$ new conservatives , Neo conservatives took over national review , conservatives Inc and they fired all the White non jé& conservatives that dared speak out against their endless J wars against Iraq, Syria , SERBIA and Russia again or else dared mention the Great Replacement of White Americans , White British , White Europeans in our traditional countries ?

Neo Conservatives Js like Max Boot , David Frum , Jonah Goldberg , Bil Kristol they ve been a curse . They are not on our side against Kaffirs or any non Whites

They hate us .

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Some hate "us," and some don't. You can't blame the right-wing Jewish people for the faggot loving, kaffir loving, left-wing Jewish people.

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Jun 26Liked by David Cole

Or even if Harry Truman WAS a good President--- that one has gone on for 70 years. My take is, he was good if it wasn't your kid drafted into the army and killed in Korea.

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Ethnic racial Js tend to be good comedians , court jesters .

Apparently the current J president of Ukraine with insider access to hundreds of $ billions of our $ tax dollars - gets standing ovations in US Congress , Canadian Parliament , apparently he was a decent , though vulgar comedian .

I thought Al Franken was funny back in the day , don t want him as a US Senator

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Hi Dave! After reading your column, I tried to visualize myself dropping my kids off at school and heading to work only to discover, later that day, that someone had gone into their school and murdered them. I considered what my feelings might be and the pain of those feelings hitting me in the gut. Then I imagined, as I was grieving my awful loss, hearing voices coming through speakers within my hollowed out home accusing me and mocking the memory of my dead kids. It makes me feel shame that I live in a society where this could happen. Yes, there are those historical Reichstag-like scenarios where tragedy is used to manipulate and control the population, BUT one had damn well better have something more substantial than a hunch before he starts pointing fingers. Otherwise, be prepared to suffer the consequences.

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Exactly, Terry. Well-said.

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You ought to be proud of that piece, David. The arguments are objective and unassailable. Well, at least to everyone who isn't a mouth breathing waterhead.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Also, they actually showed a picture of the mass murderer in Las Vegas - and he is a colored guy!


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Dang...Ernie Hudson went batshit!

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not Ernie Hudson, but Eric Adams!! Our beloved NYC mayor!! Who woulda thunk? I didn't think he had that much passion in him!

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

He just made some more ghosts to bust!

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Jun 26Liked by David Cole

Thanks for sharing-- I was still reeling from the guy in Arkansas who shot up a supermarket. The beat goes on and on and on.

Big political news today, U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman lost his primary, supposedly the first incumbent Dem to go down this election cycle!

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Jun 26Liked by David Cole

And of course frogtards are ranting about it being because of JOOOOOOOOOOOZZZZ and not, you know, things like the guy pulling a fire alarm like some juvenile delinquent trying to get out of taking an exam they failed to study for.

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Jun 27Liked by David Cole

Ah, Bowman was the fire alarm guy, thanks for reminding me!

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Jun 27Liked by David Cole

Someone on Twitter made a great point: The Dems got rid of a liability in Bowman and have a candidate who is essentially as far left minus the Jew hate but will win the election easy and not be an embarrassment in office. GOP is going to lose a ridiculously Republican leaning seat in Colorado running 80 IQ bimbo Lauren Bobbert who is down by double digits in the polls to the Dem.

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Yep! The GOP seems only capable of making the wrong moves these days, in terms of its own choices and responding to the Dems' choices.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Dave, I had to look up the meaning of "japery". I always learn something new from your columns. By the way, besides work boots, is there anything that blacks won't steal?

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I'll always remember footage of the riots in South Africa a few years back where everything in a huge mall complex was smashed and looted clean except for a bookstore that went completely untouched.

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LoL. Reminds me of an old Chris Rock video -- "Black people vs N***as" -- and a linguistics paper on the nature of various epithets (they're not all bad ... 😉🙂):



But the linguistics paper extensively quotes Rock's video in some "interesting" detail that underlines your "bookstore" comment:

"Niggas hate knowledge. Shit, I was talking about niggas breaking in your house, well if you want to save your money put it in your books. Cause niggas don’t read. Put the money in the books, shit, books are like kryptonite to a nigga."

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I left a book on a New Orleans bus and found it in the same spot a week later.

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Jun 26Liked by David Cole

You can buy hollowed-out books to put cash in.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

The two things that didn't get looted in post-Katrina New Orleans were library books and the country section of the Wal-Mart CDs.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

and condoms.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I don't know if it's apocryphal, but I remember a story about some Western do-gooders trying to teach African tribesmen how to use condoms by rolling them on a broomstick. The population rate stayed the same, so they went back and found the tribesmen were "using" the condoms by rolling them on a broomstick.

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The one I heard was that they were using them as water balloons. That wasn't West Africa, though. I think that story was Egypt.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Father's Day cards - why bother, right?

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Good one!

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

After Pearl Harbor, the newspapers referred to it as "jap-ery"

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On the night before the attack the Armed Forces Radio DJ on Oahu read out the weather for the next morning. He said it would be partly cloudy with a slight chance of a little nip in the air.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

My daddy used to used that word. He was a professor and I learned a lot of unfashionably descriptive words from him. He used scofflaw in everyday life, the only man I knew to do that besides Mr. Magoo.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Dave , do you rant outloud while your typing ? Just wondering ? You could probably make some coin off it . Record you greatest hit's .

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I never rant out loud sober.

But drunk? Look out.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

Excellent column this week, an absolute banger.

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Thank you, Skip!

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26Liked by David Cole

You shouldn´t answer every comment. You´re supposed to be like Gore Vidal, not like Ronald Reagan, answering every letter. You know, my good friend Sal Grosso once answered a plumbing emergency at the Reagan´s in Bel Air. Ronny left a turd in Nancy´s bidet, on account of the dementia. The Secret Service guy pointed a finger at Sal and said, "Take care of it!" And Sal said, "Hell no, I ain´t touching THAT!" Like it was some kind of relic or something.

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"Shits morning in America."

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Jun 26·edited Jun 27Liked by David Cole

Rather than Gore Vidal, maybe Joe Sobran (and during on-the-wagon months, Joe Sobering).

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

As soon as I read this column I go to X and some spam add says CNN is being suied for one billion dollars and you know the rightoids are masterbating when they see that. Probably at the same time they are reehhhing that Jones is being "oppressed"?

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I read the article on Dave Cole in the "Occidental Observer," and I think that guy is in awe of your wit, Mr. Cole - as he should be.

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Jun 25Liked by David Cole

I am not sure if the delusional self-destruction of the US right would be as evident to me as it is to Dave. But at least I have him to keep me from going down that rabbit hole myself.

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My pleasure!

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